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The 12 th James Larkin March & Rally

Davey | 30.09.2009 06:58 | Liverpool

No To Racism! Yes To Irish Unity!

Assemble Mount Pleasant, Liverpool 12 Noon and march through city centre with
Republican Flute Bands and prominent speakers from Sinn Fein & Merseyside TUC.

Organised by Cairde Na Eireann Liverpool.

Cairde Na hEireann Liverpool (Liverpool Friends of Ireland) is an Irish
community group, based on Merseyside, which was established in 2008.

Our aims are to:

• Support the campaign for the peaceful reunification of Ireland and the
establishment of a 32 county democratic socialist republic

• Support initiatives that promote the rights of the Irish community on
Merseyside, and that recognise and celebrate our identity

• Work in solidarity with other anti-imperialist and anti-racist groups and

• Support the trades union movement in its struggle in defence and promotion of
the rights of the working-class

• Engage in positive outreach work with the wider Merseyside community – to
raise awareness and build support for Irish unity




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Moving the goal posts, EU decentralisation& becoming part of the world

30.09.2009 15:14

The protests in 1960s & onwards against apartheid between catholics & protestants with most prejudice against catholic nationalist communities was a just campaign, this can be continued though without having to fight for nationalism, it was sad to see some parts of the IRA dissolve into fueds & some seemingly proto fascist like those connected to CIRA.
Lets have more decentralisation & closer ties with europe autonomously, rather than just linking up with the government in Dublin who can be just as undemocratic as London.
Iam not saying it has to centralised around brussels at all, the EU premiership at least changes & they work via a grand coalition rather than childish party politics.
As with everything in this system the EU & most businesses including cooperatives serve capitalism far too much,but a independent N. Ireland, & independent other regional assemblies for other parts of Ireland+ regions of UK would be a great thing to aim for under a really democractic UN planetary parliament using delegation & consenus.

The conflict in Ireland was very grim, lets not go back, in the midlands, I remember the bomb threats & rumours about poisoning the water supply, the electric fences around reservoirs remain. Wether these threats came from republicans or protestant strategy of tension campaigns Iam not bothered, lets just not go back.

Lets Move the Posts for more regional democracy within Europe, against capitalist theiving , some things have changed

Tom Paine