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Zippos Circus gone but not forgotten

SARC | 07.09.2009 16:36 | Animal Liberation | South Coast

Yesterday evening saw an end to the Zippos Circus Southsea run and SARC activists were there to give them an almighty send off.

Activists arrived shortly after 2.00pm for the afternoon show and handed out placards and leaflets to everyone entering the circus.

Ten minutes before the first show an activist was violently assaulted by a member of the public and the police were called. SARC had tried to work throughout the campaign very openly with Hampshire Police but were disappointed with the response and repression we received on Friday night and so a decision had been made not to inform them about yesterdays protests. Initially the police seemed uninterested in the case but after a second assault took place they had no option but to pursue it as a genuine crime.

We leafletted more people over both performances and laughed away to ourselves as only a handful of people even bothered to turn up for Sundays evening performance.

After a rant and some chants on the megaphone we insured that Portsmouth would be one city that all animal circuses would be leaving off their tour routes for 2010.

ZIPPOS CIRCUS, we have campaigned against you for 2 weeks and with full support of the public we will be campaigning at your ringside time and time again should you choose to show your faces around the territory of the Southern Animal Rights Coalition again.

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