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The Truth About Pablo Ganguli

Sirknowitall | 16.08.2009 18:11 | Culture | Oxford | World

Some facts about Pablo Ganguli

Why Was Ganguli deported From Morocco?

The self-styled arts guru Paplo Ganguli was deported from Morocco (Marrakech) to be exact in 2006) this asks why?

The self-styled arts guru and boy wonder, Pablo Ganguli, was deported from Marrakech in 2006. His Wikipedia profile failed to mention his fact. Why? It mentions just about everything else from his 'distinguished' lineage in India to his gay relationship with one of Her Majesty's former diplomats. Why the great lacuna? He is a 'promoter' of the arts in England. A sort of ambassador for British culture. Why then was he deported from Morocco in 2006? Surely this is a matter of concern to any person who has dealings with this man in the future?
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