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Bristol University uses local kids as lab rats to test Swine 'flu jab

alex jones | 28.09.2009 19:46 | Bio-technology

Despite vast scientific evidence that H1N1 FLU VACCINE is harmful to young children, Bristol University plans to use local kids as lab rats on Swine 'flu vaccine trials.

This story is up on the Bristol Uni website:

"Paediatricians at Bristol Children’s Vaccine Centre are looking for 170 children to take part in a study of the two swine ‘flu vaccines due to be used in the UK this winter. The study will enrol children aged 6 months to 12 years from the end of September".

Bristol kids should not be used as lab rats by Bristol University. These Bristol University scientists know the harm they will cause kids ... so why are they going to trail a dangerous vaccine?

Who is giving them the orders to do this dangerous trial and what are they really up to?



Not in babies: In a review of more than 51 studies involving more than 294,000 children, it was found there was “no evidence that injecting children 6-24 months of age with a flu shot was any more effective than placebo. In children over 2 yrs, it was only effective 33% of the time in preventing the flu.

Reference: Vaccines for preventing influenza in healthy children." The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2 (2008).

Not in children with asthma: A study 800 children with asthma, where one half were vaccinated and the other half did not receive the influenza vaccine. The two groups were compared with respect to clinic visits, emergency department (ED) visits, and hospitalizations for asthma. CONCLUSION: This study failed to provide evidence that the influenza vaccine prevents pediatric asthma exacerbations.

Reference: “Effectiveness of influenza vaccine for the prevention of asthma exacerbations.” Christly, C. et al. Arch Dis Child. 2004 Aug;89(8):734-5.

Not in children with asthma (2): “The inactivated flu vaccine, Flumist, does not prevent influenza-related hospitalizations in children, especially the ones with asthma…In fact, children who get the flu vaccine are more at risk for hospitalization than children who do not get the vaccine.”

Reference: The American Thoracic Society’s 105th International Conference, May 15-20, 2009, San Diego.

'Some vaccines, including the MMR, smallpox, and chickenpox vaccines, contain live viruses. By giving three and sometimes four live viruses together, the risk of developing a lifetime viral infection (a persistent viral infection) increases tremendously. This is especially so with the MMR vaccine, which contains two live viruses known to suppress the immune system for months.

That suppression effect is powerful. It resembles the immune suppression seen with the HIV virus associated with AIDS. During this prolonged period of immune suppression, both adults and children will be much more likely to develop other infections. This means that your child might die from meningitis or chickenpox as a direct result of the vaccine and not because not enough people vaccinated their children, as the vaccine proponents would have you think.

One virus a child might contract during the period of immune suppression is the cytomegalovirus, which commonly infects babies and small children whose immune systems are suppressed. This virus is strongly associated with carotid stenosis, which causes strokes in adults.'


Vaccines themselves can be dangerous, especially live, attenuated viral vaccines or the new recombinant nucleic acid vaccines, they have the potential to generate virulent viruses by recombination and the recombinant nucleic acids could cause autoimmune diseases.

A further major source of toxicity in the case of the flu vaccines are the adjuvants, substances added in order to boost the immunogenicity of the vaccines. There is a large literature on the toxicities of adjuvants. Most flu vaccines contain dangerous levels of mercury in the form of thimerosal, a deadly preservative 50 times more toxic than mercury itself. At high enough doses, it can cause long-term immune, sensory, neurological, motor, and behavioural dysfunctions. Also associated with mercury poisoning are autism, attention deficit disorder, multiple sclerosis, and speech and language deficiencies.

Another common adjuvant is alum or aluminium hydroxide, which can cause vaccine allergy, anaphylaxis, and macrophage myofascitis, a chronic inflammation syndrome, In cats, alum also gives rise to fibrosarcomas at the site of injection. Numerous new adjuvants are no better, and could be worse. According to a recent review in a science and business pharmaceutical publication, most newer adjuvants including MF59, ISCOMS, QS21, AS02, and AS04 have “substantially higher local reactogenicity and systemic toxicity than alum.”

The new H1N1 (swine flu) vaccine is going to be made by Novartis. It will probably be made in PER.C6 cells (human retina cells) and contain MF59, a potentially debilitating adjuvant. MF-59 is an oil-based adjuvant primarily composed of squalene, Tween 80 and Span85.

All oil adjuvants injected into rats were found toxic. All rats developed an MS-like disease that left them crippled, dragging their paralyzed hindquarters across their cages.

Squalene caused severe arthritis (3 on scale of 4). Squalene in humans at 10-20 ppb (parts per billion) lead to severe immune responses, such as autoimmune arthritis and lupus.

Reference: Kenney, RT. Edleman, R. "Survey of human-use adjuvants." Expert Review of Vaccines. 2 (2003) p171.

Reference: Matsumoto, Gary. Vaccine A: The Covert Government Experiment That’s Killing Our Soldiers and Why GI’s Are Only the First Victims of this Vaccine. New York: Basic Books. p54.

'GSK's proprietary adjuvant is called ASO4. It contains alum and MPL. MPL stands for monophosphoryl lipid A. The U.S. Army's proprietary (unlicensed) adjuvant developed prior to the first Gulf War for use in a second generation anthrax vaccine was called Tri-Mix or Triple Mix. Tri-Mix contained MPL (monophosphoryl lipid A) and squalene. After the war, Army scientists considered MPL to be too toxic, so they began working with Chiron Corporation of Emeryville, CA to develop an adjuvant that contained squalene and water only ... on the assumption that adjuvant toxicity with Tri-Mix was due to MPL. This assumption also proved incorrect. There are more than two dozen animal studies that generated data demonstrating squalene's ability to induce autoimmunity; and there is disputed evidence that nanodoses of squalene in anthrax vaccine sickened countless military personnel who received squalene-tainted vaccine during AVIP. MPL was also a component of the Ribi Adjuvant System. The Ribi Adjuvant System, or RAS, is a derivative of Tri-Mix, which is approved for use in animals only. There is no existing data showing whether MPL elicits an immune response specific to it. If MPL is immunogenic, it raises the possibility of a dangerous "cross reaction." The human body is full of lipids. Antibodies and immune cells responding to MPL might also respond to other lipids in the body, thus breaking tolerance for endogenous lipids (those native to the human body) and initiating autoimmunity.' Gary Matsumoto - Journalist/Author of Vaccine A

"Carcinogenicity - we have done no testing for the carcinogenicity of MF59 adjuvant or any of our vaccines. We haven't done it and we don't plan to."
Dr. Novicki, Scientist for Novartis, FDA-NIH Meeting, 12/2008 p.391


The Institute of Medicine has warned that infants, children, and pregnant women should not be injected with thimerosal, and yet the majority of flu shots contain 25 micrograms of it.

It has been calculated that, by age two, American children have received 237 micrograms of mercury from vaccines alone, which far exceeds the current EPA “safe” level of 0.1 mcg/kg per day.

List of Vaccine Fillers: Officially administered by design with vaccines provided to the public. Combinations may vary -

In addition to viral and bacterial RNA or DNA that is part of the vaccines, fillers include:

aluminum hydroxide
aluminum phosphate
ammonium sulfate
amphotericin B
animal tissues: pig blood, horse blood, rabbit brain,
dog kidney, monkey kidney,
chick embryo, chicken egg, duck egg
calf (bovine) serum
fetal bovine serum
human diploid cells (originating from human aborted fetal tissue)
hydrolized gelatin
monosodium glutamate (MSG)
neomycin sulfate
phenol red indicator
phenoxyethanol (antifreeze)
potassium diphosphate
potassium monophosphate
polymyxin B
polysorbate 20
polysorbate 80
porcine (pig) pancreatic hydrolysate of casein
residual MRC5 proteins
thimerosal (mercury)
VERO cells, a continuous line of monkey kidney cells
washed sheep red blood cells

*This data is available via:

Analysis of vaccine fillers:

ALUMINUM (two variants) - directly linked to Alzheimer's Disease

AMMONIUM SULFATE - an inorganic chemical compound used a fertilizer and "protein purifier"; known to cause kidney & liver damage, gastrointestinal disfunctions

AMPHOTERICIN B - an "antifungal disinfectant", damages the urinary tract, bowels, heart functions

EGG PROTEINS - includes Avian Viruses

FORMALDEHYDE - used as "a preservative & disinfectant", known to cause cancer, chronic bronchitis, eye irritation when exposed to the body's immune system

MSG - now known to cause cancer in humans, also linked to obesity

PHENOL - a highly toxic disinfectant dye, attributed to liver, kidney, heart & respiratory damage

PHENOXYETHANOL (ANTIFREEZE) - proven to have extreme neurotoxic side effects

POLYSORBATE 80 (Tween80™) – which can cause severe allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis

RE-CYCLED ANIMAL TISSUE (multiple) - the building blocks of Mad Cow Disease

RESIN AND GELATIN - known to cause allergic reaction

THIMEROSAL (MERCURY) - a neurotoxin linked to psychological, neurological & immunological problems. Nervous system damage, kidney disease, birth defects, dental problems, mood swings, mental changes, hallucinations, memory loss, nerve damage and inability to concentrate can occur. Symptoms also include tremors, loss of dermal sensitivity, slurred speech and, in rare cases, even death and paralysis. This additive alone was the catalyst for another recent Class Action Lawsuit organized by mothers of children born with Autism & the many related behavioral disorders associated with it. Autism is now occurring at levels never seen before in history, 1 in 67. The average used to be 1 in 20,000.

TRITON X100 – detergent


'Aside from the dangerous ingredients many people already know about (like squalene or thimerosal), one of the key ingredients used in flu vaccines (including the vaccines being prepared for the swine flu pandemic) is the diseased flesh of African Green Monkeys. This is revealed in U.S. patent No. 5911998 - Method of producing a virus vaccine from an African green monkey kidney cell line.'

'As this patent readily explains, ingredients used in the vaccine are derived from the kidneys of African Green Monkeys who are first infected with the virus, then allowed to fester the disease, and then are killed so that their diseased organs can be used make vaccine ingredients. This is done in a cruel, inhumane "flesh factory" environment where the monkeys are subjected to a process that includes "incubating said inoculated cell line to permit proliferation of said virus." Then: "harvesting the virus resulting preparing a vaccine from the harvested virus.'


'Trials have uncovered a pattern of severe nerve damage in those tested.'

'A warning that the new swine flu jab is linked to a deadly nerve disease has been sent by the Government to senior neurologists in a confidential letter. The letter from the Health Protection Agency, the official body that oversees public health, has been leaked to The Mail on Sunday, leading to demands to know why the information has not been given to the public before the vaccination of millions of people, including children, begins. It tells the neurologists that they must be alert for an increase in a brain disorder called Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), which could be triggered by the vaccine. GBS attacks the lining of the nerves, causing paralysis and inability to breathe, and can be fatal.'


'Lung specialist Wolfgang Wodarg has said that there are many risks associated with the vaccine for the H1N1 virus. He has grave reservations about the firm Novartis who are developing the vaccine and testing it in Germany. The vaccination is injected “with a very hot needle”, Wodarg said. The nutrient solution for the vaccine consists of cancerous cells from animals and "we do not know if there could be an allergic reaction". But more importantly, some people fear that the risk of cancer could be increased by injecting the cells. The vaccine - as Johannes Löwer, president of the Paul Ehrlich Institute, has pointed out - can also cause worse side effects than the actual swine flu virus.'


The lack of sufficient testing on this experimental vaccine raises many concerns. There is no criteria on its efficacy or valid statistics to speak of,

'Novavax uses genetic information and "recombinant, virus-like particle technology" to rapidly engineer a vaccine. Its technology has only been through Phase II clinical trials but might be released prematurely. Novavax's CEO, Rahul Singhvi announced Friday, "There is an emergency authorization avenue that is available that would allow us to use the vaccine in an emergency without further testing." The Division-E provisions would protect the company from all liability.'


Children up to 18 months have no blood barrier in the brain, their nerve fibers still completely vulnerable, the Myelin sheath not yet developed - leaving them highly susceptible to toxins & heavy metals.

'School children who have never had a flu shot may need to get vaccinated four times in the fall - twice for seasonal flu, twice for pandemic swine flu - officials at the CDC told health professionals on Wednesday.'

'This July 30, 2008 landmark MMR case adjudicated by the United States Vaccine Injury Courts confirms that the vaccine injury courts accept that the MMR vaccination causes ischemia/impaired blood flow and oxygenation to the brain - this is part of the M.A.S.S. and Zeta response as detailed in the Tolerance Lost video series. In the case of Benjamin Zeller, who developed seizures, lost his language, motor, and social skills, young Benjamin ALSO exhibits the same ischemic neurological damages, from vaccination, that we also record, with BrainGuardMD, following vaccine induced autism, specific learning disabilities, sudden infant death, and much more. Cause-effect is established.'

Scientific evidence shows that babies can have severe adverse reactions to vaccinations at critical intervals following their shots, and that vaccination is the more likely cause of cot death and shaken baby syndrome.

'Mitchell et al.'s data show that all those babies they studied died as a direct consequence of their DPT and OPV vaccination, showing perfect clustering along the critical days. The "reduced" risk of SIDS in the "immunised" group is misleading, because only those who received vaccines on schedule were categorised as "immunised". Obviously this biases this group to be relatively healthier children because a, or the, major reason for vaccines not being given on time, and sometimes not ever again, is the child being unwell, at least when the shots are due, if not constantly. So, ironically, a child who suffered visible adverse effects from previous vaccines is likely to be in the "non-immunised" category in this study, even if he or she received further vaccines.'


'LEADING infectious disease experts have called on the Federal Government to abandon its mass swine-flu vaccination plan because of fears the vaccine is a contamination risk that could spread blood-borne diseases.'

'Tom Gottlieb, president of the Australasian Society for Infectious Diseases, reportedly sent a letter to Commonwealth Chief Medical Officer Jim Bishop. In the letter, he expressed deep concern about the use of multi-dose vials for the vaccine and urged the government to abandon its plan until it had single-dose vials. Why? Because many health professionals consider the multi-dose vials a contamination risk that could spread hepatitis, HIV and other blood-borne diseases.'

Multi-dose vials in Australia had been linked to the transmission of HIV from a patient to four other people in a Sydney surgeon’s rooms in 1989, he said. Overseas, they had been linked to outbreaks of hepatitis, HIV and bacterial diseases.

"The majority of vaccine will be in multi-dose vials, the remainder in single dose syringes or nasal sprayers." CDC


Due to a shortage of Doctors/Nurses to cover the whole population secondary administrators will be utilized. Most are likely to be ill equipped to deal with any crisis which may arise from a child suffering adverse reactions to the vaccine.

'Pharmacists and paramedics around Nova Scotia may be called on to give swine-flu injections'.

'Dentists & Pharmacists Approved to Give Flu Shots'


'Three Polish doctors and six nurses are facing criminal prosecution after a number of homeless people died following medical trials for a vaccine to the H5N1 bird-flu virus. The medical staff, from the northern town of Grudziadz, are being investigated over medical trials on as many as 350 homeless and poor people last year, which prosecutors say involved an untried vaccine to the highly-contagious virus. The director of a Grudziadz homeless centre, Mieczyslaw Waclawski, told a Polish newspaper that last year, 21 people from his centre died, a figure well above the average of about eight.'

alex jones


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reecombinat is another word for Genetically modified, alot of tests@ hospitals

28.09.2009 22:16

these days are genetically modified from the Tegenero scandal where loads of volunteers ended looking like the elephant man to this.Myself & other friends went to QMC university hospital & were offered to do trials for "safe" genetically modified drugs, but oooh they were vegetarian GM,lovely.
Genetically modified insulin for diabetics is now standard, drug companies lied & said that supplies taken in natural form from pigs were running out.
Its all about cutting costs, there are much safer ingredients, but they effect huge profits for poor fatcats.
Most Big pharmaceutical companies cant be trusted, cooperative pharmaceuticals companies would be great, but we live under a Malthusian "eat the poor"capitalist system, it isnt democratic, its one notch above fascism.

Cutting back on people, keeping them poor& pumping is all full of shit is how it operates, in the 3rd world this means 8-10million children die unecessarily every year. Despite the fact that a educated people in control of its technology controls population, as richer nations have proven, top brass help maintain capitalist population control for many excuses including the "environment"

No one is necessarily to blame, its systematic, we dont live in democratic world, we need to.

Green syndicalist

Hey, hey, hey,

29.09.2009 19:17

anti-vaxxers, how many kids have you killed today?

Your 'analysis' of vaccine fillers bears as much relevance to science as the BNP does to race relations.
