Climate Camp: New Met Police online propaganda war and '6 consulting'
monitor lizard | 24.08.2009 20:00 | G20 London Summit | Repression | Technology
The Metropolitan Police has hired a firm of consultants (6 consulting) to help it monitor social networking sites, especially around social protest and police public image..
A few different articles cut n pasted and discussed below, plus some publicity info on Radian 6 monitoring software.
A few different articles cut n pasted and discussed below, plus some publicity info on Radian 6 monitoring software.
After the G20 protest debacle, Matthew Brazil, boss of 6 consulting (and his employees) has managed to spin a line to the Met that social media monitoring software can help the Met win the online propaganda war. I doubt it! But its interesting to see their 'latest moves', as they lumber along...
Brazil and his minions also claim to help top corporations defend their image. A nice little earner...
Article cut n paste from:
The Metropolitan Police has hired a firm of consultants (6 consulting) to help it monitor social networking sites.
The police force says it wants to monitor peoples' perception of the Met, and counter rumours about what the police are doing ahead of this week's Climate Camp, which is due to take place during August bank holiday weekend.
The Met Police is two months into a six-month contact with 6Consulting, which is monitoring sites like Flickr and YouTube.
A spokesman said: "We are not monitoring in a criminal sense, we are looking to use the sites to get our message out there.
"We are monitoring how we are perceived. It's not Big Brother-style monitoring."
He said the monitoring activity was in response to the G20 demonstrations earlier this year, when rumours about the tactics police were using spread round internet via sites like Twitter.
He said: "Sometimes the rumours are accurate, but sometimes things get distorted and it can be a case of Chinese whispers."
The police force has set up a Twitter account specifically for the Climate Camp event at @CO11MetPolice. It says Twitter is useful for tracking and responding to rumours over police tactics and actions during events that attract a lot of protestors.
Slightly different Spin from PR week:
Metropolitan Police Hires 6Consulting To Monitor The Web
The Metropolitan Police has appointed a digital agency for a brief that is thought to include monitoring the web for both evidence of crime and conversations about the Met's policing methods.
6Consulting has been hired for a project, expected to last six to 12 months, to oversee social media monitoring for the Met.
Although the Met and 6Consulting refused to comment any further, other than to confirm the appointment, it is understood the brief includes monitoring of Twitter, Facebook and blogs.
This activity is being undertaken in order to gain an understanding of how the Met is perceived, but also as an additional way for the police to uncover crime.
One insider said: 'What the Met is looking for is a combination of crisis alerts and management.
'If someone blogs saying "there's a little bit of a riot going on down the street from me", it will be able to respond that bit faster.'
The agency was appointed after a competitive pitch process and reports to Met Police head of internal communication Jim O'Donnell.
6Consulting provides clients with access to social media monitoring software that can be imported into the client's own system.
It is understood that this is what the Met liked about the offering from the agency, which plans to use the software at New Scotland Yard.
Brando director of social media David Cushman said the move was a 'wise first step' in giving the Met a taste of conversations going on about it in social media.
But he added: 'How it responds to what it hears is where the bigger win lies. Joining in makes all the difference.
'That's how the Met can develop an understanding of the role of community policing within online communities.
'Social media offers the Met an opportunity to make itself more accessible, more positively perceived - and more the everyday useful and helpful part of our lives that it should be.'
The move comes after the Met was hit by a storm of negative online publicity following the death of Ian Tomlinson at the G20 protests on 1 April - including two officers caught making controversial comments on Facebook.
But in May, the Met's director of public affairs and corporate comms Dick Fedorcio rejected advice in PRWeek from social media experts to interact with bloggers, saying it 'starts to raise some ethical issues'.
Some blurbs from 6's website:
6 consulting say they use radian 6 software:
The Radian6 social media monitoring solution
The Radian6 solution helps you stay on top of what’s being said about your brands online. The solution is quick to set up and easy to use. Use it to monitor all forms of social media including blogs, top video sharing sites, forums, opinion and review sites, image sharing sites, microblogging sites, online mainstream media and other sites as they become available. The process of discovery and collection is a 24/7 process, with data pushed to your dashboard in real-time, as it is captured.
Here’s what else you can do:
Scan and sort to see the most viral posts related to your brand(s).
Watch daily for online conversations that could be damaging to your brand(s).
Identify the sites with the most influence in order to tailor your outreach.
Score and track each attribute, word or phrase associated with mentions of your brand(s).
Listen to uncover potential new customers or partners at their “point of need”.
Track volume of buzz around keywords tied to a specific marketing campaign.
Watch competitive brands and use a comparative graph to track share of voice.
The impact of social media on public relations and advertising is fundamentally changing the profession. Brand ownership is no longer solely the domain of the institution. A brand is now defined as the sum of all conversations taking place amongst users and it’s happening now regardless of whether or not you are part of these conversations.
Key benefits
Utilising social media monitoring can help in a variety of ways.
Immediately know which online content is making an impact and what needs to be managed.
Gain powerful insights into competitors.
Be first to alert your leadership team to new issues and developments brewing online.
Integrate social media into your crisis management practices and brand audits.
Give your product department a new way to research target audiences and use content to inspire new marketing ideas.
Find additional ways to track campaign effectiveness.
Uncover influential sites and personalities affecting your company’s brands and interests.
Designed for PR and advertising professionals
Our solution has been built for and by PR and advertising professionals.
We created our Early Adopter Program (EAP) to go deep with a wide variety of clients. It has allowed us to truly understand the pain associated with manual monitoring and analysis. We’ve seen new opportunities to help users add value. We’ve designed a solution with real advantages.
Data is captured in real-time as discovered and delivered to dashboard analysis widgets.
The UI is easy to use with text, pictures and video inside the dashboard.
The solution covers all forms of social media including blogs, top video and image sharing sites, forums, opinion sites, mainstream online media and Twitter.
Conversational dynamics are constantly tallied to track the viral nature of each post.
This allows for easy sorting by publish date, comment count, unique commenters and calculated engagement.
There is no limit to keywords when setting up topic profiles. Billing is tied to results, not the parameters used.
Multiple languages are supported including; English, French, Italian, German, Simple Chinese, Korean and Japanese.
Results can be filtered by country and by media type.
Numerous analysis widgets can be set up to analyze within a date range or for pre-set days.
The most influential sites for a topic profile can be calculated based on user-weighted scoring.
Coverage includes:
over 100 million blog sites
top video and image sharing sites such as YouTube, Google Video, Flickr, Metacafe, Revver, Vech, Daily Motion, Bebo, Grouper, BrightCove and many more.
mainstream media coverage from over 20,000 sources
emerging new classes of social media such as Twitter
forums and opinion sites
The impact of social media on Marketing and PR is fundamentally changing the profession. Brand ownership is no longer solely the domain of the institution. A brand is now defined as the sum of all conversations taking place amongst users and it is happening regardless of whether you are part of these conversations or not.
Radian6 is focused on building the complete monitoring and analysis solution for Marketing and PR professionals so they can be the experts in social media.
Set-up is quick and easy. The user simply sets up topics using keywords. Keywords could include names of brands, companies, products, competitors, issues, campaigns, spokespeople, executives or anything else that requires monitoring
Once setup is complete, the solution automatically collects and tracks content for the topic. It monitors all forms of social media including blogs, top video sharing and social networking sites, forums, opinion and review sites, image sharing sites, microblogging sites, online mainstream media and other sites as they become available.
Analyse & Engage
Analyse your topic with a number of user-friendly widgets – miniapplications accessible through a dashboard that provide quick access to specific information. As content is discovered, the solution automatically and continually tracks comments, viewership, user engagement and other metrics, 24/7, so that you can clearly see the reach and affect each post has on the community.
Know immediately which content is making an impact and what needs to be managed. Uncover the influencers online by topic, based on user-determined formula weightings. Listen and learn more about these influencers and decide on a path of engagement tracking the steps along the way.
Easily export data and analysis for use in your reports, presentations and spreadsheets. Radian6’s social media monitoring solution can export reports using any variety of formats.
Be the social media expert
For an online demonstration of the Radian6 solution, to explore pricing options or to find out more about how you can be the social media expert, please contact us; 0207 923 5616 or
Brazil and his minions also claim to help top corporations defend their image. A nice little earner...
Article cut n paste from:

The Metropolitan Police has hired a firm of consultants (6 consulting) to help it monitor social networking sites.
The police force says it wants to monitor peoples' perception of the Met, and counter rumours about what the police are doing ahead of this week's Climate Camp, which is due to take place during August bank holiday weekend.
The Met Police is two months into a six-month contact with 6Consulting, which is monitoring sites like Flickr and YouTube.
A spokesman said: "We are not monitoring in a criminal sense, we are looking to use the sites to get our message out there.
"We are monitoring how we are perceived. It's not Big Brother-style monitoring."
He said the monitoring activity was in response to the G20 demonstrations earlier this year, when rumours about the tactics police were using spread round internet via sites like Twitter.
He said: "Sometimes the rumours are accurate, but sometimes things get distorted and it can be a case of Chinese whispers."
The police force has set up a Twitter account specifically for the Climate Camp event at @CO11MetPolice. It says Twitter is useful for tracking and responding to rumours over police tactics and actions during events that attract a lot of protestors.
Slightly different Spin from PR week:
Metropolitan Police Hires 6Consulting To Monitor The Web

The Metropolitan Police has appointed a digital agency for a brief that is thought to include monitoring the web for both evidence of crime and conversations about the Met's policing methods.
6Consulting has been hired for a project, expected to last six to 12 months, to oversee social media monitoring for the Met.
Although the Met and 6Consulting refused to comment any further, other than to confirm the appointment, it is understood the brief includes monitoring of Twitter, Facebook and blogs.
This activity is being undertaken in order to gain an understanding of how the Met is perceived, but also as an additional way for the police to uncover crime.
One insider said: 'What the Met is looking for is a combination of crisis alerts and management.
'If someone blogs saying "there's a little bit of a riot going on down the street from me", it will be able to respond that bit faster.'
The agency was appointed after a competitive pitch process and reports to Met Police head of internal communication Jim O'Donnell.
6Consulting provides clients with access to social media monitoring software that can be imported into the client's own system.
It is understood that this is what the Met liked about the offering from the agency, which plans to use the software at New Scotland Yard.
Brando director of social media David Cushman said the move was a 'wise first step' in giving the Met a taste of conversations going on about it in social media.
But he added: 'How it responds to what it hears is where the bigger win lies. Joining in makes all the difference.
'That's how the Met can develop an understanding of the role of community policing within online communities.
'Social media offers the Met an opportunity to make itself more accessible, more positively perceived - and more the everyday useful and helpful part of our lives that it should be.'
The move comes after the Met was hit by a storm of negative online publicity following the death of Ian Tomlinson at the G20 protests on 1 April - including two officers caught making controversial comments on Facebook.
But in May, the Met's director of public affairs and corporate comms Dick Fedorcio rejected advice in PRWeek from social media experts to interact with bloggers, saying it 'starts to raise some ethical issues'.
Some blurbs from 6's website:

6 consulting say they use radian 6 software:
The Radian6 social media monitoring solution
The Radian6 solution helps you stay on top of what’s being said about your brands online. The solution is quick to set up and easy to use. Use it to monitor all forms of social media including blogs, top video sharing sites, forums, opinion and review sites, image sharing sites, microblogging sites, online mainstream media and other sites as they become available. The process of discovery and collection is a 24/7 process, with data pushed to your dashboard in real-time, as it is captured.
Here’s what else you can do:
Scan and sort to see the most viral posts related to your brand(s).
Watch daily for online conversations that could be damaging to your brand(s).
Identify the sites with the most influence in order to tailor your outreach.
Score and track each attribute, word or phrase associated with mentions of your brand(s).
Listen to uncover potential new customers or partners at their “point of need”.
Track volume of buzz around keywords tied to a specific marketing campaign.
Watch competitive brands and use a comparative graph to track share of voice.
The impact of social media on public relations and advertising is fundamentally changing the profession. Brand ownership is no longer solely the domain of the institution. A brand is now defined as the sum of all conversations taking place amongst users and it’s happening now regardless of whether or not you are part of these conversations.
Key benefits
Utilising social media monitoring can help in a variety of ways.
Immediately know which online content is making an impact and what needs to be managed.
Gain powerful insights into competitors.
Be first to alert your leadership team to new issues and developments brewing online.
Integrate social media into your crisis management practices and brand audits.
Give your product department a new way to research target audiences and use content to inspire new marketing ideas.
Find additional ways to track campaign effectiveness.
Uncover influential sites and personalities affecting your company’s brands and interests.
Designed for PR and advertising professionals
Our solution has been built for and by PR and advertising professionals.
We created our Early Adopter Program (EAP) to go deep with a wide variety of clients. It has allowed us to truly understand the pain associated with manual monitoring and analysis. We’ve seen new opportunities to help users add value. We’ve designed a solution with real advantages.
Data is captured in real-time as discovered and delivered to dashboard analysis widgets.
The UI is easy to use with text, pictures and video inside the dashboard.
The solution covers all forms of social media including blogs, top video and image sharing sites, forums, opinion sites, mainstream online media and Twitter.
Conversational dynamics are constantly tallied to track the viral nature of each post.
This allows for easy sorting by publish date, comment count, unique commenters and calculated engagement.
There is no limit to keywords when setting up topic profiles. Billing is tied to results, not the parameters used.
Multiple languages are supported including; English, French, Italian, German, Simple Chinese, Korean and Japanese.
Results can be filtered by country and by media type.
Numerous analysis widgets can be set up to analyze within a date range or for pre-set days.
The most influential sites for a topic profile can be calculated based on user-weighted scoring.
Coverage includes:
over 100 million blog sites
top video and image sharing sites such as YouTube, Google Video, Flickr, Metacafe, Revver, Vech, Daily Motion, Bebo, Grouper, BrightCove and many more.
mainstream media coverage from over 20,000 sources
emerging new classes of social media such as Twitter
forums and opinion sites
The impact of social media on Marketing and PR is fundamentally changing the profession. Brand ownership is no longer solely the domain of the institution. A brand is now defined as the sum of all conversations taking place amongst users and it is happening regardless of whether you are part of these conversations or not.
Radian6 is focused on building the complete monitoring and analysis solution for Marketing and PR professionals so they can be the experts in social media.
Set-up is quick and easy. The user simply sets up topics using keywords. Keywords could include names of brands, companies, products, competitors, issues, campaigns, spokespeople, executives or anything else that requires monitoring
Once setup is complete, the solution automatically collects and tracks content for the topic. It monitors all forms of social media including blogs, top video sharing and social networking sites, forums, opinion and review sites, image sharing sites, microblogging sites, online mainstream media and other sites as they become available.
Analyse & Engage
Analyse your topic with a number of user-friendly widgets – miniapplications accessible through a dashboard that provide quick access to specific information. As content is discovered, the solution automatically and continually tracks comments, viewership, user engagement and other metrics, 24/7, so that you can clearly see the reach and affect each post has on the community.
Know immediately which content is making an impact and what needs to be managed. Uncover the influencers online by topic, based on user-determined formula weightings. Listen and learn more about these influencers and decide on a path of engagement tracking the steps along the way.
Easily export data and analysis for use in your reports, presentations and spreadsheets. Radian6’s social media monitoring solution can export reports using any variety of formats.
Be the social media expert
For an online demonstration of the Radian6 solution, to explore pricing options or to find out more about how you can be the social media expert, please contact us; 0207 923 5616 or

monitor lizard
Hide the following 7 comments
Let's play cops and bloggers
24.08.2009 20:44
well that's ok then, after all the police don't lie now do they?
"there's a little bit of a riot going on down the street from me",
now lets wait for the sirens
or try blogging,
'I've just been burgled'
24.08.2009 21:39
Anonymous Clients of 6Consulting
Anonymous Clients of 6Consulting
Have you ever wondered how much noise must be filtered to
It is no secret that I am an avid follower of politics and have a love/hate relationship with the political establishment. Indeed not long before I started 6Consulting and throughout its first 12 months I seriously toyed with the idea of giving up business altogether and heading into politics but I still keep my hand in as the Vice Chairman of our area association having regular meetings with District, Local and Parish councilors, property developers and holding a number of public meetings. For as long as I can remember I have fought for local people to have a voice in shaping their community and for open, honest, transparent dialog from councilors to the public they serve. It has to be said it is this quest for openness and transparency that perhaps restricted me being appointed as a local parish councilor as the old, somewhat set in their ways hierarchy did not like my idea of being open!
actually get to the message?
Realistically, there is no monitoring the next big meme.
Church. Cult.
Cult. Church.
- The ability to determine sentiment - not computer generated but with human intervention!
Sentiment analysis has considerable debate surrounding it. What is important to consider is ‘Context’. I can think of numerous sentences that a computer sentiment engine would determine as negative, but in my native tongue it means the opposite. Computer generated sentiment analysis is not full proof, you must have the ability to alter it based on human interpretation. As an example the word ‘BAD’ would be segmented as negative, how often have you heard it used in a positive way?
6Consulting has jumped the shark.
Now, by being mentioned on social media they "are" social media. Which does suggest that their participation is needed.
The Infringement
No one likes to play the heavy, but there are very real instances where a person or company may be infringing on the brand or intellectual property that you’ve worked so hard to build. Monitoring your brand across social media will allow you to uncover these instances and quickly decide on a path of resolution. Whether it’s a blog scraping your proprietary content or a website republishing your copyrighted information, you can choose how and where best to address the issues and engage the offenders for a quick solution
6Consulting is the heavy
Radian6 pretty good
25.08.2009 01:52
the MET were seriously pissed off about the g20 backlash against them and they want to try and spin better rebuttal in the future - so Radian6 is there as an info gathering and monitoring componant for a sort of more modern social media version of Labour's rapid rebuttal Excalibur system from the 1990's
there's several clues with top cops saying things like - well if you look at the g20 media coverage during the day it was all 'well the police are doing a tough job in difficult circumstances', and others saying then later in the evening rumours started circulating on the internets with people posting images and videos out of context.
yeah well - i think the coverage pretty much changed when the police killed someone.
don't need Radian6 to tell you that's going to get a bit more attention.
but you do need something like it to help monitor what is being published and where, especially if you need to make stuff up as you go along, er i mean brief journalists on the latest version of reality.
still it's amazing what top coppers know and don't know - like when Commander Broadhurst, head of MET Public Order addressed the NUJ Photographers Conference back at the end of May on issues of public order policing and the press post G20 - "I don’t know what vetting system there is for holding an NUJ card. Can anybody who has a camera apply for an NUJ card? [...] How do we manage who’s doing what?".... he was heckled off stage...
m bank
An idea...
25.08.2009 07:44
6Consulting Address
25.08.2009 08:23
I'm sure any enterprising young radical wanting to use their services may find it of use.
74 Backchurch Lane, London, E1 1LX
The man you need to talk to is this gut, the CEO Matthew Brazil.
Wait YourTurn
Funny thing
25.08.2009 10:57
Who's monitoring who now!
Climate Camper
25.08.2009 18:11
But we will also be using Big Brother monitoring via our boys down at GCHQ!
If they already have the ability to monitor all our internet communiques why the hell do they need to out source this work?
Also they might want to keep an eye on the boys and girls in blue who use their own chat sites and have a look at what their own staff are saying ,it may just help round up them "few bad apples"