Greek prisoner support: press release on hunger striker Thodoris Iliopoulos
Solidarity movement for Thodoris Iliopoulos | 11.08.2009 09:03 | Repression | World
Translators note: Thodoris Iliopoulos is a prisoner of the Greek state simply for his beliefs. He has been in hunger strike for more than a month and even though his life is in immediate danger they still dont allow him to be taken care of in a hospital!
Press release on hunger striker Thodoris Iliopoulos
Solidarity movement for Thodoris Iliopoulos (πρωτοβουλία αλληλεγγύης στο Θοδωρη Ηλιόπουλο)
Translators note: Thodoris Iliopoulos is a prisoner of the Greek state simply for his beliefs. He has been in hunger strike for more than a month and even though his life is in immediate danger they still dont allow him to be taken care of in a hospital!
Monday, 10 August 2009
Thodoris Iliopoulos (Θοδωρής Ηλιόπουλος) is in his 32nd day of continuing hunger strike. His health situation is getting more serious day after day and it begins to become clear that his life is in danger.
It is a pressing need to allow Thodoris Iliopoulos to be taken care of in a hospital. Thodoris Iliopoulos is currently monitored only by typical clinical examinations (sugar, pressure and weight measurements) while we are still in waiting to learn about his health from the still-unavailable results of his 3 August medical examinations!
His doctor, Specialist Pathologist Eleni Kakalou (Ελένη Κάκαλου) requests his transfer to a hospital. She says, after she examined Thodoris Iliopoulos today in Korydalos Prison:
“It is a very serious matter because he is not in a setting that his health can be monitored effectively, and at this moment his life is at risk. He has no strength, walking with difficulty to reach the doctor’s office or to use the telephone, and he is in pain and seized with cramps. In a few days his life will be in real danger, as with 18% weight loss there have been deaths in similar cases. Thodoris is very close to reaching this weight loss!”
The prison administration, not paying attention to the seriousness of the case, refuses to trasnfer him into a hospital, even though it’s only the prison administration that has the responsibility for maintaining Thodoris Iliopoulos' health, as his counsel N. Mavidis (Ν. Μαβίδης) says.

(here ends the press release)
Translator’s note: Translated from Greek to English; there may be some mistakes. Feel free to fix or improve the translation, as well as post it elsewhere. Note that there’s an online petition regarding Thodoris Iliopoulos at

in Greek:

ATTACHMENT by the translator, not in the original press release:
Public denunciation by Thodoris Iliopoulos, 32 days in hunger strike
Solidarity movement for Thodoris Iliopoulos
I denounce the directly involved persons who watch me in the prison's medical office and are related with science, who as they themselves say, they accept no responsibility for my health since I chose to become a hunger striker. The behaviour of some persons makes it evident that there is a psychological war. I wonder, would they do the same with Skopelis (Σκορπέλης), Georgiou (Γεωργίου) and Mavridis (Μαυρίδη)?
The struggle against the disgusting regime continues. The passion for freedom is stronger than all the prison’s cells.
Thodoris Iliopoulos (Θοδωρής Ηλιόπουλος), 10 August ‘09
Solidarity movement for Thodoris Iliopoulos
(πρωτοβουλία αλληλεγγύης στο Θοδωρη Ηλιόπουλο)

in Greek:

Translator’s note: Translated from Greek to English; there may be some mistakes. Feel free to fix or improve the translation, as well as post it elsewhere. Note that there’s an online petition regarding Thodoris Iliopoulos at

Translator’s note: Where the English translation says ‘disgusting’ the original Greek word is ‘σιχαμένο’ (sixameno) which probably could also be translated as ‘hated’.
Solidarity movement for Thodoris Iliopoulos