Nearly three weeks in and Tamsin and crew are rocking into the west country with their suffragette roadshow. It's been amazing arrests, fun, celebs, some TV interviews and we escaped London's rain! Come on guys show us some support! Two weeks to go....
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Better things to do
16.09.2009 11:57
I see Tamsin’s friend, Fred Lampton was arrested at Oxford Airport when Climate Rush was protesting. I’m sure daddy, the 7th Earl of Durham, will be able to afford to fine his fine.
I’m sure they’ll more support when Tatler and Harpers & Queen feature their exploits.
Working class lad
climate rush on the Run
16.09.2009 12:15
Show some respect
16.09.2009 12:17
To be fair he has been active with Plane Stupid in the past and all credit to Tamsin for actually doing something - even if it sounds more like a Cheltenham Ladies College day trip.
What a bunch of
16.09.2009 13:24
If your face, background, colour, politics, dont fit then your not fit for purpose.
@ amazed
16.09.2009 13:38
16.09.2009 13:47
Nearly three weeks in and Tamsin and crew are rocking into the west country with their suffragette roadshow. It's been amazing arrests, fun, celebs, some TV interviews and we escaped London's rain! Come on guys show us some support! Two weeks to go.... "
First of all, and without meaning to be rude, not every keeps up to date on every action by every group - a post like this gives zero information about who Climate Rush are and why people should support them. If you're trying to get people to support your group, try explaining who you are, what action you are taking, why you're taking it, and what end result you're looking for.
Having poked about a bit on Indymedia it seems that this is a bunch of climate activists travelling about the country doing bits of street theatre and getting arrested outside airports. Celebrity culture bores me, TV work has its occasional uses but isn't something that really needs "support," and I've yet to see just what the airport actions in question are supposed to accomplish (I'm not against them, I just don't get why people are doing them.)
To be honest, it's really rather rude to demand that people support your actions "just because"; people have all sorts of obligations, from everyday issues of family and work to other groups and issues to get involved with. If you're going to demand they take extra time out to support your group specifically you could at least try to explain why.
I'm not saying this is deliberate on your part but it does come across quite badly.
Anyway, wishing you the best in what you're doing, whatever that may be.
16.09.2009 14:51
Attention seekers
16.09.2009 15:06
Notting Hill set
16.09.2009 15:17
It is interesting that Fred Lambton, grandson of the Tory minister Lord Lambton, has latched onto Climate Rush. He has been prominent in the campaign against Siena airport. Yet this campaign, which has been mounted largely by the Notting Hill set, has less to do with a concern with the environment, than it does a desire to keep the unwashed masses from getting cheap flights into Tuscany.
Climate Blushing
16.09.2009 17:59
For what it's worth, I don't really like like Climate Rush (because of their politics - liberal reformism - not because of who they are), But I don't see them as a threat to stopping the radical climate change movement any more (and perhaps less) than any other liberal reformist groups - FoE, Oxfam, most organisations in Stop Climate Chaos really. So why do people spend so much time slagging them off? If it's because they're 'rich upper class tossers' then there are better targets. If you think it's because slagging them off will help stop climate change, I'm really not sure how it will do this.
17.09.2009 11:28
Hey Hey!
17.09.2009 12:14
wind uuuuuup
17.09.2009 15:00
good shit
its a
Go back to your mansions stupid poshos
17.09.2009 17:56
18.09.2009 09:10
someone pass the sick bag.
this isn't the Famous Five for fuck's sake
18.09.2009 13:13
What things?
19.09.2009 23:33
It's not a single issue group because climate change isn't a single issue- it's about social justice, gender issues, the rights of indigenous people, corporate control of the media and politics, and a lot more.
Their point looks pretty good to me. Climate change is here, affecting the poorest in the world already. An individual can do a lot by herself, but even living in a perfectly self sustaining community ain't gonna stop the tides rising. We need all hands on deck to turn this oil tanker around, and that includes middle class people, posh people and even grazia readers. Thinking that these poshos should stay in Chelsea and Notting hill and leave the real environmental work to good grit-under-the-nails anarchists like us is just mad and arrogant. All hands on deck.
I suppose it's normal for groups focused around love, tolerance and respect to be full of haters, but it's really sad to see.
20.09.2009 13:56