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Pictures of action on Barclays from climate camp

Climate camper | 05.09.2009 17:39 | Anti-militarism | Climate Chaos

Actions against the banks look like being repeated over the next week during Disarm Dsei protests. These pics were taken during the action against climate polluter and arms trade investor, Barclays Bank. Just a warm up, perhaps?

message to barclays
message to barclays

Barclays security looks on at messages the protesters left
Barclays security looks on at messages the protesters left

The march to Barclays
The march to Barclays

Post it notes
Post it notes

Protesters post-it noted the front of the building while security watched, apparently left to their own devices while police kept their distance.

Climate camper


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please burn...

05.09.2009 19:58

the more future less capitalism banner.

what a load of half arsed non-sense. makes me wonder how anti-capitalist most of the campers really are.

carbon doesn't equal capital(ism)...


Daily Mail ur coverage of action

06.09.2009 23:08

A photo of undercover reporter Helen Dowd is revealed in the above report, and I think that is at least to a degree sportspersonlike.


Helen Dowd

07.09.2009 22:38

Helen Dowd infiltrated the Climate Camp by walking through the open gate like thousands of others. She had a good time, smiled a lot, treated it as a free festival, then turned Stasi and slags and despises the people she had a good time with.

Hope you're proud of yourself Helen Hope you remembered to brief NETCU and the other Secret Police about the extremists you met.

And hope your grandchildren believe how brave you were in the face of Climate Chaos,

how proud you must be