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Thanks to solidarity mobilisations, Theodoros Iliopoulos is free at last!

Solidarity is our weapon! | 27.08.2009 15:00 | Repression | World

The Greek government could not ignore anymore the massive movement formed in solidarity with innocent detainee Theodoros Iliopoulos and set him free at last!

Theodoros Iliopoulos is free after 49 days of hunger strike. He was arrested in December and detained with fabricated molotov-throwing charges. His innocence was defended by witnesses, but the only witness reports considered by the “justice” authorities were those of two police officers. He went on hunger strike on 10 July and for more than a month the authorities refused to provide him with proper medical support at a public hospital and instead kept him in the under-funded and under-equipped prison’s medical room. He was hospitalized into the Sotiria Hospital only a few days ago.

Anarchist comrades in Greece and abroad quickly mobilised in solidarity, and later leftist and communist political parties also made announcements in his support. As the voices demanding his release were becoming more and more, and as his case was being picked up by progressive media (due to massive protests and other solidarity actions that couldn’t be left unreported) the government couldn’t ignore the protests anymore and set him free at last. Considering his hunger strike went on for 49 days, it makes you think what would happen had there been no solidarity movement...

Free, but with a few conditions: he isn’t allowed to disembark from the country and every bi-weekly period he should report to the local police station. He was set free without the need for bail payment.

Comrades in Greece had planned a solidarity march, which will go on as planned.

It should be made clear that Theodoros Iliopoulos won thanks to his determination and to the Greek and international solidarity movement in his support.

Meanwhile, in Naxos, a small island in Greece, immigrants went on hunger strike today to protest about the denial of their human rights. The social war continues...

Thanks to everyone who supported Theodoros Iliopoulos. Solidarity is our weapon!

Solidarity is our weapon!


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Amazing news!

27.08.2009 15:18

Great to hear he is finally free. I hope he gets better and his release was not the state escaping the responsibility of his pending death.


Big new & little correction

27.08.2009 20:30

Great news!

Only a little correction about Naxos. It's the biggest island of Cicladic Islands.
(sorry my english)


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28.08.2009 09:28

But wasn't he picked up the first tme when reporting to a police station? I really hope they're not planning a repeat of the cat-and-mouse tactics used against suffragettes on hunger strike.....

Having said that, the fact that he's out is wonderful news.
