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No hiding place for nazis

J.Favorite | 07.08.2009 22:47

This is about a campaign to get a BNP supporting resident out of an old peoples home

Recently my sister was working as a cook at an old people home near Darlington and she happened to find out that one of the residents was a former supporter of Oswald Mosley, the would be British Hitler who was imprisoned in the second world war. My sister used to go out with a Jewish bloke and one of the staff she works with is Polish who the Germans occupied during the war. I organised a meeting with other anti fascist youth at college. We decided that we had to do something so we put out a leaflet exposing him as a nazi on the notice board at the home and saying that there was no place for fascism at the old peoples home where some residents had fought against fascism and that black and white elderly people should unite and fight. The manager of the home asked us to leave so we stood outside and asked passers by to sign the petition to get him evicted. One passer by said that she on no account would put any of her parents in the home whilst they had a nazi in it.
The owners of the home haven’t replied to our letter but we have made it perfectly clear that we will escalate our campaign if they allow anymore nazi or fascist sympathisers a bed in the care home.

