squatted art centre in the belly of the beast.
oz | 29.09.2009 12:56 | Education | Repression | South Coast
This building has been abandoned and left to rot for over 1 year .
We took action to battle this unfair fact by occupying this space and turning it into a form of autonomy an active , creative space where people feel free from the monster called capitalism ......... while being completely surrounded by it.
We took action to battle this unfair fact by occupying this space and turning it into a form of autonomy an active , creative space where people feel free from the monster called capitalism ......... while being completely surrounded by it.
we have a veggie restaurant night planned for friday the 2nd of oct and everyone is welcome. Do not hesitate to contact us in case you have any ideas on what we are doing here and also if you have any art material / clothes/ furniture to help us setting up our workshops. Also we have a lot of space if anyone needs a place for meetings, movie nights etc. oh yeah its also a pub so be creative :)
7 guiltspur street
london ec1
nearest tube st.pauls
7 guiltspur street
london ec1
nearest tube st.pauls
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Question to people involved
29.09.2009 14:10
Good luck!
29.09.2009 15:12
General Degenerate
humanity faces extinction
29.09.2009 20:52
Your message should be to the effect that scientists claim humanity faces extinction this century as a result of global warming caused by the burning of fossil fuels
We are planning court cases against the oil companies governments banks and the other transnational corporations holding them all accountable and responsible for causing climate change
You are in the centre of the legal profession
Would you like to work together with us?
30.09.2009 09:06
I've also got a proper it tech wizard/musician who'd be up for helping along as well. Looks ace.
Drop me a line.
Is this you?
30.09.2009 21:51
What steps must I take to evict squatters who have taken residence in the building adjacent to mine in central London ? It’s a prestigious road filled with Banks and these squatters have just moved in. What’s more they think it’s an opportunity for activism and have plastered the walls with ridiculous posters. Appreciate any advice.
James Britland
Sustainability Research
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The first reply he got from ASS said:
This must be a joke...
Why don't you go by and visit them. Perhaps if you talk to them you will persuade them of the overwhelming logic of capitalism, and they'll take down their posters and get jobs at investment banks. I know this may be difficult for you to understand, but you aren't actually king of the world by virtue of having a job with "one of the world's largest and most renowned financial services providers". It just makes you an annoying winge, who thinks that every time something you don't like happens someone else will come to your aide and for free no less. You don't even own the building in question. Don't you believe in private property? Failing that you could, oh I dunno, stop being such an arsehole and get a job that provides some value to the rest of the human race. You're a fucking leach, and you've sucked away enough of my time and energy.
ASS Collective
But we couldn't resist another one:
Further to my colleague's excellent previous reply to you, it appears you are too dumb to have you noticed we are the Advisory Service FOR Squatters. You obviously want the Advisory Service Against Squatters, but we have never heard of them. If any such organisation exists, they will no doubt want to charge you lots of money. As a supporter of the so-called "market" you will no doubt enjoy that.
Leslie Jones
(pp ASS Collective)
Best of luck!
Leslie Jones