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Absolute Truth Absolute Justice

Jeff Melchezidik Gabriel Fisher | 13.08.2009 15:28 | Globalisation | Indymedia | Other Press | Liverpool | World

BayPoint School and its Direct Connection to AIPAC

Interesting posts for all Christians, Muslims & police who check out on youtube "Jeff Fisher addresses the World Part One" recent comments every day world -wide also.

On Lexington Ave a few blocks north of ING on the west side of the street is a nice Jewish(Hebrew eatery) great food, however very evil people being pious about Hashem who do not understand I understand Hebrew & Yiddish anyhow.

Two pious Jews were talking in Hebrew about how they hate the Christians in Times Square & the Muslims who have food vendors everywhere now & how easy they control the (& I quote The "Goyem stupid police")

Jeff Melchezidik Gabriel Fisher
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