Lockerbie - FBI gangsterism
Danny | 07.09.2009 14:10 | Other Press | Terror War
FBI head Robert Mueller phoned up Lothian & Borders police in the middle of the night to get Scottish Justice Minister Kenny MacAskills home address. He said this was to have his FBI agents in Scotland deliver a letter to MacAskhill immediately. To their great credit, L&B polis told him to deliver to the night-watchman at the Government offices.
Sending your boys to deliver a threatening message in the middle of the night is gangsterism, pure and simple. For a spy chief to send agents around to wake up a foriegn Justice Minister to deliver a threat is effectively terrorism and an attack on independent democracy. Does anyone know Robert Muellers home address? I'd like to post him something to let him know how he is damaging his countries relations by his bullying.
This raises other questions, like why does the FBI even have officers in Scotland when it is supposedly a domestic US organisation? Do the Scottish police know these peoples home addresses?
I believe Robert Mueller is personally complicit in the Lockerbie mistrial by planting faked evidence, leaning on witnesses, judiciary and politicians - the clue is in the fact he is still doing it. I think his recent behaviour is typically discreditably abusive of his power. He was the FBI officer in charge of that case at the time. That is probably why he is going psycho know, because further investigation could leave him personally open to prosecution for faking evidence, if not actual complicity in the tragedy.
Christine Grahame, an SNP MSP, recently indicated she believed the real 'Lockerbie Bomber' lived in Washington DC. I have no idea what she is talking about since the media ignored her but I'd be interested if someone here does. Due to the US security services faking the evidence the very next day after the crash, I am not even sure that the plane was victim to a deliberate explosion, and I've tried to follow this case as closely as I can.
I'm going to write to US religious leaders asking whether agree with the Scottish Kirk and Catholic Church that MacAskill displayed Christian compassion, or whether they agree with the US Church Of Satan that Scotland should be boycotted.
This raises other questions, like why does the FBI even have officers in Scotland when it is supposedly a domestic US organisation? Do the Scottish police know these peoples home addresses?
I believe Robert Mueller is personally complicit in the Lockerbie mistrial by planting faked evidence, leaning on witnesses, judiciary and politicians - the clue is in the fact he is still doing it. I think his recent behaviour is typically discreditably abusive of his power. He was the FBI officer in charge of that case at the time. That is probably why he is going psycho know, because further investigation could leave him personally open to prosecution for faking evidence, if not actual complicity in the tragedy.
Christine Grahame, an SNP MSP, recently indicated she believed the real 'Lockerbie Bomber' lived in Washington DC. I have no idea what she is talking about since the media ignored her but I'd be interested if someone here does. Due to the US security services faking the evidence the very next day after the crash, I am not even sure that the plane was victim to a deliberate explosion, and I've tried to follow this case as closely as I can.
I'm going to write to US religious leaders asking whether agree with the Scottish Kirk and Catholic Church that MacAskill displayed Christian compassion, or whether they agree with the US Church Of Satan that Scotland should be boycotted.
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FBI Chief - Drunk or incompetent asks Queens Counsel !
08.09.2009 15:19
"That letter from the FBI to the Justice Secretary: is it real?"
So I have to ask: who actually wrote this letter? If it was Robert Mueller, he must have been on the juice, which may perhaps have been what Lord Fraser had in mind when he kindly suggested Mueller visit Scotland to ‘discuss some good whisky‘. If it was some underling, he didn’t do his homework.
Whoever it was, it was someone with the Stalinist thinking about the infallibility of police and prosecutors which coloured the UK governments strenuous efforts to keep the evidence in the recent appeal effectively secret, but in a less disguised form. Look at this:
… only the prosecutor handling the case has all the facts and the law before him in reaching the appropriate decision.
That’s the thinking that led to the founding of the Cheka in 1918. As Hector MacQueen pointed out, it’s the old chestnut that we don’t need courts or judges to “reach the appropriate decision“; still less any defence. The prosecution, after all, is infallible. No wonder then, perhaps, that the writer of this letter, whoever he or she may have been, was so appalled at anyone not following its instructions. Thus the complaint “You never once sought our opinion” on the release. As the Justice Secretary rightly pointed out in Parliament, however, in Scotland “we have separation of powers“. Someone in the FBI, however, does not believe in this.
There’s a phrase for this, and the phrase is ‘police state’.
On Satan's Side
31.10.2009 04:43
Or the Cathars?
Or the Inquisition?
or the Priest sex abuse scandals, which never end:
I think I'll side with the Church of Satan, myself.
Lucifer Rising