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Operation Liberation: Highgate Rabbit Farm (by Latuff) - High res version

Latuff | 26.09.2009 10:30 | Animal Liberation | Bio-technology | Social Struggles

Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.

Operation Liberation
Operation Liberation

In support of Operation Liberation.

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Scaled Version

26.09.2009 13:07

Operation Liberation: Highgate Rabbit Farm (by Latuff)
Operation Liberation: Highgate Rabbit Farm (by Latuff)

Scaled Version



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Brilliant :D

26.09.2009 10:46

This is awesome!!! Cheers for the support! :D

AR Activist


26.09.2009 20:16

Sorry for the cock up with the published dispatch number today, seems O2 decided to cancel the number for the sim card we were using and it was too late to get another one in place. Massive thanks to the ever brilliant Veggies for distributing our leaflets and providing a backup phone line to call in reports and make sure that the stories on the newswire were accurate. Well done to everyone involved! Lets get these scumbags shut down!!!

There are a couple of really good stories from the day on the IMC Northern site and these can be found here:

Be The Media!

IMC Northern England
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Lovely,Highgate isnt a Farm & HLS isnt clinical, Reclaim Science

26.09.2009 20:51

Breeding animals in huts in small cages for torture isnt farming.
HLSs torturing to patent uneeded dodgy cosmetics& drugs for obscene profits on aminals when there are better computer & simulated experiments available+ natural remedies is criminal.
The NHS+government need to stop wasting billions of taxpayers money & invest in scientific Pharmaceutical cooperatives that use modern safe techniques as well as trained medicinal Herbalists.

Green Syndicalist

Video online

27.09.2009 21:15

A short vid from Operation Liberation is now online at

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