StarSociety Opens its Doors to The Music Industry
Mistress of Music | 07.09.2009 10:02 | Free Spaces | Indymedia | Other Press | World
After a successful UK launch, has opened the flood gates to include workers in the music industry. Bands, solo artists, musicians, composers and more have been invited free of charge with subscription code JD8XJ3 to upload their video, audio, still and experience for viewing by approved industry professionals on a one on one communications level.
September 2009 sees the U.S. launch of StarSociety (, a new online visual communications tool, created for individuals to showcase their musical talents whether its as a musician, band, solo artist, composer or songwriter capacity to those seeking the next big thing. Seekers could be looking for the freshest new acts for their label, support acts for their tours, or maybe looking for music for their project be it a film, commercial, TV show or hiring for a particular position. But not just in their home country...Its global.
Each company or individual can create a profile that enables them to present themselves to the people that matter; by uploading music, still images and moving footage, as well as press coverage and links to external websites. They can then decide who can access their private profile, once permission has been granted the subscriber will be able to communicate directly via email or video cam, all of which will be recorded for their personal records. It protects the users and is completely private and secure. StarSociety is an anti networking site, so only those with that have real opportunities are able to search the site.
StarSociety is the perfect professional tool for anyone in the music industry, so whether you are a solo artist, in a band, a composer, a songwriter, producer or musician StarSociety is designed with you in mind.
Inspired to unite all the creative and entertainment industries and help those in the industry, StarSociety enables the music industry to cross over into other industries such as film, television and advertising.
For limited free sign up offer, go to and sign up then enter the code JD8XJ3.
For further information about Star Society and, please contact Nina Saini at
Each company or individual can create a profile that enables them to present themselves to the people that matter; by uploading music, still images and moving footage, as well as press coverage and links to external websites. They can then decide who can access their private profile, once permission has been granted the subscriber will be able to communicate directly via email or video cam, all of which will be recorded for their personal records. It protects the users and is completely private and secure. StarSociety is an anti networking site, so only those with that have real opportunities are able to search the site.
StarSociety is the perfect professional tool for anyone in the music industry, so whether you are a solo artist, in a band, a composer, a songwriter, producer or musician StarSociety is designed with you in mind.
Inspired to unite all the creative and entertainment industries and help those in the industry, StarSociety enables the music industry to cross over into other industries such as film, television and advertising.
For limited free sign up offer, go to and sign up then enter the code JD8XJ3.
For further information about Star Society and, please contact Nina Saini at

Mistress of Music
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