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Sheffield Climate Camp Meeting

Pinky | 27.09.2009 20:37 | Climate Chaos | Energy Crisis | Social Struggles | Sheffield

Announcement for the Sheffield Intro meeting to Climate Camp

There is going to be an introductary meeting about Climate Camp on Saturday 3rd of October, in Sheffield, at the new Social centre, (venue soon to be announced on It starts at 2pm where there will be talks from people, who have been involved in the previous camps, who will discuss the dynamics of climate camp; how it started up, how it works, events arising in the future etc... along with films that have been made about the camp. There will also be a workshop about the flooding that occurred in Sheffield to spread awareness about the fact that people who were effected by these floods are still suffering the devastating effects, and to talk about what we could do to give them support. Following this, there will be food provided by the social centre and then live music in the evening, lasting till midnight.

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Change in start time

28.09.2009 06:10

Hi, I've got the start time wrong in the original post it actually starts at 1pm not 2pm.

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bad timing

28.09.2009 12:54

The national climate camp gathering is happening in Leeds on 3rd & 4th of October, so if you seriously want to get involved you might consider going there.

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response to bad timing

29.09.2009 16:33

Most of us are on the email list and know its the national meeting so we are sending a delegate, whilst also organising the meeting in Sheffield. It is just as important to spread awareness in your local area. Plus not everyone is priviledged enough to be able to afford to travel across the country to the national climate camp meeting. It was also decided at the recent climate camp that we would work on things locally as well as on a national scale.
