dada | 31.08.2009 15:17
Spokesmen and bureaucrats of multinational capitalist corporations will be in Istanbul, Turkey on 6 – 7 October for the 2009 Annual Meetings of the Boards of Governors of the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund where they will have decisions to destroy the lives of billions of people.
Spokesmen and bureaucrats of multinational capitalist corporations will be in Istanbul, Turkey on 6 – 7 October for the 2009 Annual Meetings of the Boards of Governors of the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund where they will have decisions to destroy the lives of billions of people.
No doubt, this will be another meeting to save the benefits of capitalist rulers, they will discuss economic packages, reconstructions and austerity politics and constitutional accordance conditions, which only adds another ring to the exploitation chain for the future of the poor and the planet we live on.
First-hand experiences in Argentina, Jamaica, Nigeria, Kenya and elsewhere have long proved that the World Band and IMF policies have no benefits other than indigence and exploitation. IMF and the World Bank, the leading architects of global capitalism, are the primary instruments of the banishment of the poor from their habitat and their homes by urban gentrification politics, commercialization and monopolization of water resources by selling it out to a few international corporations, the condemnation of the local farmers to global capitalist corporations with neo-liberal agriculture policies, and adding new rings to the chains of workers by implementing new employment legislations.
13.000 criminals and possibly even more patrolling forces to protect them will be walking amongst us on those days. Those days will be probably like hell. Police searches, id controls, blocking streets, fencings and so on.
Come on; let’s show them what hell is! Our bonfire will be their nightmare!
We call for a week of global resistance and actions against IMF and WB between 1-8 October. In Istanbul we are planning to organize workshops, exhibitions, movie screenings, conversations and activities against IMF and World Bank. Accommodation for those coming from other cities and abroad will be arranged. If you want to participate in the preparations and the process of mobilization please contact us at
For receiving regular information and updates regarding the preparations visit our webpage: (English) (Turkish)
In the bonfire days of resistance, we all have the hope to raise the international solidarity!
Autonomy of the People Against Global Capital!
Add Your Voice to the Scream Against National and International Capital!
No doubt, this will be another meeting to save the benefits of capitalist rulers, they will discuss economic packages, reconstructions and austerity politics and constitutional accordance conditions, which only adds another ring to the exploitation chain for the future of the poor and the planet we live on.
First-hand experiences in Argentina, Jamaica, Nigeria, Kenya and elsewhere have long proved that the World Band and IMF policies have no benefits other than indigence and exploitation. IMF and the World Bank, the leading architects of global capitalism, are the primary instruments of the banishment of the poor from their habitat and their homes by urban gentrification politics, commercialization and monopolization of water resources by selling it out to a few international corporations, the condemnation of the local farmers to global capitalist corporations with neo-liberal agriculture policies, and adding new rings to the chains of workers by implementing new employment legislations.
13.000 criminals and possibly even more patrolling forces to protect them will be walking amongst us on those days. Those days will be probably like hell. Police searches, id controls, blocking streets, fencings and so on.
Come on; let’s show them what hell is! Our bonfire will be their nightmare!
We call for a week of global resistance and actions against IMF and WB between 1-8 October. In Istanbul we are planning to organize workshops, exhibitions, movie screenings, conversations and activities against IMF and World Bank. Accommodation for those coming from other cities and abroad will be arranged. If you want to participate in the preparations and the process of mobilization please contact us at

For receiving regular information and updates regarding the preparations visit our webpage:

In the bonfire days of resistance, we all have the hope to raise the international solidarity!
Autonomy of the People Against Global Capital!
Add Your Voice to the Scream Against National and International Capital!
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What the World Bank means by Poverty Reduction
31.08.2009 15:42