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New faces behind Redwatch

Aaron | 24.09.2009 17:00 | Anti-racism

Eddie Stanton of the British Peoples Party, the new face behind Redwatch hate site

Eddie Stanton
Eddie Stanton

This is the face of the man now running the neo-Nazi hate site, Redwatch.

His name is Eddie Stanton. He's a 40-something nightclub bouncer and former member of Combat 18, long-based out of the Harold Hill area near Romford, Essex. He has at least two kids from a partner from whom he's separated.

Redwatch, which "prides" itself on posting photos and addresses of "red scum", was run for many years by West Yorkshire-based neo-Nazi, Kevin Watmough.

Now Stanton and his webmaster, "Buster", from the Brighton/Hove area, has taken over authorship of the site, which constantly moves servers.



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24.09.2009 19:05

Just wondered if anyone else sees the irony of posting a picture of this guy and his personal details on the web in a article about Redwatch? no..?



24.09.2009 19:27

I assume you're the sort of person who thinks that militant action against fascist is just like fascism eh?


More like poetic justice, not irony

24.09.2009 20:48

"Just wondered if anyone else sees the irony of posting a picture of this guy and his personal details on the web in a article about Redwatch? no..?"

I would call it more like poetic justice than irony.

Anyway, we don't think that fascism and anti-fascism are morally equal. Fascists are scum who deserve to have their details publicised. Anti-fascists are public-spirited individuals who deserve privacy. If you get attacked by a mugger, are you just as bad as them if you hit them back?


understand the words you use

24.09.2009 21:39

no that isn't irony, this is:

"1 the expression of meaning through the use of language which normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous effect. 2 a state of affairs that appears perversely contrary to what one expects. "

(oxford english dictionary)

i would have to agree however, that the original post does indeed constitute poetic justice, which is:

"fitting or deserved punishment or reward"

(oxford english dictionary)


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i call it bleating

24.09.2009 22:53

i'd call it a waste of time because you all moan and bitch but dont do anything


I wouldn't worry about this bunch of muppets

25.09.2009 11:01

Have you looked at their web site, it is both worrying (if your photo is on) and shite at the same time.

They have posted loads of pictures of mainly students taking parts in demos, but have no idea who they are. There is one series of photos of a demo in Leeds and the only person they can actually name is Hilary Benn the local MP!


I know Stanton

25.09.2009 15:58

Fact - The reason his relationships fail is because he is a closet homosexual and many people that know of him will know this.

He is a self-loathing nut-job of the highest calibre.

peter parker

his kids

25.09.2009 16:29

Useful to know roughly how many kids he has, makes so much difference.

student grant


25.09.2009 16:35

Eddie Stanton uses this email:

His last known mobile phone number was: 07886 671562



25.09.2009 21:24

Homosexual Nazi who deals coke and looks like a jew, how Ironic..........



25.09.2009 21:56

"A homosexual... who looks like a jew..."


Who is the fascist we are talking about here?



25.09.2009 23:03

The new 'team' should be good for a laugh. Stanton is a semi-literate binge-drinker who makes Kevin Watmough look clued-up, in-touch and intelligent. While 'Buster' is an even bigger idiot, even further out on the fringes of British fascism than Stanton, and with just as many skeletons in his closet.

Black Jack

Seen him around

25.09.2009 23:39

Stanton IS a coke-head and a dealer and has been for many years. It is well known that he is gay which is fair enough I guess, but this is the only part that is fair. He is however very unstable and a nasty freak of a man indeed.

Dick Chain E

Strange pair

26.09.2009 00:51

Dunno about Stanton, but Buster used to be part of the Brighton gay fetish scene. What hypocrites!



26.09.2009 08:25

"Stanton IS a coke-head and a dealer and has been for many years"

That is why the Police use him as a grass in exchange for his liberty.


Lives with his mom

26.09.2009 10:29

Apparently this nasty buffoon lives with his mother in that Essex/London borders area. He's known as a "knife merchant", has convictions for violent offences and has a local 'crew' around him, including a fellow ex-C18 member and steroid junkie, "Phil".

Stanton has fallen out with all and sundry around him. He started a fight after the NF's Remembrance Day march last November, after getting riotously drunk, and tried to glass Wigless Tony aboard the Tattershall Castle pub-boat on the Thames near Embankment. Is unpopular with many in the rest of the (so-called) "Nationalist movement".


hm hm

26.09.2009 16:20

Any more info on this Buster type? Bigger picture perhaps as well? Or more pics? Thanks ..

concerned of brighton


26.09.2009 16:36

I heard 'Buster' lives in Hove. And has a "wife" (despite the rumours).


Find Buster

28.09.2009 16:57

Stanton is, and always has been, paranoid about getting his photo published "because of the Reds".

Buster knows where Stanton is. Find Buster; find Stanton.

Gay and Nazi and violent. Who would have believed it ...


I think poetic justice, but I can understand why some might say irony

29.09.2009 19:59

wordlover said: no that isn't irony.

Although I think poetic justice is better, I think the original trolling comment from ivica may have been intended fall under this definition of irony:

"a state of affairs that appears perversely contrary to what one expects. "

Presumably they think that people against Redwatch are very into protecting people's privacy. Thus it would be perversely contrary to what you would expect if they are invading Redwatch's privacy.

The resolution of this apparent paradox is that we aren't against Redwatch just because it invades privacy in an abstract sense, we oppose it because it is run by fascist scum, and we don't have any problems with invading their privacy, since it is the lesser of two evils.


Eddy Morrison

05.10.2009 15:54

It now seems that Eddy Morrison, long-time member of Far Right groups, is also pulling the Redwatch "strings".

Morrison was leader of the BPP (British Peoples Party) and is now the new de facto leader of the National Front which, yes amazingly, does still exist. Morrison is a full-blown Nazi weirdo -- just Google his name.

This leaves the in-the-closet knifeman, Eddie Stanton, as leader of the BPP. Stanton has also admitted running Redwatch. As to who has full control, not sure. Since his photo was published here, intel suggests he has "gone to ground".

Any more info on Buster down there in Hove? Perhaps he's the actual web guy.


Info on Eddie Stampton

21.02.2012 12:06

Wears G-strings whilst tanning. Was expelled from C18 after it became public knowledge that he had dated a half-Pakistani girl for a number of years during his time on the Rockabilly Scene. Deals in Class A drugs but personally prefers the puff or charlie. Beat Gary Hitchcock to within an inch of his life over a failed drugs deal.

Mad Biker
mail e-mail:

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Get it right ffs

25.07.2012 15:31

The girl in question, one Jezabel Lipshitz, was actually, half Egyptian, half Turkish and half Jewish.

CD 18 - Ready for ethnic CD selling

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