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Sean Kirtley finally free!

S.K | 30.09.2009 16:19 | Animal Liberation

LATEST NEWS: 30/09/09 CPS - NO MORE CHARGES (NO RETRIAL) END OF ...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LATEST NEWS: 30/09/09 CPS - NO MORE CHARGES (NO RETRIAL) END OF ...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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30.09.2009 16:27

No ASBO No Licence


Justice at long last

30.09.2009 17:20

Brilliant news, cannot say how pleased and relieved I am, another celebration waheyyy xxx

Gemma Astbury


30.09.2009 21:30

This is such brilliant news - at long last!

number six


01.10.2009 13:43

Well done Sean for standing up to them.

For everyone else the moral of the story is not to plea bargain when you have done nothing wrong! Now maybe the tax-payer should ask how much all this cost!? Just so the police can act as private security guards for a company that doesn't pay UK taxes (it uses tax havens to avoid most of the tax in previous years and this year had "R&D payback from the government!)

Once again, well done Sean...

Well Wisher