Leeds Vivisection Breeder Demo & Circus Mondeo Protest
West Yorkshire Animal Rights Group | 25.09.2009 20:45 | Animal Liberation
Vivisection Breeders Week of Action – Leeds Demo’s
Eight activists from West Yorkshire Animal Rights Group today held demo’s in support of the global week of action against vivisection breeders.
First stop was the Worsley Building at the University of Leeds (Clarendon Way, Leeds, LS2 9LU) where beagle dogs and rodents are bred and experimented on in barbaric tests. We held placards outside the entrance and used megaphones to great effect in letting passers by know about what was going on on the top floors of the building; leaflets were also given to students and members of the public. Security staff came down, however acted in a dignified manner and left us too it.
Next stop was the Miall Building, where the management of the University of Leeds breeding unit have their offices, along with some of the top vivisectors. UoL own an intensive farm near Tadcaster where pigs are bred for use in research and sheep have also been sent to laboratories across the country from there. Sheep from the site are also used in agriculture research by the university where port holes are put into their sides so the effects on their digestive system can be observed, rodents are also used in the Miall Building in experimentation. Leaflets were given out, chants echoed around on the megaphones and passers by also took information. UoL are issuing a press release on Monday in response to the protests, we shall wait to see what it says and doubt that it in any way justifies their continued vivisection.
Last stop was Covance’s Leeds office (Springfield House, Hyde Street, Leeds, LS2 9NG Tel: 0113 237 3500). Covance are the one of the largest breeders of animals for vivisection in the world, with their subsidiary Covance Research Products who breed beagles, ferrets, rabbits and rodents. They also own a 48% share stake in Noveprim who capture wild primates on Mauritius to send to laboratories globally, alongside Charles River. Chants of “Thousands of animals dying in pain, Covance killers are to blame” echoed around the area from the two megaphones and an important meeting was being held inside, with those attending looking at the demo.
Protest at Circus Mondeo – Tingley
Seven activists from West Yorkshire Animal Rights Group held a demo outside Circus Mondeo’s show in Tingley today because of their continued use of animals in shows.
Banners were held outside and almost everybody going in took a leaflet. The megaphones were also used to tell those around about animal abuse in circuses. Support was received from passers by, with a number honking their horns.
At the end of the show, a person on a motorbike drove into activists but apart from that, the protest went off without any trouble.
Four Jailed over Yorkshire Dog Fighting Ring
Read the Yorkshire Post article at >>>
Operation Liberation
Around 27 activists from West Yorkshire A.R. will be attending the Operation Liberation demonstration at Highgate Rabbit Farm. A full demo report will be available after Saturday's event.
Badsworth & Bramham Moor FH Sabbed
On September 12th 2009, hunt saboteurs from around Yorkshire payed a visit to the Badsworth & Bramham Moor Hunt. The hunt meet at 6am with the clear intention of hunting and killing fox cubs. The hunt used traditional cub hunting tactics which are rarely so blatantly seen, since the “hunting ban” in 2005.
The hunt began with hunting a small wood near to their meet, by putting the full pack of hounds into it, and waiting, intending for them to kill every fox they find. The hounds were in cry almost continuously, as hunt sabs planned their next move. After some time in the wood the bulk of the hunt and hounds started to move on and saboteurs started to hear the sound of spades digging into the ground. Worried that the hunt could have been digging out a fox which had hidden under ground, the sabs moved in. Missing the hunt by seconds they saw that a badger sett had had around 6 entrances filled in with mud (this is illegal). This was most likely done to seal in the hunted fox for a dig-out later that day. The holes were unblocked, allowing the fox to escape, and the sabs continued to follow the hunt.
The hunt then began to hunt through a 6 foot high corn field, again the hounds were picking up the scent of foxes almost continuously. The hunt were so blatant about their illegal activities that hunt riders could be heard making a call to the hounds that signifies the sighting of a fox. Hunt sabs waited on the edge of the corn field for some time hoping that any hunted foxes would come their way. The hunted fox was in luck as it left the corn and did pass by the saboteurs, by just a few metres. Moments later the hounds came pouring out of the corn field after the fox, but the saboteurs intervened and the hounds were stopped.
The rest of the day was relatively uneventful, as the hunt adopted the tactic of glumly riding around the countryside rather than hunting.
Eight activists from West Yorkshire Animal Rights Group today held demo’s in support of the global week of action against vivisection breeders.
First stop was the Worsley Building at the University of Leeds (Clarendon Way, Leeds, LS2 9LU) where beagle dogs and rodents are bred and experimented on in barbaric tests. We held placards outside the entrance and used megaphones to great effect in letting passers by know about what was going on on the top floors of the building; leaflets were also given to students and members of the public. Security staff came down, however acted in a dignified manner and left us too it.
Next stop was the Miall Building, where the management of the University of Leeds breeding unit have their offices, along with some of the top vivisectors. UoL own an intensive farm near Tadcaster where pigs are bred for use in research and sheep have also been sent to laboratories across the country from there. Sheep from the site are also used in agriculture research by the university where port holes are put into their sides so the effects on their digestive system can be observed, rodents are also used in the Miall Building in experimentation. Leaflets were given out, chants echoed around on the megaphones and passers by also took information. UoL are issuing a press release on Monday in response to the protests, we shall wait to see what it says and doubt that it in any way justifies their continued vivisection.
Last stop was Covance’s Leeds office (Springfield House, Hyde Street, Leeds, LS2 9NG Tel: 0113 237 3500). Covance are the one of the largest breeders of animals for vivisection in the world, with their subsidiary Covance Research Products who breed beagles, ferrets, rabbits and rodents. They also own a 48% share stake in Noveprim who capture wild primates on Mauritius to send to laboratories globally, alongside Charles River. Chants of “Thousands of animals dying in pain, Covance killers are to blame” echoed around the area from the two megaphones and an important meeting was being held inside, with those attending looking at the demo.
Protest at Circus Mondeo – Tingley
Seven activists from West Yorkshire Animal Rights Group held a demo outside Circus Mondeo’s show in Tingley today because of their continued use of animals in shows.
Banners were held outside and almost everybody going in took a leaflet. The megaphones were also used to tell those around about animal abuse in circuses. Support was received from passers by, with a number honking their horns.
At the end of the show, a person on a motorbike drove into activists but apart from that, the protest went off without any trouble.
Four Jailed over Yorkshire Dog Fighting Ring
Read the Yorkshire Post article at >>>

Operation Liberation
Around 27 activists from West Yorkshire A.R. will be attending the Operation Liberation demonstration at Highgate Rabbit Farm. A full demo report will be available after Saturday's event.
Badsworth & Bramham Moor FH Sabbed
On September 12th 2009, hunt saboteurs from around Yorkshire payed a visit to the Badsworth & Bramham Moor Hunt. The hunt meet at 6am with the clear intention of hunting and killing fox cubs. The hunt used traditional cub hunting tactics which are rarely so blatantly seen, since the “hunting ban” in 2005.
The hunt began with hunting a small wood near to their meet, by putting the full pack of hounds into it, and waiting, intending for them to kill every fox they find. The hounds were in cry almost continuously, as hunt sabs planned their next move. After some time in the wood the bulk of the hunt and hounds started to move on and saboteurs started to hear the sound of spades digging into the ground. Worried that the hunt could have been digging out a fox which had hidden under ground, the sabs moved in. Missing the hunt by seconds they saw that a badger sett had had around 6 entrances filled in with mud (this is illegal). This was most likely done to seal in the hunted fox for a dig-out later that day. The holes were unblocked, allowing the fox to escape, and the sabs continued to follow the hunt.
The hunt then began to hunt through a 6 foot high corn field, again the hounds were picking up the scent of foxes almost continuously. The hunt were so blatant about their illegal activities that hunt riders could be heard making a call to the hounds that signifies the sighting of a fox. Hunt sabs waited on the edge of the corn field for some time hoping that any hunted foxes would come their way. The hunted fox was in luck as it left the corn and did pass by the saboteurs, by just a few metres. Moments later the hounds came pouring out of the corn field after the fox, but the saboteurs intervened and the hounds were stopped.
The rest of the day was relatively uneventful, as the hunt adopted the tactic of glumly riding around the countryside rather than hunting.
West Yorkshire Animal Rights Group