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SMASH EDO: Support demo for Elijah Smith tomorrow

Smash EDO | 18.08.2009 08:14 | Smash EDO | Palestine | Terror War | South Coast

There will be a noise demo for Elijah Smith tomorrow outside Lewes Prison at 5pm. Come along and show him some support!

Elijah Smith is still on remand for the EDO decommissioning. He is due to be moved back to Bristol yet again shortly so come and show him some support!

Details: Wednesday 19th of August: 4pm Meet up at EDO for half an hour of regular noise demo activities. We will then continue on to Lewes Prison together. Please bring noise equipment so that Elijah will be able to hear us on the inside. If you can't come to EDO, for whatever reason, just go straight to HMP Lewes for just before 5pm. The address is
HMP Lewes
1 Brighton Road
East Sussex BN7 1EA

There are buses from central Brighton and Lewes Road that stop right outside the entrance.

You can still write to him (prisoner number VP 7551) on this address for the next week or so.

Smash EDO
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Display the following 2 comments

  1. Solidarity actions for Elijah Smith — @
  2. solidarity means attack — stan