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"He's not a good Monarch. He's a very naughty boy!"

Free Western Sahara Network | 06.09.2009 23:37 | Anti-militarism | Repression | Social Struggles

Monty Python, Terry Jones, joins signatories in call for action on Western Sahara

Former Monty Python has added his name to a letter signed by campaigners and MP's calling for action to end the 34 conflict in Western Sahara. Letter as follows:

Eighteen years ago today, the Polisario Front (the Western Saharan liberation movement) lay down their arms ending a sixteen year war with Morocco. As part of a UN negotiated ceasefire a referendum on self-determination was promised but has yet to be carried out. In the meantime 165,000 Saharawi’s continue to live in refugee camps in the Algerian desert whilst the rest of the population suffer under an unlawful occupation.

To mark this anniversary, a delegation of campaigners and MP’s will today visit Downing Street to call on Britain to use her role within the UN Security Council to help enforce the terms of the ceasefire agreement and resolve the 34 year Western Sahara conflict. They will also demand that Britain takes swift action to ensure the safety of the Oxford Six, a group of students arrested and beaten after protesting at the refusal of Moroccan authorities to allow them to travel to England for a British Council sponsored peace workshop in August.

After over three decades it is time to put a stop to this egregious violation of international law and ensure that Morocco does not continue to block the long-awaited referendum on self-determination in ‘Africa’s last colony’.


Terry Jones (actor, comedian and Monty Python)
Jeremy Corbyn MP (Chair of the APPG on Western Sahara)
Paul Flynn MP
John Austin MP
Katy Clarke MP
David Drew MP
Ruth Tanner, (Campaigns Director, War on Want)
Stefan Simanowitz (Chair, Free Western Sahara Network)
Mark Luetchford (Chair, Western Sahara Campaign UK)
Danielle Smith (Sandblast)
Y.Lamine Baali (Polisario Front, chief-representative in UK and Ireland)

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