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Policing with "dignity" in Calais

calaismigrantsolidarity | 11.08.2009 14:33 | Anti-racism | Migration | Repression | South Coast | World

As Immigration Minister Besson announced last night that he would provide free showers to migrants (four of them for 120-1800 people) as a measure to treat the scabies epidemic (showers do not treat scabies, which he knows being a former doctor) and demanding that the local authority support this work for "as long as it takes" (the same local authority that in July refused to allow humanitarian associations to set up showers), this photo show the reality of the "dignified" treatment of migrants in Calais that Besson has been infamously quoted as saying.

Calais Palestinian 'jungle'
Calais Palestinian 'jungle'

"BORDERS = SUFFERING" at ferry port roundabout
"BORDERS = SUFFERING" at ferry port roundabout

This is the Palestinian 'jungle' in the centre of Calais on Monday 10th August, where CRS (riot) police in previous days had destroyed people's basic shelters. As can be clearly seen, the two officers stand by while a man on crutches has to climb into a shopping trolley to leave the area. It is not unlikely that the crutches are to do with an injury caused by the police in their previous baton and gas attacks on the camp.

This morning this painted message appeared at the main roundabout from Calais ferry port. In English: "BORDERS = SUFFERING"

If you are coming to Calais to show solidarity and want information call (from UK) 00 33 6 34 81 07 10 from France 06 34 81 07 10 or email us. Lots of new info at the website, have a look through the different categories. More people are coming all the time and we are beginning to be able to intervene more effectively against police violence.

There is also a Medecins du Monde operation to treat the scabies epidemic 17-21 August needing volunteers. Again, contact us if you are interested - info on this on the blog under the 'scabies operation' category. Although this operation is now thrown into some confusion by Besson's statement last night. He also said he was requesiting showers from Secours Catholic, the same organisation that the police and local authority refused to allow to set up showers in July, before the scabies problem was an epidemic. Definite political spin going on in France at the expense of migrants.

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More updates please

11.08.2009 16:45

That man had no crutches and was walking fine a few days ago, when I left Calais. Can anyone ask him how did he hurt his leg and if it was the police who did it? Lots of people hurt themselves by falling from lorries, another man I know broke his foot trying to jump a lorry and has been on crutches since before the No Borders camp, which renders his journey even more difficult, and he suffers from heart problems too. Another man was hurt after they set a dog on him, while he was trying to cross. Civilised Europe?
Please what is happening right now with the Palestinian camp? And the other jungles and squats? Back soon, C.


4 hot showers not a scabies treatment, just Besson bullshit

11.08.2009 19:46

The myth that the French state is dealing with the scabies epidemic
following Immigration Minister Besson's statement yesterday that
he was ordering showers and scabies treatment for "as long as it
takes" is shown up for the bullshit it is in this message from a
migrant who spoke with people who had visited the clinic where the
showers have been set up:

"Today afternoon I saw migrants coming from the PASS medical clinic,
which is open every weekday afternoon. I asked them what was
going on up there, they just told there were four new showers. They
give you a scabies spray in case of need, or if you've got itching
skin or something like that, but no showers allowed without excuse
only for those who have scabies. France is the first country that
treat scabies with showers ! haha that seem funny for me... and the
migrants think this will work! I already told them it is a normal
bath, which isn't effective in the removal of scabies or even a
proper treatment."

Read more at the website about the planned Medecins du Monde scabies operation that
this manouevre by the French government seems intent on undermining and
our concerns about this operation being used to not just clean
up but also clear out the jungles in Calais.

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12.08.2009 08:21

Well done to all the No Borders people and their work over the summer, wish I could have been there. If we can help these people to get decent accommodation and support in France they can avoid coming to the UK with our racism and lack of human rights.

Nice work everybody


Disease & Rubbish

12.08.2009 12:01

Yes, the scabies epidemic is bad and yes, there is an unhealthy amount of litter in the so-called 'jungle' areas but I just want to say point out that these are unnatural living conditions for people who long to be clean and healthy. This does not define these people.
Many try to wash before prayers and it's terrible to see people having to use a tiny amount of their limited drinking water to do this. We already know about the young man who drowned trying to wash in the canal. Others wash in polluted water outflows from industrial sites.
If you put 800 politicians or whoever in the same situation, they too would have scabies and the rubbish would lie uncollected. What might be different would be a lack of the incredible resiliance, humour and solidarity I've witnessed among these people who have suffered so much together.


scabies and showers

12.08.2009 13:31

Is the "scabies spray" mentioned the medecine (Derbac? Used to be organophosphates, basically, sheep-dip)? If so, you DO need a shower after applying the evil insecticide all over your body and leaving it on for an hour or so. I remember having to do this when homeless and squatting in London, and there was no shower available. I'm still waiting for the skin cancer from never washing the shit off...


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questions for No Borders

12.08.2009 14:55

I have a number of questions for the No Borders group which claims to be based on anarchists principles.

Why are you supporting Islamic fundamentalists from Afghanistan.

There are reports that some of the Afghan migrants formally worked with the American occupation army as translators and are now wanted by the local resistance, why help collaborators.

Is it not true that the majority of the ilegals living in Calais are economic migrants, rather than authentic asylum seekers.


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