Ballymurphy Massacre Families Launch Petition
Mary Pearson | 02.10.2009 12:26 | Sheffield
The families of 11 people killed on the streets of west Belfast in the aftermath of internment have intensified their campaign for justice by launching an online petition on the British Prime Minister’s official website. They have also set up a petition for those who are not British citizens.
Ballymurphy is a housing estate in West Belfast. The Ballymurphy 11 were murdered during the first three days of Internment, August 1971, by the 2nd Battalion of the British Army’s Parachute Regiment. This same regiment went on, 5 months later, to murder fourteen civilian demonstrators on Bloody Sunday in Derry.
The families of those killed have intensified their campaign for justice by launching an online petition on the British Prime Minister’s official website.
The Ballymurphy Massacre Group, supported by Relatives for Justice (RFJ), launched the petition in the hope of securing a public investigation into the deaths in August 1971.
The petition states: “We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to initiate a fully independent and human rights compliant investigation into the 11 killings of civilians in Ballymurphy, Belfast between 9th and 11th August 1971 by the Parachute Regiment”.
The families have suffered appallingly since the killing of their loved ones. They need and deserve the truth. Only an independent investigation will establish the full facts surrounding the deaths and their subsequent cover-up.
The petition can be signed at: -

OR if you are NOT a British citizen at : -

Mary Pearson