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Climate Rush on the Run

Tilly | 16.09.2009 11:41

Is ongoing - why no support

Nearly three weeks in and Tamsin and crew are rocking into the west country with their suffragette roadshow. It's been amazing arrests, fun, celebs, some TV interviews and we escaped London's rain! Come on guys show us some support! Two weeks to go....



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Better things to do

16.09.2009 11:57

Probably because most people have better things to do than hang out with a group of Oxbridge-educated snobs and their horse.

I see Tamsin’s friend, Fred Lampton was arrested at Oxford Airport when Climate Rush was protesting. I’m sure daddy, the 7th Earl of Durham, will be able to afford to fine his fine.

I’m sure they’ll more support when Tatler and Harpers & Queen feature their exploits.

Working class lad

climate rush on the Run

16.09.2009 12:15

Ah yes, our prefects converting people on our behalf again. Thanks Tamsin/Tilly/Jasper/henry/harry/jocasta/poppy we're lucky you are rich enough not to work to help us out. It would be easier, on the other hand, if you just got Mummy and daddy to sell their gardens so we could put up a few hundred poor people in flats there....


Show some respect

16.09.2009 12:17

I think that he should be addressed at Hon. Fred.

To be fair he has been active with Plane Stupid in the past and all credit to Tamsin for actually doing something - even if it sounds more like a Cheltenham Ladies College day trip.


What a bunch of

16.09.2009 13:24

fucking tossers. The commentators that is.

If your face, background, colour, politics, dont fit then your not fit for purpose.



@ amazed

16.09.2009 13:38

It's not cause THEY are middle/upper-class. It's cause THEIR POLITICS is!



16.09.2009 13:47

"Is ongoing - why no support

Nearly three weeks in and Tamsin and crew are rocking into the west country with their suffragette roadshow. It's been amazing arrests, fun, celebs, some TV interviews and we escaped London's rain! Come on guys show us some support! Two weeks to go.... "

First of all, and without meaning to be rude, not every keeps up to date on every action by every group - a post like this gives zero information about who Climate Rush are and why people should support them. If you're trying to get people to support your group, try explaining who you are, what action you are taking, why you're taking it, and what end result you're looking for.

Having poked about a bit on Indymedia it seems that this is a bunch of climate activists travelling about the country doing bits of street theatre and getting arrested outside airports. Celebrity culture bores me, TV work has its occasional uses but isn't something that really needs "support," and I've yet to see just what the airport actions in question are supposed to accomplish (I'm not against them, I just don't get why people are doing them.)

To be honest, it's really rather rude to demand that people support your actions "just because"; people have all sorts of obligations, from everyday issues of family and work to other groups and issues to get involved with. If you're going to demand they take extra time out to support your group specifically you could at least try to explain why.

I'm not saying this is deliberate on your part but it does come across quite badly.

Anyway, wishing you the best in what you're doing, whatever that may be.



16.09.2009 14:51

It is because they are self-serving, up their own arses, middle class "look at me, look at me," ego-maniacs that they think we should all be following their pathetic little piece of eco-theatre. They are the same ones who were making speeches at climate camp and getting arsey while he rest of us just got on with things. They believe they have a god-given right to preach because they are posh and perceive themselves as more educated. It's pathetic really.


Attention seekers

16.09.2009 15:06

... rather than changers of anything. That just about sums up the celebrity stunts they go in for. And when is someone gonna liberate that horse from those fucking single issue tossers?


Notting Hill set

16.09.2009 15:17

What I find difficult with some of these people is that they say they are opposed to the expansion of airports – ie flying for the masses – but then every so often are revealed to have recently taken flights.

It is interesting that Fred Lambton, grandson of the Tory minister Lord Lambton, has latched onto Climate Rush. He has been prominent in the campaign against Siena airport. Yet this campaign, which has been mounted largely by the Notting Hill set, has less to do with a concern with the environment, than it does a desire to keep the unwashed masses from getting cheap flights into Tuscany.


Climate Blushing

16.09.2009 17:59

Yay! More movement splitting. That'll stop climate change.

For what it's worth, I don't really like like Climate Rush (because of their politics - liberal reformism - not because of who they are), But I don't see them as a threat to stopping the radical climate change movement any more (and perhaps less) than any other liberal reformist groups - FoE, Oxfam, most organisations in Stop Climate Chaos really. So why do people spend so much time slagging them off? If it's because they're 'rich upper class tossers' then there are better targets. If you think it's because slagging them off will help stop climate change, I'm really not sure how it will do this.



17.09.2009 11:28

Climate Rush are in the position of trying to play both sides - they take part in "direct action" and present themselves (or are seen as presenting themselves) as part of the radical ecological movement, while their politics and activities are uniformly liberal. I suspect it is this which causes a lot of the aggro, combined with their class status. Were they to simply take the route other liberal groups use - lobbying parliament, letter-writing, etc. - they would most likely simply be ignored by radicals, rather than attacked.


Hey Hey!

17.09.2009 12:14

Tams and the gang area legitimate voice for the environmental lobby. Liberalism got women the vote. They are martyrs - what are all you critics doing to save the environment this morning? They are trudging through the west country with no batteries for their phones or laptops in the wind and rain. What are you doing? making snidey remarks. When the going gets tough, the tough get going......


wind uuuuuup

17.09.2009 15:00

come on, look at this last comment lolz

good shit

its a

Go back to your mansions stupid poshos

17.09.2009 17:56

I've got other things to worry about, like whether I'll still have a job at Xmas



18.09.2009 09:10

"Tams and the gang"

someone pass the sick bag.

this isn't the Famous Five for fuck's sake



18.09.2009 13:13

Quite agree Ugh, what drivel! hopefully their mummies and daddies have their second homes down in the west country and they stay put for a few months while the rest of us get on with things....


What things?

19.09.2009 23:33

in my opinion, this group is like a few others that take a lot of shit from the activist in-crowd. The climate rush isn't trying to represent all ecoactivists, anarchists or young people, because we can't be represented and it would be a waste of time to try. It's not asking for permission to campaign either, because nobody needs to ask - just go and do. It doesn't need respect or praise, but people have been rude and dismissive by reflex. Climate rush isn't trying to convert you- it's not aimed at right-on anarchofolk. The idea seems pretty obvious: to widen the message and the appeal of environmentalism to people who don't normally fit in the activist mold.

It's not a single issue group because climate change isn't a single issue- it's about social justice, gender issues, the rights of indigenous people, corporate control of the media and politics, and a lot more.

Their point looks pretty good to me. Climate change is here, affecting the poorest in the world already. An individual can do a lot by herself, but even living in a perfectly self sustaining community ain't gonna stop the tides rising. We need all hands on deck to turn this oil tanker around, and that includes middle class people, posh people and even grazia readers. Thinking that these poshos should stay in Chelsea and Notting hill and leave the real environmental work to good grit-under-the-nails anarchists like us is just mad and arrogant. All hands on deck.

I suppose it's normal for groups focused around love, tolerance and respect to be full of haters, but it's really sad to see.



20.09.2009 13:56

I still say liberate the horse!
