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violent Smellie cop faces G20 assault charge

fit to watch | 28.09.2009 14:54 | G20 London Summit

finally, bad cops are being hung out to dry?

Its taken a while but it looks like a policeman is going to get his day in court. Lets hope that some of the other documented cases follow. No one should be above the law. If he has done nothing wrong then he has nothing to hide and nothing to fear.

Full report from the BBC:

Perhaps his colleagues will behave a bit differently from now on?

fit to watch


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fukin typical

28.09.2009 15:30

The one they hang out to dry is a black cop


good for everyone, including coppers who support democracy, though they

28.09.2009 15:37

seem to be a very minute bloc


They are hanging this guy out to dry

28.09.2009 16:06

Most likely he was obeying orders and training. They are covering for the officer with the most seniority who gave these orders, including the order to attack peaceful protesters. The order may even have come from the home office.


give over

28.09.2009 16:52

whilst i also find the race angle interesting, i have to say this guy was not only following orders for god's sake, he's been bashing us for years, at least a decade, i and friends of mine bear the scars of previous encounters. he's a nasty sadistic little shit who always does as much physical harm to us as he possibly can, regardless of what his bosses say on the day.
get out on streets, that way you will come to know and recognise the individual cops who take it to the next level and not just the theory or what the media/conspiritorists tell you.

a grown up

Smelly cop

28.09.2009 19:20

serves him right!!


He will probably get off

29.09.2009 09:47

They are being true to form, by having a go at the little guy in the hope that we won't notice the big guy getting away with it.

If it gets as far as a trial the copper will simply say that he was only obeying orders and following his training. He will then probably be let off and told to continue the good work he is doing. The case will be decided by magistrates, who have a poor record on doing the right thing.

Meanwhile those who came up with the orders and training will be promoted. That is what has happened when the police have murdered someone, including Stockwell.

This prosecution is probably only being mounted in order that the CPS can pretend that they are even handed. They are going to be a laughing stock when the prosecution of the Space Hijackers becomes public knowledge, even readers of the Times can see that it is a truly stupid decision and they will want to be able to point to this prosecution.

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