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West Midlands Vegan Festival, Sat 24 October, Wolverhampton

Midlands Vegan Campaigns | 11.08.2009 16:38 | Animal Liberation | Climate Chaos | Health | Birmingham

Whether you`re vegan, an aspiring vegan or just vegan curious, there`s only one place to be on Saturday 24th October 2009! World Vegan Day celebrations will start a week early this year, at the MEGA FANTASTIC West Midlands Vegan Festival in Wolverhampton!!

Please display one of our banners or buttons on your website
Please display one of our banners or buttons on your website

Leaflets: order a batch (or download) & distribute in your area
Leaflets: order a batch (or download) & distribute in your area

Queuing to get in the festival last year!
Queuing to get in the festival last year!

The Wulfrun Hall was packed from start to finish!
The Wulfrun Hall was packed from start to finish!

The West Midlands Vegan Festival 2009 will be even bigger and better than last year`s event! It will offer all you need for healthy, cruelty-free, eco-friendly living. You don`t have to be vegan to attend, everyone is welcome! Come and see why people are increasingly adopting a vegan lifestyle. The festival will feature all the following attractions:

--> Free food samples & recipes
--> Over 50 stalls
--> Local & exotic cuisine: caterers include Coventry`s Green Garden Cafe & Shambu`s Kitchen from London
--> Stylish non-animal footwear & clothing
--> 3 talk areas, each with a full programme of speakers, films, workshops etc
--> Cookery demos from top chefs
--> Vegan cafe & bar
--> Live music throughout the day in a separate entertainment room
--> Vegan tattooist
--> Magic show with Kristoff the Clown
--> And so much more...!


The festival is being held at the Wolverhampton Civic Hall in the city centre, 10 minutes walk from the train/bus stations. For a map showing the venue, train/bus stations and car parks, click here

The festival will be open from 11am - 5pm. Admission is just £1, payable at the door. (under 16`s free)


There are many reasons for going vegan - just as there are for going vegetarian. Being vegetarian helps immeasurably in reducing:

--> animal suffering
--> risks to our own health
--> hunger in the developing world
--> environmental damage

Veganism takes all those advantages alot further. For very many people concerned about any or all of these problems, it seems the natural step to take from vegetarianism. Veganism is great for animals, the planet and yourself - and vegan food is delicious! So what are you waiting for?

Read more about the benefits of veganism on our website


Every year, the 1st November is World Vegan Day - a day of celebration for vegans everywhere. But this year, the celebrations start early at the West Midlands Vegan Festival.


--> Display a web banner/link on your website etc.
If you have a website, blog, Myspace etc where you could display a banner link to this site, please see our banners which come in assorted shapes and sizes.

--> Download & distribute our leaflets
Good publicity is essential if we are to attract large numbers to the festival. We need to flood the West Midlands(and beyond) with leaflets, anywhere that there are people who may be interested - so basically anywhere at all! Your school, college, workplace, library, church, community group, health food shop etc etc. Please contact us and order a batch of leaflets. Email your postal address and the amount of leaflets you can use to info (at)
Alternatively, download the leaflet here

--> Become our friend on Myspace/Facebook!
We have set up Myspace and Facebook pages for the event. Why not become our friend so you can stay tuned to event updates and forward them to all your friends! Post a comment to pledge your support. In Myspace, add us to your `top friends`! Help spread the word, become our friend right now! and

--> Volunteer your time on the big day
We will need lots of help on the day, in many varied ways. Everything from leafletting in the street and handing out our programmes, to clearing tables and washing up! Contact us if you would like to help in any way at all. volunteers (at)

--> Sponsor the festival or donate!
Whether you`re a business, organisation or just an individual, you can help us to ensure the event is a big success by becoming a sponsor or by donating whatever you can afford. MVC event co-ordinators are volunteers - all donations received will be ploughed into publicity etc. Please make cheques payable to `Midlands Vegan Campaigns` and post to MVC, PO Box 10202, Redditch, Worcs. B98 8YT. Thankyou!


We are extremely grateful to the following organisations & companies for sponsoring the festival. Without their support, this event would not be taking place.

--> The Vegan Society
--> Veggie Vision
--> Viva!
--> Animal Aid
--> Bute Island
--> Green Garden Cafe


Midlands Vegan Campaigns have staged many events since our formation 2 years ago. Here are some of the highlights:

Nov 2007 - Free Vegan Food Fair in Birmingham, attended by 6-700 people. Full report & photos

April 2008 - Free Vegan Food Fair in Lichfield, attended by 5-600 people. Full report & film

November 2008 - West Midlands Vegan Festival in Wolverhampton, attended by 1,200 people. Report & photos

May 2009 - Veggie Pride UK in Birmingham, attended by 1,000+ people. Watch films


For full details of festival stalls, talks, entertainment, sponsors and for event updates, please see our website

Midlands Vegan Campaigns
- Homepage:


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Naughty Naughty

12.08.2009 08:08

Well let's say this was a mistake not a deliberate attempt to try and lie to people. The picture of people queuing to get in last year, as you call it is in fact a picture of the wait for the 2008 housing list registration.

You don't need to do this sort of thing to get publicity, the event will stand on its own merits.

Caught you !

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