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Keyboard Warriors Needed as Liverpool Activists Picket Rubbish Scabs

Workers' Fightback | 15.09.2009 12:07 | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements | Liverpool

A group of activists from the Workers' Fightback group amongst others are currently picketing strike-breakers Assist Streetcare at their depot in Aintree, Liverpool, and they need your help!

The company have been supplying scab labour to Enterprise Liverpool, who run the council's cleaning services. Six hundred refuse collectors, street cleaners, recycling and highways staff are currently in a second period of indefinite strike action, demanding that their employers consolidate bonus payments into their regular wages.

Assist Streetcare have also been been providing scabs for Edinburgh council, where refuse workers have been striking against pay cuts. At least thirty scabs have been put up at the £102 per night Hilton Hotel at Edinburgh airport.

The scab company need to understand that although they may be able to find some people desperate enough to scab, there are many more of us who won't let them get away with it. They need to learn that if they disrupt a strike, working class people will disrupt their business.

Until 5pm we'd like as many people as possible to contact Streetcare Liverpool as many times as they are able to. We want people to demand two things:

Streetcare should not supply any extra staff to Enterprise Liverpool during this dispute.

Streetcare should not to require any of their staff to cross picket lines.

Please spread these phone numbers and email addresses as widely as you can. In recent disputes in Sheffield and Scotland it has proved possible to overload and shut down phone switchboard and email systems using this tactic.

0845 600 8376 – Liverpool office general contact

0151 525 0066 – Liverpool office direct

0151 524 3083 – Fax number

Feel free to write your own email, but keep it polite, or cut and paste this statement and send it on:

The ongoing industrial action by workers at Enterprise Liverpool is an important fight to protect wages and conditions. Assist Streetcare's actions in supplying scab workers not only threaten workers in this dispute, but all of us at a time when wages and conditions are under attack in many different workplaces.

In support of the striking workers I would ask Assist Streetcare:

Not to supply any extra staff to Enterprise Liverpool during this dispute.

Not to require any of your workers to cross picket lines.

Workers' Fightback
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they've shut down that email address

15.09.2009 13:08

what other emails can we use?



17.09.2009 20:22

any idea if there also running the scapping operation against the rufuse workers strike in leeds?
