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Hamid Karzai and Afghan elections 2009 (byLatuff)

Latuff | 24.08.2009 03:27 | Analysis | Terror War | World

Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.

Hamid Karzai
Hamid Karzai

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Evidence or STFU

24.08.2009 08:53

Does Latuff have any proof for this allegation? or any thing to say at all about Afghanistan, beyond supporting the Taleban who are at this moment slicing the ink stained fingers off those who were brave enough to vote?


Free and fair Election Foundation of Afghanistan

24.08.2009 09:36

Here is yer evidence 'dave', from the largest election observer group in the country. Now are you going to apologise to Latuff or are you going to sneak off with your tail between your legs and make similar outrageous claims after his next cartoon?

Press release 7/7/2009
Concerns of the Free and fair Election Foundation of Afghanistan about the increasing violations in the campaign process

Free and fair Election Foundation of Afghanistan (FEFA) is observing the campaign period through monitoring election laws, peaceful process of campaign period and availability of equal opportunities for all candidates. FEFA observers also monitors peaceful and safe campaign environment for all candidates.
Free and fair Election Foundation of Afghanistan (FEFA) considers the existence of regulatory bylaws for campaign period a condition for creating equal and fair opportunities for candidates and prevention of the election violations in this period to ensure transparency of the upcoming elections. FEFA appreciates the efforts of involved organizations such as Independent Elections Commission, Media Commission and Electoral Complaints Commission and all media for prevention of electoral violations. Unfortunately, despite existence of laws, regulations and implementing organizations, the electoral violations have not decreased since the earlier phases (voter registration, nomination). As shown by the observation of FEFA observers in most provinces of the country, several cases of these violations have occurred. That includes:
Misuse of public and government resources to influence the process
Presence of the government employees/officials in campaign
Tearing and destruction of candidates' posters
Lack of impartiality of government officials in the process
Difficulties for women candidates during the campaign period
Intimidation and lure

In addition, FEFA wanted to note its concerns about the current, on-going presidential debate programs on media. Holding presidential debates through mass media is one of the most common and important elements of campaign and public awareness. FEFA appreciates the role of free media in the campaign process and realizes the need for presidential debates. The only concern that FEFA has about the recent series of debates broadcasted through media is the occasional attacks on candidate/candidates' personality and personal life. If the debates are run with higher background image standards and with more attention and care, not only the public will benefit from them but also private life and affairs of the candidates will be protected.FEFA herewith encourages all the stakeholders to campaign within the rules provided to enhance the democratic process.

With thanks,
Jandad Spinghar

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Dear Dave

24.08.2009 10:29

What evidence do you want ?

That Afghanistan is an occupied country perhaps ?

And FYI the Talebans are victims of ethnic cleansing/genocide at the hands of US/UK/NATO forces in case you did not notice it.

Fuck the trolls

tick box :: corruption in kabul's politicos reflects the rot of westminster

24.08.2009 11:32

"... The truth is on the day of its second 'democratic' election, after years of pain and more than 200 British deaths, we are no closer to any of these objectives. Throughout that period, our resources have been inadequate, our strategy has been flawed, and many young lives have been spent to little or no effect.

From the point of view of the Afghan, the perception of the Allied forces has gone from the liberators of 2002, to an army of occupation in 2009. Although comparisons with Vietnam are trite and generally wrong, there is one grim similarity. We are seen by the population as propping up a corrupt and largely useless government, one that cannot even deliver basic security and justice to its own people — let alone the more ambitious aspects of government such as education and healthcare. The only beneficiaries of the past several years appear to be the 20 or so corrupt families who have become multimillionaires under Karzai — families that are all associated with him or his warlords.

Corruption is so rife that in the southern provinces the ordinary population are as likely to go to the Taliban for justice as to the government. In Kabul, if your cousin is kidnapped, the last people you go to are the police ..."

dave squared
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24.08.2009 15:07

AHAHAHAHAHA! Huilarious! He's bald, and he's got FRAUD written on his baldy bald head, and a tick next to it!1! ahaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA