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join the sit in against hls this friday

HLS | 10.08.2009 22:15 | SHAC | Animal Liberation


From Friday, August 14 until Friday, August 21, lets make business hell for companies that are supporters of HLS. We are calling for people to sit in (info below) on websites that are associated with HLS supporters.

From Friday August 14 until Friday August 21, get to a public computer and visit either: proxy.cgi/000000A/http/xqz3u5drneuzhaeo.onion/users/sitin/

Then, from Friday August 14 until August 21, there will be a link that says frame.html.

Right click that link and save it onto the computer you're using.

Open the file in an internet browser and leave it open as long as possible.

The more computers (and at different locations) the more successful the sit in will be.



Display the following 4 comments

  1. Keep on the move — Green & Black
  2. Where are the files? — A friend to all
  3. miss lebis — miss lebis
  4. Still nothing. — NP