Lockerbie - now you see it, now you don't
Danny | 24.09.2009 11:41 | Other Press | Terror War
I started writing these comments about the reactions to Al Megreahis release to an article that has now been deleted. I've had two IM-UK articles hidden already but I don't want to self censor so I'll post them anyway, people who read hidden comments will see this.
It is unlikely that an intelligence officer would use the cover of being a satanist.
UK and US security services are highly interlinked and don't need dodgy go-betweens, though that may be a useful cover.
Alexander and Jones run three .com websites, zurvana, boycottScotland and now boycottLibya. I posted that to IM-UK but was hidden, and some of the evidence I used was deleted from their social networking and those internet sites the day after my IM-UK post. I'd hoped that a few folk would follow the links and see the leads and see the stuff I didn't mention too. I also posted it in the comments section one of the online Scotsman articles on the boycott story, and after my IM post was deleted my Scotsman account was disabled. That suggests a warning email from Alexander that they caved in to, because it was rereported by others elsewhere after and those articles still stand (so far).
I got that initial information from a basic query every journalist knows when investigating websites, and the rest from basic queries any techie journalist would make, so I was surprised that nobody had reported it. It normally gets reported by some outlet and all the other media check just in case they can rubbish the story I thought about offering the story to journalists but I decided it would be better here or MediaLens or wikileaks, and IM seemed most appropriate.
What I've been able to find out about this pair doesn't tally with this article, but wouldn't contradict it either. I was pissed off that neither IM-UK or the Scotsman would explain the reasons for hiding my posts since I was happy to be sued in any court, so I emailled the Libyan Embassy to let them know what I know.
This is a bizarre extension /side-show to the biggest trial in history, an obviously politically manipulated mistrial that helps explain the inner workings of empire. This started with fake evidence being planted but not the bullshit is flying thicker now than ever.
Norvello said "Hmm. Obviously it takes a conspiracy involving David Cameron / the FBI / CIA / the funders of the IRA / Murdoch to paste together a poxy single-paged website containing a daft rant about Scotland."
No it doesn't.
It does require some thinking to explain why this was such a big story in the UK and the US media and politicos - Clinton and Obamas comments for example - nobody was able to point out on even wee activist sites like this that it was just a poxy single-paged website containing a daft rant about Scotland (and the UK, and now Libya) by an emotionally-broken, intellectually challenged individual. The factory I served my apprenticeship in was shut down the next week despite being profitable so that the work could be moved to the States. The rhetoric is being backed up by economic warfare and so the rhetoric must be tackled.
It is worth pointing out that when the media was filled with these stories of US and UK leaders criticising MacAskill over the past few months, the US and the UK were already training Libyan special forces and police in exchange for oil and the US and UK oil companies were already running contracts in Libya.
Today, the main story in Scotland for the few folk still paying attention, is 'Lockerbie Justice Group calls on Angiolini to resign over Megrahi comments'. Typically, it is in a legal magazine not an activist website that is calling for Scotlands Lord Advocate Elish Angiolini to resign, but it is in the nature of legal magazines to be circumspect and it is the nature of my posts on IM to be hyperbolic, and I would say E Angliolini is Scotlands 'J Edgar Hoover'. The Crown Office in Edinburgh should be abolished and investigated by other police and independently by the populace. In my personal conspiracy theory, they are one of the levers of power worked from Washington.
Another article by a brilliant female lawyer called Gareth Peirce appeared in the London Review of Books last week which is worth a read:
UK and US security services are highly interlinked and don't need dodgy go-betweens, though that may be a useful cover.
Alexander and Jones run three .com websites, zurvana, boycottScotland and now boycottLibya. I posted that to IM-UK but was hidden, and some of the evidence I used was deleted from their social networking and those internet sites the day after my IM-UK post. I'd hoped that a few folk would follow the links and see the leads and see the stuff I didn't mention too. I also posted it in the comments section one of the online Scotsman articles on the boycott story, and after my IM post was deleted my Scotsman account was disabled. That suggests a warning email from Alexander that they caved in to, because it was rereported by others elsewhere after and those articles still stand (so far).
I got that initial information from a basic query every journalist knows when investigating websites, and the rest from basic queries any techie journalist would make, so I was surprised that nobody had reported it. It normally gets reported by some outlet and all the other media check just in case they can rubbish the story I thought about offering the story to journalists but I decided it would be better here or MediaLens or wikileaks, and IM seemed most appropriate.
What I've been able to find out about this pair doesn't tally with this article, but wouldn't contradict it either. I was pissed off that neither IM-UK or the Scotsman would explain the reasons for hiding my posts since I was happy to be sued in any court, so I emailled the Libyan Embassy to let them know what I know.
This is a bizarre extension /side-show to the biggest trial in history, an obviously politically manipulated mistrial that helps explain the inner workings of empire. This started with fake evidence being planted but not the bullshit is flying thicker now than ever.
Norvello said "Hmm. Obviously it takes a conspiracy involving David Cameron / the FBI / CIA / the funders of the IRA / Murdoch to paste together a poxy single-paged website containing a daft rant about Scotland."
No it doesn't.
It does require some thinking to explain why this was such a big story in the UK and the US media and politicos - Clinton and Obamas comments for example - nobody was able to point out on even wee activist sites like this that it was just a poxy single-paged website containing a daft rant about Scotland (and the UK, and now Libya) by an emotionally-broken, intellectually challenged individual. The factory I served my apprenticeship in was shut down the next week despite being profitable so that the work could be moved to the States. The rhetoric is being backed up by economic warfare and so the rhetoric must be tackled.
It is worth pointing out that when the media was filled with these stories of US and UK leaders criticising MacAskill over the past few months, the US and the UK were already training Libyan special forces and police in exchange for oil and the US and UK oil companies were already running contracts in Libya.
Today, the main story in Scotland for the few folk still paying attention, is 'Lockerbie Justice Group calls on Angiolini to resign over Megrahi comments'. Typically, it is in a legal magazine not an activist website that is calling for Scotlands Lord Advocate Elish Angiolini to resign, but it is in the nature of legal magazines to be circumspect and it is the nature of my posts on IM to be hyperbolic, and I would say E Angliolini is Scotlands 'J Edgar Hoover'. The Crown Office in Edinburgh should be abolished and investigated by other police and independently by the populace. In my personal conspiracy theory, they are one of the levers of power worked from Washington.

Another article by a brilliant female lawyer called Gareth Peirce appeared in the London Review of Books last week which is worth a read:

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Semtex link challenged
24.09.2009 18:54
“The Crown theory utterly depended upon Judges believing that this white-hot sphere with a temperature of 6,800F, travelling in all available directions at 20,000mph did not scorch, never mind totally annihilate, a printed circuit board and a fabric label, which it was able to wholly detach from the shirt. Our group finds this utterly incredible”
There is another detail of the official story worth investigating - if anyone reading this has access to a decent metal detector and is interested then please say.
Rupert Murdoch and David Cameron: Deadly Exposure
25.09.2009 04:46
Why does Anna Torv, niece of Rupert Murdoch and star of Fox TV's "Fringe" share a residence in Kensington with Arran Alexander MacDonnell/"Antonin Alexander" for the past couple years? She is now married, but the tabloid media that usually report this stuff ignore this illicit affair. Why were two photographers who never had problems selling photos to News of the World and Sun threatened and intimidated when attempting to sell photographs of the couple out together in public and holding hands? Why were these photos seized and shred without payment or explanation?
Why would a UK citizen (Arran Alexander MacDonell/"Antonin Alexander") who is nominally employed at British consulate in New York be writing an anti-Scotland website and why is he on the Consulate's payroll even though he seems to live most of the time in London? Why is an employee of the UK government allowed to be a paid consultant for News Corp?
Why would David Cameron say to his one of his aides in confidence on August 12th, "Make sure the Scotland boycott is top on the agenda this week" days before the Internet campaign started? How would he even know a boycott was in the works?
A person here called Norvello wrote "Hmm. Obviously it takes a conspiracy involving David Cameron / the FBI / CIA / the funders of the IRA / Murdoch to paste together a poxy single-paged website containing a daft rant about Scotland."
Have you thought that maybe it was appeared to look that way? Why on August 24th did Michael Levine, a prominent California businessman and advertising consultant aligned with AIPAC officially announce a national boycott:
Why was a package containing photos of several the above figures intercepted by MI5 not reported by the press? Why was the Truthseeker website which attempted to publish this information with scanned evidence hacked and taken offline after it did so? It's back online but only because Truthseeker agreed not to publish this information. We don't agree with caving in but it's understandable. What we want to get back are those photos.
The question that hasn't been asked is why the Boycott Scotland website was made to look like it was done by one or two persons but clearly involves a number of high-profile figures in the US, UK, and Canada. The trail keeps leading back to London and Rupert Murdoch and David Cameron.
Why were several UK nationals who had written to the boycott website and were planning on attending a pro-Libya counter-demonstration at the UN denied entry into the US? Why did two others find themselves on a no-fly list? Those are only the ones we know about.
Our estimation is that the boycott website was set up to look like it was by one or two people, but really set up to collect names and information about people writing in. If thousands of people wrote in to the website with their names and opinions of US foreign policy and UK domestic policies, then that is a convenient way for the US and UK to both develop a list of people to watch out for.
The persona of "Antonin Alexander" is more and more apparent to be a fiction invented to create confusion and disarray. This is a classic example of a false flag operation and I can't say that there is a better example out there. Only a few blogs actually had the guts to question where the boycott was coming from and to state that it was of UK origin and possibly a Unionist front operation.
A columnist at Lew Rockwell wrote: "The Boycott Scotland website was not thrown together by a bunch of illiterates. It’s an impressive-looking collection of opinion, fact, and news items stitched together by a thread of righteous anger." -
He also writes: "Most Americans I talk to have never heard of the boycott, and most Scots seem to support the remarks of the Scottish first minister"
Other writers have also claimed that no one in the US heard about it, only people in the UK. This lends even more weight that this is a UK based false flag designed to collect names and addresses and other intelligence about anti-Unionist, anti-US people in the UK.
The reason why its obvious that this was the work of more than a few people is the fact that they went to great lengths to make it SEEM like it was. And in a way it is since it is the brainchild of David Cameron. Just like how they did everything to make the backlash SEEM to be real. The question you have to ask is in the end who profits? The only group to gain anything out of this entire affair are the Conservatives. Cameron even sent the London mayor to New York to "fix things" and making Labour look bad.
The classic strategy of false flag is to create confusion and make it difficult to pinpoint the origin - this has already been done and very effectively. In the UK it was made to be a HUGE story, a HUGE backlash and then in the US no one was talking about it. Backlash was a myth. But the effect is done - Cameron comes out with lots of support, Brown and Labour look miserable, and Unionists gain a stronger foothold in Scotland just as the issue of independence was being readied for a new referendum.
The Whistleblower
Michael Levine: Architect of Chaos
25.09.2009 05:02
The Whistleblower
Michael Levine: Merchant of Chaos
25.09.2009 05:54
Latest hidden article
25.09.2009 06:10
The Whistleblower
Michael Levine on boycotting Scotland
25.09.2009 08:48
Below Michael Levine further details his Boycott Scotland campaign:
OUTRAGE! TRAVEL BOYCOTT TO SCOTLAND BEGINS: Americans outraged over watching the “hero’s welcome given to convicted Lockerbie terrorist Adbel Basset Ali al-Megrahi in Libya on Thursday are being organized into a boycott campaign “asking all civilized people to boycott any and all travel to Scotland for a year.” The campaign will initially center around an aggressive letter writing campaign (including all forms of social media) to organizations and politicians throughout America including law enforcement, military, human rights and victims organizations. “A travel boycott to Scotland seems a minimum response for the stomach-turning decision to release a convicted mass murder” said boycott organizer media expert and author Michael Levine.
Below Michael Levine reveals his high profile connections in Washington
The Whistleblower
Michael Levine also admits to being source of French wine boycott
25.09.2009 08:50
I've got a little update on the French Wine Boycott, or what is otherwise known as Americans With A Memory. I've now had a chance to speak with Michael Levine, the publicist who has started this whole movement about his reasoning and the impact of his efforts so far.
Levine says that he basically got tired of turning the other cheek. He was exhausted by what he referred to as France's "obnoxious ingratitude towards US." He articulates that France, which is considered an ally to the States, has been unhelpful in the 80s and unsupportive now. This, despite the approx. 200,000 troops that the US has given to free France in WWII.
Also outrageous is France's "pathetic record of anti-Semitism," Levine adds. This is something that has been in the media quite a bit as of late, especially with the past elections, hateful crimes and survey statistics that reveal that as many as one in five French people are anti-Semites. "I don't like their style," says Levine.
So why specifically French wine? "Boycotts have to be focused," says Levine. With wine, Levine was able to find a simple and effective focus. Besides, according to estimates Americans consume some $821 million in French wine annually.
So far the response has been tremendous, with much support coming from varied organizations, media and individuals writing in with their encouragement.
The Whistleblower
Oi - Whistleblower
25.09.2009 15:47
"Michael Levine reveals the strategy and ideology behind the false flag operation"?
Look I - like others - may suspect the Lockerbie bombings have been attributed to a patsy (and am looking forward to the report in the next Private Eye on that). But if you're going to claim it was a false flag by the US you're going to have to do a damn site better than point out he's written a book on brand strategy. FFS.
And you've still not managed to back up your wholly ludicrous claims that David Cameron is in on this super-plot.
Norvello (sic)
27.09.2009 00:04
I don't think he is an instigator as suggested but learning about him has filled a few missing links, and does explain why this story has some currency in US media, given how self-important he is there.
If nothing else, it links Fox News to a metally defective Church of Satan devotee, and I don't know which will be more ashamed by their links if they were exposed in the mainstream. The fact Obama and Clinton repeated this vitriolic crap is the real story of this side-story.
Danny the friendly neighbourhood police mole
27.09.2009 01:03
@ smearer
27.09.2009 12:24
wrong link
27.09.2009 12:42
Not sure what guideline I broke but maybe you can tell me.
Develop your skills, assign people to what they are skilled at
27.09.2009 13:52
I'd be a crap moderator for instance. I'm a fairly good reseacher but I am too emotionally involved to be trusted hiding or editting other peoples posts when I disagree with them. Some people can do this task well though, but not everyone who thinks they can moderate can actually moderate decently. Each time you hide a post you have to ask yourself 'Did I just hide that post because I don't agree with it, or because it could be potentially damaging?' Of course infiltrators don't ask themselves that.
Even to me though, my past two posts on this thread don't make any sense since you've hidden the smear I was responding to. Publishing my rebuttals when you've already hidden the smear reads like nonsense to the casual reader who hasn't clicked on the ?c=all option. IMCistas have often hidden my posts, sometimes fairly, sometimes nonsensically, occasionally really dubiously to my great annoyance. There are obviously skilled moderators and obviously unskilled moderators within IM. I'd suggest this place would improve if you kept that role for the people who are skilled, even if that means fewer admins and more delays.
Worse than that, IM-UK has become such a worthwhile site that the security services will have repeatedly attempted to infiltrate you. I know of one infiltrator in IM-Scotland, and I wouldn't trust any of that collective because of that. Each collective is as weak as it's weakest link.
In my arrogant opinion, it is better to be small, and to be slow, than to be an unwitting instrument of the state. Some of the admins here do not have the necessary skills or temprement to moderate due to a shortage of resources/volunteers, while one or two others are doubtless infiltrators. Moderation though is your public image and these skills can be passed on by more experienced IMCistas.
Yeah, feel free to hide this too, as long as some of the IMCistas consider it.
Develop your skills, assign people to what they are skilled at
27.09.2009 13:52
I'd be a crap moderator for instance. I'm a fairly good reseacher but I am too emotionally involved to be trusted hiding or editting other peoples posts when I disagree with them. Some people can do this task well though, but not everyone who thinks they can moderate can actually moderate decently. Each time you hide a post you have to ask yourself 'Did I just hide that post because I don't agree with it, or because it could be potentially damaging?' Of course infiltrators don't ask themselves that.
Even to me though, my past two posts on this thread don't make any sense since you've hidden the smear I was responding to. Publishing my rebuttals when you've already hidden the smear reads like nonsense to the casual reader who hasn't clicked on the ?c=all option. IMCistas have often hidden my posts, sometimes fairly, sometimes nonsensically, occasionally really dubiously to my great annoyance. There are obviously skilled moderators and obviously unskilled moderators within IM. I'd suggest this place would improve if you kept that role for the people who are skilled, even if that means fewer admins and more delays.
Worse than that, IM-UK has become such a worthwhile site that the security services will have repeatedly attempted to infiltrate you. I know of one infiltrator in IM-Scotland, and I wouldn't trust any of that collective because of that. Each collective is as weak as it's weakest link.
In my arrogant opinion, it is better to be small, and to be slow, than to be an unwitting instrument of the state. Some of the admins here do not have the necessary skills or temprement to moderate due to a shortage of resources/volunteers, while one or two others are doubtless infiltrators. Moderation though is your public image and these skills can be passed on by more experienced IMCistas.
Yeah, feel free to hide this too, as long as some of the IMCistas consider it.
@ Norvello
28.09.2009 03:58
The Whistleblower
What's going on?
28.09.2009 08:23
And now you say Angliolini is in on it too, along with Brown and Cameron and the rest. And Levine.
It's too late to cover all this up, no matter what they try to hide.
I just don't see how climate change groups and Satanists and Anna Torv and Alexander and Jones fit into all of this.
Who's doing what to who?
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