Calais wishlist
No Borderer | 25.08.2009 12:05 | Migration | Repression
Just this morning 15 cops entered the Pashtun jungle and photographed migrants. They had the map with red dots marked on them.
They also dismanteled one shelter in the palestinian/arabic speaking squat claiming that the migrants had stolen the pallets from a truck.
No Borders no longer have a vehicle here in Calais. We have two bikes but it makes pre-empting the police MUCH harder.
We also really need noise-making equipment like air horns, whistles, attack alarms to draw peoples' attention to the police when they start to attack, create confusion amongst the cops, or alert migrants if the CRS show up in large numbers.
This noise-making equipment is hard to find in Calais. So please bring some over if you can.
Lastly, having cameras or camcorders is very useful. So if you have one, please could you bring it with you if you're coming over.
No Borderer