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BREAKING NEWS: jungle being evicted right now

No Borders | 22.09.2009 07:37 | Migration

Protest at UK Border Agency builings or French Consulates today/tomorrow - Europe-wide.

# No arrests (yet). Minor injuries. Activists protesting at "jungle", others patrolling other camps and squats of migrants in Calais.11 minutes ago from web

# there seem to be different blockades with different situations inside and outside. People are still inside blockades.about 1 hour ago from web

# Activists were forced to leave the camp. Some were hit on their head. Now they protest outside while the police starts its destruction.about 1 hour ago from web

# It seems that all migrants who were inside are arrested now. Some resisted but without success.about 1 hour ago from web

# the camp called "jungle" has been evacuated forcibly by the police (CRS)about 1 hour ago from web

# Message from "inside": Seems to start. Loads of fast police vans with sirenes approaching from Northabout 1 hour ago from web

# police has surrounded the "jungle" - migrants, activists and journalists inside seem to be caught in thereabout 2 hours ago from web

# destruction about to begin - crs outside jungleabout 3 hours ago from web

# Massive load of police seen stationed at Coquellesabout 12 hours ago from web

# Some Pashtuns say they are going on hunger strikeabout 14 hours ago from web

No Borders


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Lets complain to the IPCC

22.09.2009 07:51

Those CRS are worse than the MET - can't the IPCC do anything?



22.09.2009 08:04

No wonder the British and French governments (as well as all the other European governments) want the Calais squats and 'jungles' cleared. It is the visible face of a Europe-wide policy of ethnic cleansing. Normally, this can be kept hidden away. Any migrant picked up gets sent quietly back to the European country they first entered - usually Greece. As Europe supports Greece's policy of 0% asylum, they can be sure that people will be deported back to their country of origin, regardless of whatever hell they've left behind.
Yet it is a human right to be able to seek asylum. The European policy (backed by the Dublin Convention) is therefore a breach of human rights.
Most of us have stood by and watched this happen. They used to round up jews in the same way and years later, we all shake our heads and say 'how could people let that happen?' Or 'I would have stood up to that and stopped it happening'. Yet today, only a small handful of activists have been battling to support the migrants.
They still need your help. Those that evade the police today will need tents and food. Those that arrive in Calais tomorrow (after months of travelling) will need support. Please don't just stand by and watch.

No borders
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Here we go !

22.09.2009 08:19

"destruction about to begin - crs outside jungleabout 3 hours ago from web"

Hurrraaahhhhh !!!! Go CRS Go CRS Go CRS

The Vast Majority

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All residents to be offered asylum in France

22.09.2009 08:32

We have learnt that all the people in the 'Jungles' will now be offered asylum by the French authorities after pressure from the French Red Cross (Croix-Rouge Française). Previously asylum was denied for those who had criminal records, they faced a return to their countries. Brice Hortefeux stated today on French breakfast TV that following representations from the Croix Rouge France would overlook previous criminal activity and allow all peoples there to claim asylum in France.

Hortefeux has in the past adopted a very conservative line with immigration into France saying,

"I am in favor of firm controls on immigration."

He was the promoter of a law that toughens conditions of political asylum in France. He believes that France has a right to expel or welcome immigrants on a discretionary basis, citing as evidence the high unemployement and criminality rates of foreigners. He also points to the geographical concentration of foreigners in a small amount of towns as evidence that they are not integrated in the country. As he declared on the newspaper Le Parisien on the 8th of November 2007,

"France has the right to choose which immigrants it can accommodate. Let's muster the courage to face our problems! Do you find it normal that 60% of immigrants are concentrated in only 3 of our 22 regions ? That the unemployment rate of these people is 22% and that their children are dropping out of school ? No, we will not accept this. "

On M6's TV show Capital, when asked if there were illegal immigrants in France, he replied: "If you dream of a country where there are only honest and clean citizens. In reality, it's a constant struggle."


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Who decides ?

22.09.2009 08:51

So because somebody was born somewhere else we get to say they must stay there ?

We must, must, must open Britain up to all who want to come here, give them a new chance to build lives and families in the freedom that Britain offers. With a modest rise in taxes we could easily offer them schooling for their children, medical care, housing and the opportunities that Britain has given all of us.

The population of Britain is currently about 60 million, we could easily accept at least an increase to 80 million with a new program of housing builds, we have the space for God's sake. New Greenfield developments in the Midlands, Scottish Borders areas and the West Country are the best option where they have lots of open land.

Open the gates Gordon, show them what the people of Britain are like.


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Believe that when I see it 'Supporter'

22.09.2009 08:52

All to be offered asylum in France? I doubt that very much. Already, people have been deported from the Calais camps over the last few months. And why do you mention criminal records?! These migrants are ordinary people like you and me. They are children, students, playwrites, carpenters, translators, carpet-makers, etc
Why would these migrants escape the Eurodac stanglehold when no-one else does (to be reurned to country of entry - usually Greece - where they have no asylum chance).


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I had no idea...

22.09.2009 08:56

"No wonder the British and French governments (as well as all the other European governments) want the Calais squats and 'jungles' cleared. It is the visible face of a Europe-wide policy of ethnic cleansing. Normally, this can be kept hidden away. Any migrant picked up gets sent quietly back to the European country they first entered - usually Greece. As Europe supports Greece's policy of 0% asylum, they can be sure that people will be deported back to their country of origin, regardless of whatever hell they've left behind"

Wow, this is fantastic. I had no idea that this was the case and believed that the UK's open-door immigration policy meant that human detritus from all over the world were freely allowed into the country virtually unchecked. I am glad that the French Government have actually taken a bold step and removed the scum from the jungle to prevent any more unskilled, uncivilised, criminal vermin to enter our shores.

Just having a look around any major city in the UK makes you want to cry. The social destruction that New Labour have created and the prevalence of hundreds of thousands of desolate immigrants and refugees in a modern 21st century society is disgusting. The UK does not have the capacity to cater for all of these people and finally, and hopefully with the installation of a strong Conservative Government very soon, we can start restoring Britain to the way it should be.

C'mon Mr Cameron, we're all waiting!


UK Border Agency - info for action

22.09.2009 08:56

Pashtun 'jungle' at dawn today
Pashtun 'jungle' at dawn today

We can't all go to Calais, although those that can are needed. But many of us have UK Border Agency offices and staff near us. Tomorrow the Calais 'jungle' clearances seem set to begin.

As Pashtuns in the main Afghan jungle prepare to resist the eviction, and some start hunger strikes, we call for direct actions and demonstrations at UK Border Agency offices throughout these islands.

UK Border Agency, Lunar House, 40 Wellesley Road, Croydon, Surrey CR9 2BY

Asylum Screening Unit - Liverpool 1st Floor, Reliance House, 20 Water Street, Liverpool, L2 8XU

Public Enquiry Offices
Solihull - Dominion Court, 41 Station Road, Solihull, Birmingham B91 3RT
Sheffield - Vulcan House, Riverside entrance, 6 Millsands, Sheffield S3 8NU
Liverpool - Reliance House, 20 Water Street, Liverpool L2 8XU
Glasgow - Festival Court, 200 Brand Street, Govan, Glasgow G51 1DH
Belfast - 1 Drumkeen Complex, Upper Galwally, Belfast BT8 6TB
Cardiff - General buildings, Ground floor, 31-33 Newport Road, Cardiff, Wales CF24 0AB

All the above Public Enquiry Offices are also biometric enrolment centres, plus
Derby - 2nd Floor, Stuart House, Green Lane, DE1 1RS
Brighton - First Floor (North Suite), 42 Frederick Place, Brighton, BN1 4EA

UKBA Customer Service Units
North West - 0161 261 1117
North East, Yorkshire and the Humber - 0114 207 2966
Midlands and East of England - 01733 847844
Wales and South West - 02920 924657
London and South East - 020 8760 8765 or 020 8760 2926

And to get through to Dover...
"Border Force Customer Service Unit - If you wish to complain about the treatment you have received at any of the United Kingdom's sea, air or rail ports, or about immigration controls at a United Kingdom port, you should contact the Border Force Customer Service Unit, phone: 01304 664511"

Report an illegal immigrant! 0800 59 5000 (HM Revenue & Customs operate this one) It's free, don't call from a phone box and leave the receiver hanging

UK turns down 'jungle migrants'
Some 1,500 migrants live in very poor conditions outside Calais

The UK Border Agency has rejected calls for Britain to accept some migrants from the illegal camp in Calais known as "the jungle".

High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres had said the government should consider granting entry to those who already have large families in the UK.

He spoke after French officials said the camp would be shut down imminently.

But the UK Border Agency said genuine asylum seekers should make their claim in the country where they enter Europe.

An agency spokesman said: "People seeking asylum should do so in the first safe country they come to, those who are not in need of protection will be expected to return home.

"The decision to close illegal encampments in and around Calais is a matter for the French government and we will continue to cooperate with them on tackling illegal immigration."


no borderer

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Six Key Facts

22.09.2009 08:58

Net immigration has quadrupled since 1997 to 237,000 a year.

A migrant now arrives nearly every minute.

We must build a new home every six minutes for new migrants.

England is already the most crowded country in Europe (except Malta)

Immigration will add 7 million to the population of England in the next 20 years - that is 7 times the population of Birmingham.

To keep the population of the UK below 70 million, immigration must be reduced by 75%. Government measures so far may reduce it by 5%.


"I have made this point many times before but can we please stop saying that Migrationwatch forecasts are wrong. I have pointed out before that Migrationwatch assumptions are often below the Government Actuarys Department high migration variant."

An internal Home Office email they were obliged to release to MigrationWatch

Migration Watch
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Six Key Facts

22.09.2009 08:58

Net immigration has quadrupled since 1997 to 237,000 a year.

A migrant now arrives nearly every minute.

We must build a new home every six minutes for new migrants.

England is already the most crowded country in Europe (except Malta)

Immigration will add 7 million to the population of England in the next 20 years - that is 7 times the population of Birmingham.

To keep the population of the UK below 70 million, immigration must be reduced by 75%. Government measures so far may reduce it by 5%.


"I have made this point many times before but can we please stop saying that Migrationwatch forecasts are wrong. I have pointed out before that Migrationwatch assumptions are often below the Government Actuarys Department high migration variant."

An internal Home Office email they were obliged to release to MigrationWatch

Migration Watch
- Homepage:

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22.09.2009 09:02

how about focusing on the UK Gov policies that displace people in the first place, like the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Some people I've spoken with in Calais want to come to the UK (for safety, family and friends) and many would prefer to stay at home and build a decent life, if it wasn't for the bombing and destruction of any infrastructure that allows them to lead a decent life

no borders

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Sans-Papiers people, the legal position

22.09.2009 09:06

When a sans-papiers (person without legal papers/passport) arrives at the French border they are detained by the PAF (la police aux frontières - French border police) and interviewed. The PAF have to determine whether the sans-papiers may enter French territory or not, based on various social and legal conditions. If they believe the application for admission to be unfounded the sans-papiers is sent to another country signatory to the Dublin Convention.There is no legal definition of the criteria for declaring an application to be manifestly unfounded, but the criteria outlined in the London resolution on manifestly unfounded applications are applied on an unofficial basis.

Admission procedures at entry points are governed by the Ordinance of 2 November 1945 on the conditions of entry and residence of foreigners, as ammended by the Act of 26 February 1992, which introduced the liability of carriers transporting undocumented passengers.

The PAF are required by law to infrom the Ministry of the Interior of the arrival.The Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs work hand-in-hand in determining whether the asylum seeker may enter the country. While waiting to find out whether s/he is to be deported, the asylum seeker is detained in a waiting zone. Once admitted to a waiting zone the sans-papiers is then interviewed by an official of OFPRA (l'Office français de protection des réfugiés et apatrides - French Office for the Protection of Refugees and Stateless Persons), an autonomous body of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. On the recommendation of the official the Ministry of the Interior then comes to a decision. Negative decisions can be appealed in the 24 hours after the decision has been made, but this does not suspend deportation.

The laws of July 6, 1992 and December 27, 1994 allowed for the creation of these waiting zones at the borders; at train stations, airports and ports. These zones are international territory. The authorities can detain a sans-papiers for upto 20 days while they decide whether the application for entry to French territory is manifestly unfounded or not. In these zones the foreigners are entitled to interpreting and medical assistance. They may also seek advice from a lawyer, but no free legal assistance is available. Access to these zones is limited for NGOs but UNHCR representatives have de facto permanent access to asylum seekers held in the waiting zones.

If the applicant receives a positive response the Ministry of the Interior then grants a sauf-conduit (safe conduct pass) which allows the applicant to apply for asylum with a Préfecture (French county/district). This pass is valid for 8 days and during this time the asylum seeker must present him/herself at a Préfecture to get a form for official application of asylum. Admissibilty is decided by the authorities of the Préfecture according to the conditions of the Dublin Convention, but OFPRA deals with cases which fall outside these conditions. If the authorities believe a case permisable (spell?) they grant a residence permit valid for one month which allows the asylum seeker time to complete and return the application form to OFPRA. A certificate of receipt is then issued to the applicant. The applicant must then present him/herself with this cert in hand to the Préfecture who then grant a residence permit valid for 3 months. This permit is renewable every three months until OFPRA reach a decision. It can take up to and over one year for OFPRA to process the application and come to a decision. If denied asylum by OFPRA, the asylum seeker can lodge an appeal to the CRR (la Commission des recours des réfugiés - Appeals Board for Refugees). The CRR is comprised of three judges who represent le Conseil d'Etat (Council of State - the highest administrative tribunal in France) , OFPRA and the UNHCR. In this case, appealing a decision does suspend deportation. In 1999 the CRR repealed 10% of negative decisions made by OFPRA. A negative decision made by the CRR can be appealed to the Conseil d'Etat, but only based on procedural conditions. This appeal does not suspend deportation.

The only refugee status granted in France is Geneva Convention status (1951). There are however other types of residence permits.

Residence permit on humanitarian grounds
This is granted under exceptional circumstances to a rejected asylum seeker who has been living (albeit illegally) in France for many years and who have integrated into French society; or an asylum seeker who can establish that return to their country of origin is impossible because they would be exposed to serious risks to their safety or liberty. In these cases, someone granted a residence permit on humanitarian grounds is not considered a refugee. The permit is temporary, valid for 3,6 or 12 months and is accompanied with a working permit. A negative reply to application for this permit cannot be appealed.
N.B. An asylum seeker who is rejected at the border cannot apply for a residence permit on humanitarian grounds (because they have not been living on French territory).
Territorial asylum
Created in 1998 this form of asylum is granted in exceptional cases for reasons other than those laid down by the Geneva Convention. It is for the most part granted to Algerians This permit is temporary and may be accompanied by a working permit also.
Constitutional asylum
This is granted to individuals who have been/are persecuted because of their activities in the defence of liberty. It is for the most part a symbolic status and has only ever been granted once, in its first year of existence. (Do not ask me to whom because I haven't been able to find that out. If you know, please /msg me and I'll add it in).

According to the figures, between 1995 and 1999 there has been a one third increase in the number of applications for asylum seekers: 20,170 - 30,830. Despite these numbers, however, there has been a decrease in the number of seekers granted asylum status. Because of this, NGOs and the UNHCR have underlined problems existing in French immigration policy. They accused the PAF of frequently refusing to listen to the sans-papiers' reasons for application of asylum considering them simple illegal migrants (Le Monde, January 16, 2001). They maintain that at the borders the sans-papiers are often not informed of their rights and that in the waiting zones they don't have any access to their application for asylum files. The UNHCR also maintain that there are great differences in the procedural practices from region to region and that the criteria for permitting residence varies greatly from préfecture to préfecture. They also criticised the length of time it takes to grant status, during which time the applicants are not allowed to work and so are forced to enrole for unemployment benefit and other social benefits (housing etc.).

So. In summary: the legal procedures for residence of sans-papiers is a lengthy and complicated one. Completely the opposite to first asylum. My advice? Make sure you take your passport with you.

No Borders Legal Observer

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In support of "disgusted"

22.09.2009 09:19

Thank you for saying what many of us in the immigrant community have been saying in private. Britian is a big place with lots of money, its people are rich and yet they sit back and deny others the joy they have.

Britian needs to build houses, hundreds of thousands of houses so that the peoples of Afghanistan and Iraq can come here to be repaid for the damage Britian has done to their countries. Britian owes them and Britain should pay.

Son of immigrants

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These are the people you are fighting for.

22.09.2009 09:20

Birmingham City Council are said to be 'cooperating with police investigations in relation to a young person'

An asylum-seeker has been arrested after the alleged rape of a young girl from a children's home where he had been placed after apparently lying about his age.
The Afghan presented himself to Birmingham Social Services and claimed he was a 13 year-old minor, but staff suspected he was really over 18.
He was placed at the council-run children's home after producing medical evidence at an immigration hearing which seemingly backed his claims of being a child.

But the Afghan was later arrested following the suspected rape of a 13-year-old girl from the care home and police found an immigration card which appeared to confirm that he was really 19.
Social services have now begun an investigation after the asylum-seeker was quizzed about the suspected sex attack, a case which has seen another adult charged with rape.
'The Afghan presented himself some time ago as a minor, seeking asylum,' said a source. 'He claimed to be 13 years old but from the outset social services had doubts.
'Yet if someone's an asylum-seeker and a minor then social services are duty bound to look after them.
'Birmingham social services' experts were involved in challenging his claim that he was 13 at two immigration hearings and at one hearing he was legally declared an adult.
'But at an appeal he produced a letter from a doctor claiming he had some characteristics of a child, so the court had to accept he was a child.'

The asylum-seeker is currently on police bail after being arrested on suspicion of the rape, which is alleged to have occurred in Birmingham last month.
Two youths in their late teens were also detained by police. One was later charged with rape and remanded in custody after appearing before Midland magistrates, while the other has also been released on police bail.
The Afghan has now been moved to a 'specialist placement' while police inquiries continue into the alleged rape, as well as his true age.
'The truth is we just don't know how old he is for sure,' said one source. 'Most think he is an adult over the age of 18. It's proving it that has been the problem.'
A Birmingham City Council spokesman said: 'We are cooperating with police investigations in relation to a young person and these investigations are ongoing.
'People referred without documents to support their age present difficulties to all local authorities.
'The Local Authority seeks to verify information through medical and social work assessments and in the interim makes appropriate arrangements for the young people concerned.'

Think it through

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Camp now gone

22.09.2009 09:32

The last clearing through is now being done, tents wrecked, lives destroyed and people in tears. I spoke to "K" a 23 year old Afghan who had traveled through Austria, Germany, Holland and France on his way to England mostly by hitching lifts and walking.

"We have nothing now, all is gone. This will not stop me, I will get to United England (sic). I need an operation and I know I can get it there. They will never stop us even when they do this"

I felt humbled by his commitment.

No Borders

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The view of the wider public

22.09.2009 09:38

Public want a massive cut in immigration
Nearly 80 per cent concerned about the issue

A new poll has found that more than 7 out of 10 adults want immigration cut by over 80%. Just 1 in 20 adults support the current level.

The YouGov poll found that 79 per cent of people were “concerned” or “very concerned” about the issue of immigration.

Net foreign immigration – the number of immigrants minus the number of emigrants – has run at about 300,000 a year for the last five years.

17% of adults questioned believed that net foreign immigration should be reduced to 50,000 a year – a level last seen in the early 1990s.
39% of adults thought that there should be no net immigration (i.e. the number of immigrants should reflect the number of emigrants).
16% of adults thought there should be more emigrants than immigrants.
Over half ABC1s (52%) and C2DEs (58%) thought that immigration should be cut to either no net immigration or there should be more emigrants than migrants. Young people also think that immigration should be drastically reduced: a total of 63% of 18-34 year olds thought that net immigration should be either 50,000 a year, or there should be no net immigration; or that emigration should be greater than immigration.

There is also strong support for a significant cut in immigration in London, where nearly one third of the population are now immigrants themselves. 74% of Londoners are concerned or very concerned about the issue. Just 6% of Londoners support the current of level of net immigration. 65 % think that net immigration should be cut by 80% while 50% think that there should either be no net immigration, or emigration should be greater than immigration.

Concern about immigration was highest in the Midlands and Wales, where 82% of people were concerned or very concerned about immigration. Even in Scotland, which has received far fewer immigrants than England, 67% people were concerned or very concerned about the issue and 65% wanted to see a cut of 80% or more in the level of immigration.

This poll shows the public’s concern about immigration is very widely felt and the demand for change very strong indeed. The issue must no longer be swept under the carpet at Westminster. If mainstream parties do not tackle these issues, the extremist parties will. Silence and inaction on immigration are the recruiting sergeants for the BNP.


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Brave ?

22.09.2009 09:43

The "brave" thing to do if your country is under attack from the Taliban is to defend it, not run away. The cowardly thing is to run as far away as possible and expect everyone else to sort out your problems.

The UK / GB PLC whatever you want to call it was built this way. Other countries who want the benefits of what the UK has to offer should aim to build such systems in their own countries and invite the 'no border' lot along to help.

It'll never happen.

The Vast Majority

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22.09.2009 10:02

The Taliban are the freedom fighters defending Afghanistan from the UK/US/Israel Imperialists who have invaded their country. They are not running away.

Voice of the people

Message to all migrants & refugees

22.09.2009 10:04

Dear friends
Please don't believe that the negative comments here reflect the views of all or even most british people. These are posted by neo-nazi scum, desperately trying to make themselves look important.
I believe in our right to move freely around the world and settle where we wish. This was the way for human beings before a wealthy and powerful elite dictated where borders and controls should be established. So those people still supporting these borders and controls are supporting the power of a few elite.
I welcome you to the UK. I welcome you to my home. I want to show the same hospitality that you have in your own cultures. We have so much to learn from you.


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sob story

22.09.2009 10:07

"I spoke to "K" a 23 year old Afghan who had traveled through Austria, Germany, Holland and France on his way to England"

So, to summarise, having magically arrived in Austria by flying carpet, K failed to claim asylum (or had his application rejected); he then proceeded to Germany, where he failed to claim asylum (or had his application rejected); then Holland, the third safe country so far in K's web of deceit, where he failed to claim asylum (or had his application rejected); Belgium no longer seems to exist, but he arrived in France, yet another safe country, where - guess what - he failed to claim asylum (or had his application rejected).

Brings tears to your eyes, doesn't it?

Safe countries watch

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Taliban comment

22.09.2009 10:17

Every single Afghan I spoke to in Calais, talks with fear and anger about the Taliban. They have had their own parents or other relatives killed by them (all make the same beheading gesture). The Taliban are not fighting for the freedom of Afghanistan - they are fighting for their own power back (having been helpfully brought to power by the U.S). Or do you mean they are fighting for a few powerful men in the country? No woman has the right to even make eye-contact with a man in Taliban-controlled areas.
It's a facile assumption to make that beacuse the Taliban are fighting the allied forces, they automatically are fighting for the population.


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Now is the time for us to set an example to the people of the UK

22.09.2009 10:27

Now is the time for the activist community to take a stand on this issue

Now is the time for the activist community to stop wasting time with climate camp foolishness and deal with real people losing their lives right now in France

Now is the time for the activist community to declare openly and loudly, "we are happy to see more immigration to the UK"

Now is the time for the activist community to say, "we are responsible for the plight of these people through our imperialistic policies"

Now is the time for the activist community to welcome migrants into their homes, their schools, their communities, their families.

Now is the time for the activist community to forgoe one or two luxury items and donate them to those who need them

Now is the time for the activist community for offer beds and food

Now is the time for the activist community to do something and stop talking

One of many

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Exsqueeze Me ?

22.09.2009 10:29

"The Taliban are the freedom fighters"

Hahhahaha - fighting for the freedom to keep women as chattels, bum small boys, ban education and live in the stone age whilst exporting smack to buy weapons.

"defending Afghanistan from the UK/US/Israel Imperialists who have invaded their country"

Hahhahahah - Yes, to prevent the Taliban from keeping women as chattels, bumming small boys, banning education and living in the stone age whilst exporting smack to buy weapons.

"They are not running away."

Well, they are not staying put to help out.

The Vast Majority

Alan Johnson praises french police!

22.09.2009 11:08

Okay, not that surprising, but the Hull MP has made a statement to the effect he is supporting the police violence and action in Calais. Still he should be informed that we are against what is happening in France at the moment.

Happily though he's got a whole website on how to contact him - time to show solidarity...



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@ MIgration Watch

22.09.2009 11:38

Don't people ever emigrate from the U.K then or does it just fill up like a bath? Of course they do, millions of them!


These so-called 'facts'

22.09.2009 11:39

Here we go again, any chance and the racists and anti-immigration trolls come out of the undergrowth. And we even have one of Alan Green's lackeys fro MigrationSquint on the page, who clearly thinks his or her very selective use of 'facts' is so wonderful thy have to post it twice! [duplicate since taken down]

OK, let tackle some of these so-called key facts:

Fact #1: The 237,000 figure quoted for net immigration (of people expected to enter or leave the country for a period of a year or more) is for 2007 and, given that the same statistic for 1997 was 47,000 (according to the National Statistics Office), that actually makes for a 5 fold incease, so you are under estimating. But why not chose 1998, when the figure for net immigration was 139,000, which means an increase of only 70% (i.e. the increase the single year 1997-98 was nearly 300%). [See:]

Fact #2: 237,000 divided by the number of minutes in a year = 2.2 every minute (yes the equivalent of a migrant arrives nearly every minute but a migrant leaves the country the equivalent of every 3 minutes).

Fact #3: Where does this figure come from? This is equivalent to 85,440 house a year. What set of assumptions have gone into this non-fact?

Fact #4: On what factual basis can someone claim that a country is crowded? Do you mean population density? Been reading too many Optimum Population Trust press release again.

Monaco - 16,410
Gibraltar - 5,119
Malta - 1,309
UK - 246
(inhabitants per square km)

Fact #5: 237,000 x 20 = 4,740,000 not 7,000,000. Maybe MigrationSquint must mean that those filthy foreigners will also have the audacity to breed as well. The influence of net migration on population numbers in the UK is actually at its lowest since 2003-04. [See:]

Fact #6: Oh dear, it's the Optimum Population Trust line again. Maybe we should just try culling a few of the feckless proles and social inadequates to keep the figure under the magic 70 million or prevent those bloody Northerners from coming down South?

Facts you didn't take in to account:

In 2007 340,000 people emigrated and planned to remain out of the country for 12 months or more, half of those were non-UK citizens. 547,000 entered the country & planned to stay for a year or more, 13% of those were UK citizens and 18% were, for example, Poles. The actual increase in net immigration was down to the 17% decrease in long-term emigrants (those who planned to remain outside of the UK for 4 years or more).

These trends are set to decrease sharply in 2008 and 2009 as an awful lot of those 96,000 Poles (who no doubt were mostly classed as short-term 1-4 year immigrants anyway) will already have returned along with those forces out because of the lack of available jobs due to the so-called global financial crisis.

On the asylum question: the migrants will be offered the chance to apply for asylum which is not the same thing as offering asylum. Most of them will probably have travelled through Greece and already have been fingerprinted and be on the Eurodac database, so they wont get asylum. And the rest just better have some pretty good documentation, otherwise they are on the next flight back to Kabul or Irbil.

No Borders Brighton
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22.09.2009 13:38

...that IndyMedia moderators took down our comment on the ludicrous '6 Facts' that MigrationSquint posted. It's about time that someone took on these apologists for racism. So, for those of you who might want to see some of MigrationSquint's tosh put to the sword, here it is (Alan Green's 'facts' from memory):

Fact #1: Net immigration has quadrupled since 1997, now up to 237,000.
Response: The 237,000 figure quoted for net immigration (of people expected to enter or leave the country for a period of a year or more) is for 2007 and, given that the same statistic for 1997 was 47,000 (according to the National Statistics Office), that actually makes for a 5 fold incease, so you are under estimating. But why not chose 1998, when the figure for net immigration was 139,000, which means an increase of only 70% (i.e. the increase the single year 1997-98 was nearly 300%).

Fact #2: A migrant arrives nearly every minute.
Response: 237,000 divided by the number of minutes in a year = 2.2 every minute (yes the equivalent of a migrant arrives nearly every minute but a migrant leaves the country the equivalent of every 3 minutes).

Fact #3: A new house will need to be built every 6 minutes to house these migrants.
Response: Where does this figure come from? This is equivalent to 85,440 house a year. What set of assumptions have gone into this non-fact?

Fact #4: Britain is the second most overcrowded EU country (after Malta).
Response: On what factual basis can someone claim that a country is crowded? Do you mean population density? Been reading too many Optimum Population Trust press release again.

Monaco - 16,410
Gibralter - 5,119
Malta - 1,309
UK - 246
(inhabitants per square km)

Fact #5: Migration will add 7 million more people to the UK population over the next 20 years, equivalent to the size of Birmingham.
Response: 237,000 x 20 = 4,740,000 not 7,000,000. Maybe MigrationSquint must mean that those filthy foreigners will also have the audacity to breed as well. The influence of net migration on population numbers in the UK is actually at its lowest since 2003-04.

Fact #6: Some rubbish about having to cut immigration by 85% to maintain a UK population below 70 million.
Response: Oh dear, it's the Optimum Population Trust line again. Maybe we should just try culling a few of the feckless proles and social inadequates to keep the figure under the magic 70 million or prevent those bloody Northerners from coming down South?

Facts MigrationSquit didn't take in to account when twisting the figures to their ends:

In 2007 340,000 people emigrated and planned to remain out of the country for 12 months or more, half of those were non-UK citizens. 547,000 entered the country & planned to stay for a year or more, 13% of those were UK citizens and 18% were, for example, Poles. The actual increase in net immigration was down to the 17% decrease in long-term emigrants (those who planned to remain outside of the UK for 4 years or more).

These trends are set to decrease sharply in 2008 and 2009 as an awful lot of those 96,000 Poles (who no doubt were mostly classed as short-term 1-4 year immigrants anyway) will already have returned along with those forces out because of the lack of available jobs due to the so-called global financial crisis.

No Borders Brighton
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Asylum seeker? or economic migrants?

22.09.2009 14:39

I'm sure we are all pretty uncomfortable seeing young, desperately poor people being thrown around by the police but I think there is a fundamental confusion of issues occurring here. These people are not asylum seekers they are economic migrants; a genuine asylum seeker in fear of his life does not need to come to the UK once s/he is safe in France or any other EU country.

By attempting to do so they move from being Asylum seekers to economic migrants. the two are different things and should not be confused.

In fact illegal economic migration has the effect of turning public opinion against those with a genuine need for asylum with the knock on effect of making aslyum much harder to claim. False asylum claims also have the effect of slowing down and overwhelming systems and charities established to process and assist asylum seekers.

I speak as one who has significant experience of the UK's very poor aslyum system and is married to somebody who left Yugoslavia for aslyum in Sweden.


What is wrong with economic migrancy?

22.09.2009 19:27

Some pro-border scumbags have been posting on here criticising "economic migrants" as if that was a bad thing. Maybe they like living inside a giant prison, but some of us don't.

Why shouldn't people move around in search of a better place to live? People have done that ever since humans existed. People move around within countries in search of work or better conditions. Western countries have done it in the past by invading other countries and fucking them over.

Especially consider that many of the migrants are here because the UK and US have trashed their own countries either by military force or by economic means.

Border cops are the lowest form of scum there are, and I couldn't wish for a painful enough death for them.


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