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Brian Haw will shortly clock up day 3,000 in Parliament Square

Paul O'Hanlon | 14.08.2009 14:35 | SOCPA | Iraq | Palestine | Terror War | World

On Wednesday August 19th Parliament peace protester Brian Haw will clock up 3,000 days and nights of his vigil opposite the Houses of Parlaiment. Why not come along and show solidarity?

Press release for Brian Haw’s 3,000th day in the Square

I would like to draw your attention to the ongoing demonstration by London Parliament Square peace campaigner Brian Haw. He has been on his one-man peace protest for over 8 years now since June 2nd 2001. His protest was initially against the injustice and suffering caused to the people of Iraq by the UN economic sanctions and the bombing of the country by the US and UK. Eight years later, after invasion and occupation, Iraqis have lived through another terrible period and western troops have pulled out to continue their war in Afghanistan with the US and NATO bombing claiming many civilian casualties.

Wednesday August 19th will see him reach day 3,000 (three thousand) of his vigil. Surely this is a very noteworthy performance – imagine living and sleeping in Parliament Square for such a long time – he uses the public conveniences at Westminster underground (subway) station and gets food from supporters. Despite hassle from the police and others, Brian and supporters remain lawfully opposite Parliament reminding those in power of the costs of their wars.

The MPs (Members of Parliament) across the road in the House of Commons were in the news constantly in June 2009 with details of many fraudulent expense claims. By contrast, Brian Haw, the guy who sleeps directly opposite them, and who has not a corrupt bone in his body received no media attention at all.

Brian has a website:

Here are some recent photos of his protest taken last month:

Please come and say hello to Brian on Wednesday 19th August.

Yours Sincerely,

Paul O’Hanlon

Paul O'Hanlon
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He's lost his marbles

14.08.2009 18:39

I saw him the other day and he was shouting his mouth off at some poor woman calling her an f-ing bitch. Not really promoting peace is it? He also seems to be convinced that everyone who goes there works for MI5.


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14.08.2009 21:11

Me too, he just sits and rants at people, hes totally gone.

God help you if you question some of his claims, one poor tourist when she tried to photograph the site, he shouted at her that she was scum and a disgrace.

no wonder he keeps getting nicked.


Good luck to him

14.08.2009 21:46

I don't agree with what he stands for but I'm very pleased that he has been able to protest for so long.

The 'anti-fascists' amongst us should take note.


"Don't just do something, stand there!" Daniel Berrigan SJ

14.08.2009 23:02

"Don't just do something, stand there!" Daniel Berrigan SJ
Best wishes Brian and solidarity from Australia.


yeah yeah

15.08.2009 22:42

and his wife will clock up 3,000 days and nights taking sole care of their kids, her voice silenced by womanly he can satisfy his ego and make no difference whatsover to the people of iraq. gesture politics.

super spinster

super spinster speak sense

20.08.2009 18:39

super spinster spot on!! The sooner the tory's get in and move him off the better.


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