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False opposition to animal liberation

A Murder of Crows | 08.08.2009 13:29 | Animal Liberation | Health

As much as radically critical political theory - or should I say anti-political - is seen as thoughtcrime by the state, I am increasingly notice this to be true of the radical political/anarchist scenes. It seems there are so many dogmas and liberal expectations to be aspired to that these mileues are just as coercive and authoritarian as conventional political. Veganism, or at least vegetarianism seems to be one of these, and as a meat eater I regularly come up against those preaching consumption politics.

A Murder of Crows


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You are Authoritarian

08.08.2009 13:41

Well, I would complain if you were eating people, would that be 'consumption politics'? It is authoritarian to force our views on other animals - "you are food", "you were put here for us to eat", etc.

You may not agree with animal rights but it is animal rights opponents that are authoritarian.


fuck off dave

10.08.2009 02:17

i'll assume this article is by dave, if not its some one of similar mind.
anarchism and anti-capitalism is symbiotic to the struggle for animal liberation,
if you don't like it fuck off.
telling people what to think isn't very anarchist.

will the real anarchists please stand up

eating animals

10.08.2009 17:45

last time i checked i was an omnivore. I don't have to go to an animal - "I'll eat you". I just do what is part of nature and we have been doing naturally for 1000s of years. I just eat it.

Its not different to jumping in the sea and getting eaten by a shark. What are you going to do? Make some moral complaint?


Think About Your Actions

10.08.2009 19:09

"I don't have to go to an animal - "I'll eat you". I just do what is part of nature and we have been doing naturally for 1000s of years. I just eat it."

- Yes because factory farms, slaughter houses and popping to your local store to buy meat are really part of nature - you have removed yourself from nature! We live in a different world to what we did 1000's of years ago. This is 2009, not 100BC! In the world we live in to day, we do not have to or need to eat meat and so we shouldn't, because abstaining from meat is a compassionate thing we can all do, to make the world a bit kinder.

We could have said "lets not bother recycling", "lets not abolish slavery", "lets not give women the vote" - we've been doing it this way for years, it's just what we do, it's just in our nature...

People need to start realising that everything we do on this planet has an effect, and it is important we consider the impact we are having. Eating meat has an effect on the welfare of living beings capable of suffer, it also has a detrimental effect on the environment we live in and the people on this planet who are hungry and starving.

We need to learn and evolve. No one is perfect, but if our actions cause suffering to other people, animals or the environment and we are aware of it, we should do everything we can to minimise that suffering. In terms of our diet it is so very easy not to eat meat, that there isn't really an excuse to eat it - and it is a very easy step that can be taken to alleviate suffering in this world for the benefit of people, animals and the planet.

Everything we can do to make the world better is worth trying, but to reject an ideal that benefits the world and the living beings in it just because people have been doing it for thousands of years is rejecting progress and resisting change for the better.
