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Angel-faced BNP racist aged 12

Chester Yorkin | 23.08.2009 03:20 | Anti-racism | Repression | Social Struggles | Liverpool

Girl burns golly at BNP's Red, White and Blue

A little girl grins with glee as she holds a golly over a fire . . . while a jeering BNP politician finds the doll guilty of BEING BLACK during a vile mock trial and execution. The baying crowd cheers when the toy - dubbed Winston - is condemned and dropped on to the flames to "die". Goading on the assembled adults and kids, the politician, a local council candidate, yells out these chilling words: "Let's get a real one . . . in the town we'll find one or two."

The sickening stunt was staged at the British National Party's annual FAMILY festival last weekend - yet the BNP insists it is NOT racist as part of its successful ploy to attract votes in elections. Around 1,200 members converged on fields at Codnor, Derbys, for the Red White and Blue "fun" weekend. Our undercover reporter, posing as a supporter to gain entry to the members-only event, secretly filmed racism everywhere.

For £1 a go, people were throwing wet sponges at a man in a Barack Obama mask locked in stocks. Elsewhere stalls were selling T-shirts with slogans like It's A White Thing and books such as Race, Evolution and Behavior - which insists whites give birth to larger-brained babies and blacks are prone to crime. Supporters gave Nazi-style salutes and shouted Sieg Heil...

Much more here

Chester Yorkin


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Any evidence

23.08.2009 09:20

Is there any evidence that this actually took place, beyond a pixellated photo that could have been taken anywhere?


Re. Any evidence

23.08.2009 10:18

Neither is there any evidence that this didn't take place. It seems unlikely that the News of the World (the source of the story) would want to make this up (being pretty right-wing and racist themselves). If an incident like this were to happen anywhere it would be at the BNP's scumfest so why do you think it should be made up? They are racist scum and this is exactly the behaviour one would expect from them whether they are 12 or 112.

Max Clifford

There is footage on the incident on the news of thw world website

23.08.2009 10:21

Mmm, news of the World exposing racism...


Lee Barnes admits it took place...

23.08.2009 13:09

on his blog.


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post is cut n paste from news of the world website

23.08.2009 15:32



23.08.2009 17:51

The YouTube footage is on the LU site, as are seventy-odd comments that are worth reading.

Mr P

stupid comment on News of The World website

23.08.2009 19:07
"If this practice is illegal, ie burning a childs toy which is supposed to represent a black person then surely having a large bonfire with the whole village invited and burning an effigy of the Pope must also be illegal but this religious intollerent activity goes on year after year."

Errrrrm, I think it's an effigy of Guy Fawkes, dumbass.

But maybe us anarchists should complain it incites hatred against people who try to blow up politicians!


Fire retardent Pope

23.08.2009 20:28

I'm not criticising your position, just want to point out that a large number of Popes are burned each year in the UK. I believe the mad town of Lewes regularly do this. It certainly happens in darker places like Larkhall. If you search through the IM-UK archive you'll even see photos of London Class war burning a Pope. Plus you should bear in mind what religion Guy Fawkes was too.
After 700 years of burning effigies of Popes it is instructional that none of the firestarters ever bothered to visit the Vatican. (Hip rebels, safe rebels...)

A 12 year old child is an innocent regardless of their views, indoctrination or affiliation and so they should not be highlighted in the media. They are a victim of their sick parents and should be rescued liked you'd rescue a beaten dog.


it didnt happen

23.08.2009 23:57

I was on security at the BNP rwb and no fires were permited at anytime for safety reasons and i'm not suppriesed the story came out of this gutter rag.


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IMC UK is an interactive site offering inclusive participation. All postings to the open publishing newswire are the responsibility of the individual authors and not of IMC UK. Although IMC UK volunteers attempt to ensure accuracy of the newswire, they take no responsibility legal or otherwise for the contents of the open publishing site. Mention of external web sites or services is for information purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation.

more news

24.08.2009 12:29

'Shock Statistics Shake Wycombe Public as Police Claim “80% of all Robberies Committed by Ethnics'

Ain't multicultural enrichment great? Wake up and face reality.


Judge you

24.08.2009 12:42

'' I was on security at the BNP rwb and no fires were permited at anytime for safety reasons and i'm not suppriesed the story came out of this gutter rag.

Barnsley-Bill ''

Dickhead!, Black is White now is it?!

The Judge

Lying Bastard Barnsley Bill

24.08.2009 12:49

If it didn't happen then why have the BNP given out an official press release distancing themselves from the racists described (despite the fact that most leading figures in the BNP are on revcord as having made similar racism related gaffs)
Why does Barnbrook acknowledge it on his blog.
Why are the BNP looking at disciplinary action against the 2 candidates?

Either you're a lying faascist twat or a lazy fascist twat who wasn't doing his job properly! If thyer latter then perhaps the BNP top fascists should investigate you and why there were campfires blazing merrily away fueled with toy gollywogs and where were you when you should have been doing your job properly and putting the fire out?

I Hate The Fash

BNP forced to distance party from this....

24.08.2009 14:12

The BNP has been forced to publically disown these two members - see

So, yes it did take place; and this whole episode is a very revealing insight into how the BNP desperately guards its new "respectable" image. The racist, fascist nature of the party and its members is never far beneath...

Maria Warner

No laughing matter

05.09.2009 20:22

First they deny the Holocaust, then they deny the gollowog-burning. There's no reasoning with these people!

To paraphrase the German philosopher, Heinrich Heine, "Where one burns golliwogs, one will soon burn people."

This is where it leads; this is how it starts.

Smash the BNP


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