Anti Arms Co Demo, 17th October
Target Brimar | 04.08.2009 17:59 | University Occupations for Gaza | Anti-militarism | Iraq | Palestine
A national demonstration has been called in Manchester on Saturday 17th October against Brimar, a company which manufactures components crucial to the functioning of, amongst other things, the Apache helicopters used by the Israeli army in the West Bank and Gaza and tanks used by the American Marines in Iraq. Brimar's specialised viewing equipment allows weapons systems to be aimed from warplanes, helicopters, tanks and armoured vehicles.
Brimar's main facility is just outside Manchester. For more information on plans for the demonstration and about Brimar's work for occupying armies in the Middle East, or to get more involved, please keep an eye on
Brimar's main facility is just outside Manchester. For more information on plans for the demonstration and about Brimar's work for occupying armies in the Middle East, or to get more involved, please keep an eye on

Target Brimar