Clarissa Dickson Wright - B list celebrity - pleads guilty to hunting
Keeptheban | 01.09.2009 11:04 | Animal Liberation
The so-called "celebrity" Chef, Clarissa Dickson Wright, has pleaded guilty to hunting.
The overated "chef", and b-list celebrity, who thinks that she is alot more famous than she actually is, pleaded guilty to a charge of hare-coursing at Scarborough Magistrates Court this morning.
Everybody knows that the Police like to pick and choose which laws they want to enforce, and will turn a blind eye to laws that they don't want, which means that hunting offences almost always go uninvestigated.
As a result the conviction this morning was a result of a private prosecution brought by the International Fund for Animal Welfare.
The overated "chef", and b-list celebrity, who thinks that she is alot more famous than she actually is, pleaded guilty to a charge of hare-coursing at Scarborough Magistrates Court this morning.
Everybody knows that the Police like to pick and choose which laws they want to enforce, and will turn a blind eye to laws that they don't want, which means that hunting offences almost always go uninvestigated.
As a result the conviction this morning was a result of a private prosecution brought by the International Fund for Animal Welfare.
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Serves her right !
01.09.2009 11:24
Not a very nice lady - so this conviction is well deserved - at least she pleaded guilty and admitted it,
Law in action
01.09.2009 11:56
Perry Mason
Good Story
01.09.2009 12:06
Also the wider issues that the police pick and choose which laws they enforce - you say "somebody reported it" - sure - but the police seem to pick and choose which laws that they want to enforce.
Things like this are left for people to pay for themselves to bring a private prosecution.
Police condemned by Judge...
01.09.2009 12:24
In reply to: "why won't the police uphold the law"
01.09.2009 12:32
The AR lobby on Indy really needs to understand that there are bigger issues in the world than their one.
For Gregg
01.09.2009 13:26
This prosecution is vital.
Lynn Sawyer
01.09.2009 15:08
reply to "Gregg"
01.09.2009 15:12
Who cares.
Just for anyone else reading this - this whole case exposes a much wider issue.
Yes, she pleaded guilty to a criminal offence - but this only came about due to a PRIVATE PROSECUTION.
The Police are paid by taxpayers to uphold the law, and yet even when a clear and simple law, like the Hunting Act, is passed through parliament, and years later, the police still appear to be unable to respond to this legislation.
So it is left to individuals to donate to groups to provide the funding for a private prosecution - something we have paid for TWICE - with our taxes, to pay the police who didn't do the job that they are paid for by the taxpayer in this case.
There are hundreds of examples of people that have been physically assaulted by hunters, with witnesses and sometimes with photographic/video evidence - but the police do not want to get involved with hunting.
They pick and choose what laws that they want to enforce, and ignore serious crimes, if they are committed by hunters.
Well done to the International Fund For Animal Welfare for bringing this prosecution, and all who have donated to them.
Gregg = Troll Alert
01.09.2009 15:17
Get lost "Gregg" - we know your game.
Gregg = Troll Alert
Not sure about that
01.09.2009 15:20
Climate Camper
Why the bigger issue ?
01.09.2009 15:37
What would you have done if you had heard abouit climate change at the same time you heard about the Holocaust. Which one would you have acted on first ?
Lynn Sawyer
Well said Lynn
01.09.2009 15:42
Activists run SHAC 7 days a week 365 days a year. Should you wish to contact us our details are below. You can call us to ask questions, order merchandise or just for a chat on anything related to the campaign. Please get in touch and we will be happy to help in any way we can.
Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty
89 Bush Road
East Peckham
TN12 5LJ
Tel: 0845 458 0630
Climate camper - hippy probably with priviledged background
01.09.2009 15:46
Glad that you were able to not work for a week, most working class people do not have this luxury, because we have bills to pay and our dads cant afford to bail us out.
Think about this.
The meat and dairy industry produces more greenhouse gasses than the entire transport sector put together.
SO - Climate Camper - I assume that you must surely be a vegan - if you are a GENUINE poster and not just a wind up merchant.
Yep - a vegan driving a Range Rover is doing less harm to the environment than a meat eater on a bicycle - FACT - an ecological fact that as a 'Climate Camper' I am sure that you will be aware of already.
SO - "Climate Camper" - and not a troll - you question the "enslavement of millions of animals" - surely as an educated "climate camper" - you would realise that millions of animals that we eat, need and AWFUL LOT OF FOOD - food that people need- 96% of the Soya Bean production worldwide is to provide animal feed - it takes 16Kg of Soyo protein to make 1Kg of meat. - very ineffiecient - but, as a "Climate Camper" I am sure that you already knew that.
as and educated individual, I am sure that you already knew that you get more calcium from brocolli and green leafy veg than you do from milk.
And as an educated "Climate Camper" - I am sure that you already knew that processed meat is the third largest cause of cancer after tobacco and alcohol - not my words but those of the International Cancer Research Trust - look it up.
Not to mention Heart Attacks - but then again, as an educated "Climate Camper" - you will be on a vegan diet, which consists of absolutely NO cholesterol and very very low levels of saturated fats, so you will not have to worry about a heart attack - you will not have one - just your friends that eat meat.
CLIMATE CAMPER - what was your point again ???
you were questioning the enslavement of animals - for your food and shoes ?
Think about it sonny.
01.09.2009 16:21
Danny - think about it !!
01.09.2009 16:35
do you not think that this is a holcaust ?
Brand new footage.
The holocaust is happening every day around you - but you say nothing - because the victims cannot speak,
Nice one Danny - open another tin of beer and pretend that everything is all okay.
In reply to Danny
01.09.2009 16:35
Lynn Sawyer
01.09.2009 16:39
If ever further proof were needed...
01.09.2009 16:42
"animal rights IS the most important issue facing the world in the same way that slavery was before it."
Thanks for that Lynn.
@ sab
01.09.2009 16:43
It's no wonder that groups like SHAC come over as swivle eyed lonnies most of the time when you use linkage of this sort.
People eat cows, lions eat zebras, crocs eat wilderbeast, cats eat mice. It's the circle of life and the sooner the animal rights loons can understand the difference between animal cruelty and veganism then there is a chance the world might move on a fraction !
Grown up
THANK YOU - AT LAST !!! - took a while to get it out of you
01.09.2009 16:50
An anti-SHAC troll - who has nothing better to do than troll the internet. - grow up yourself.
Just to remind you, Mr Troll, the ORIGINAL story was about someone that broke the law.
Yes- she committed a criminal offence - something that seems to have gone way over your head, just like it did with the police at the time.
But thanks to public donations, the second-rate chef, was brought to trial - and convicted, think about it Mr Troll - it might happen to you one day !
Film of a slaughterhouse ?
01.09.2009 16:50
Ever been inside a hospital, a mortuary, a rugby changing room all nasty places with blood etc but still quite normal.
Get over yourself Sab, you're looking like a nutcase on this thread
Enjoying a burger as I type
You fell for it
01.09.2009 16:55
Your posts had nothing to do with Clarissa Dickson Wright - the CRIMINAL - you are sad anti-SHAC trolls that are prepared to defend criminals, and spend the whole day on the internet.
Sad Act
LOLOL - enjoying a burger
Re the fake 'Lynn Sawyer'
01.09.2009 17:12
It is common knowledge that the state fear collaborations and solidarity between political movements, and at the moment their key focus is to divide the A.R. and environmental campaigns. Solidarity, after all, is strength.
NETCU Watcher
Re this post
02.09.2009 09:46
Interesting that Clarissa got an absolute discharge which is a rare thing certainly for those of us on the opposite side of the fence. The Hunting Act needs more teeth.
Lynn Sawyer
absolute discharge
04.09.2009 09:47
Infinite Spark
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