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Dissident Island Radio on 7th of August

Dissident Island | 07.08.2009 15:37

Dissident Island Radio on 7th of August

August 7 2009

Wow, the summer is supposedly here and it's time to be on your holidays. But no
rest on Dissident Island tonight, as we've got loads to squeeze in. On
this fridays show, we'll be hearing from Climate Camp Scotland about
their camp which is happening right now, and we have some people in the
studio from the England Climate Camp talking to us about their upcoming
festivities. Someone from No Borders will also be talking to us about
their camps and the politics that come with these gatherings.

We'll be hearing form some people down on the Isle of White about the
Vestas situation, and maybe even talking to some workers. A member of the
new Northern IndyMedia Kollektive will be on the show talking about their
new site, and we'll be hearing more from Iain MacKay as part of our
Anarchist FAQ series.

To finish us off for the evening we have sounds from MegaBitchSound,
coming at you from the east coast.

tune in, check it.

Dissident Island
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