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Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs

Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs | 27.08.2009 10:06 | Animal Liberation | Sheffield

Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs - Calling all new sabs!

In the next few weeks Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs will begin to disrupt bird shoots, fox hunts, and hare hunts which plan to kill wildlife for the next 8 months.

There are many hunters and shooters in the North of England, some just 20 minutes out of Sheffield. We use a variety of tactics (see to save as many animals as possible from these violent people.

We are very keen to hear from anyone who could come along and help, as the larger our group is, the more we can achieve. We will most likely be out every Saturday, and occasionaly during the week between September and May.

We are also in need of funding to keep our minbus on the road - one day of following a hunt can easily cost £40 in fuel.

If you can spare some time to help, can help with funding, or want more information - please get in touch.

Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs -

Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs
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02.09.2009 10:25

A serious allegation against the South Yorks Hunt Sabs driver was recently made in another posting on Sheffield Indymedia ('BNP and Special Branch - Partners in Crime?') While this allegation may of course be false it would be good to at least see a rebuttal from the group.



15.09.2009 07:40

Sheffield Sabs have absolute confidence and trust in all of their drivers. We would hope anybody with serious concerns for activists' welfare would deal with them in a more appropriate way than posting unfounded allegations on a public site.

Sabs get enough grief from huntscum and police, and would appreciate other activists not making our job harder by posting damaging remarks like those in the BNP article. We hope this clarifies your concerns and that the article does not deter potential sabs from getting involved.

Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs

Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs
mail e-mail:

I wouldnt worry about it

18.09.2009 18:40

The other thread is hidden and all he is trying to do is cause trouble with us Barnsley BNP and sheff hunt sabs I am very good mates of two hunt sabs from wakefeild who were the first to be nicked under the new made up laws and it was one of them that pointed me to the thread.
Hopefully someone will ask him face to face to explain himself one day.


I wouldnt worry about it

18.09.2009 18:42

The other thread is hidden and all he is trying to do is cause trouble with us Barnsley BNP and sheff hunt sabs I am very good mates of two hunt sabs from wakefeild who were the first to be nicked under the new made up laws and it was one of them that pointed me to the thread.
Hopefully someone will ask him face to face to explain himself one day.


Put down your keypad

21.09.2009 13:45

Dear Bill

You may notice that you are blabbing on about something completely irrelevant to this post. We - Sheffield Sabs - are not AT ALL interested in what you, or ANYBODY else has to say about the rantings of CAF, or about any members of our group. We don't know who you are, we don't know a single sab from Wakefield, we don't know what "made up laws" you are talking about, and we couldn't care less, and if you are from BNP, as your post seems to say, then you can burn in hell for all we care. The person referred to HAS explained himself face to face, so there's nothing further to debate.

If you, or the other 95% insane Indymedia commenters ever think of anything productive to say, then please either keep it to yourselves, or directly contact the other people involved. All this uninformed, backstabbing, infighting, gossip and pointless chit chat is embarrassing to everyone and completely counter productive to our causes.


Sheffield Saboteurs
mail e-mail:

just to be clear

21.09.2009 17:57

The court case was the old bailey against two very active hunt sabs who stood up for the cause unlike some try google you will find out who i'm on about.

And CAF has spread some crap about one of your memebers and about Barnsley BNP and seeing as I was one of them who had paint thrown over my car by these cowards It would have been much better for them to knock on my door 'but then again kids will be kids I suppose.
