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Elizabeth 'Rocker' Robillard MP for Kensington and Chelsea?

Joan Archer | 19.08.2009 21:43 | Culture | South Coast | World

The Conservative Party in 'safe' Kensington and Chelsea (London, England ) seat possbily seriously challenged by a notorious disabled, anarchic, atheist actress...Elizabeth Robillard

Elizabeth Robillard MP for Kensington and Chelsea?

The Conservative Party in 'safe' Kensington and Chelsea (London, England ) seat possbily seriously challenged by a notorious disabled, anarchic, atheist actress...Elizabeth Robillard

By Joan Archer

Actress, rocker, and 'Celt' Brit activist Elizabeth Robillard, known for her 'secret ' romantic poetry, love of rock 'n roll (and Mozart) as well as being known as formidable activist regarding law reform - especially within the Family and Childrens Law ''arena'' - is said to be considering taking on the 'safe-seat' of Sir Malcolm Rifkind, the Scottish Conservative MP of Kensington and Chelsea, whom Robillard says on her blog 'claimed 90,000 for a PA alone' - she's been a resident of Kensington and Chelsea for over 35 years and supports the Tax Payers' Alliance and a strong supporter of the Freedom of Information website - made famous by well-loved journalist Heather Brooke.

Robillard is parent of a 16 year old son who suffers severe learning disabilities and is herself disabled with Cushing Disease, a hormonal stress disorder she claims was brought about by medical negligence , but has yet to secure legal proceedings in that regard.

Robillard is discussed by many, most notably by the controversial psychiatrist Dr.Rita Pal on her blog, NHS Exposed. She is said to be a rather close friend with their common interests being 'Injustice and a loathing of cults' as well as supporting people to bring cases to courts without constulting lawyers. Such people are known as LIPS - 'litigant-in-persons'

Robillard was going to stand as an independent candidate in Kensington and Chelsea in 2005 but was prevented from doing so due to her past wrangles with the government.

She was reported to be considering an offer from UKIP (The UK Independence Party) whom have seats in the European Parliament (their slogan is 'love Europe, hate the European Union') but has decided instead to stand as 'No Party' candidate.

Robillard is also known to be a contributor to, an anarchic and controversial 'puerile' site for animators and artists to share upbeat opinion on current-affairs or 'memes' .

Kensington and Chelsea could be more of an illuminated place if she decides to stand.

Robillard runs 'The Illuminati Help-Line' where she explains her CV and training (we're not sure she has had any clients yet or not)

Robillard is also a staunch supporter and friend to Dr. Aubrey De Grey of Alcor (cryogenics) and Methuselah Foundation of which Robillard is also said to be a regular contributor.

As well as being a Nutritionist , Robillard is said to be currently 'updating certificates when able'. She is also said to be an 'independent scientist into Longevity' and adds ''Im studying Longevity in the hope of seeing some justice returned to the UK''

I'd vote for her.

Joan Archer

Article UPDATED 20TH August 2009

Joan Archer
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