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Ed Miliband’s offices blockaded: Vestas solidarity

WCA | 03.08.2009 12:31 | Climate Chaos | Workers' Movements | South Coast

Ed Miliband's London offices were blockaded this morning by a coalition of "red, green and black" activists in a demonstration of solidarity for the factory workers who have been occupying the Vestas wind turbine plant on the Isle of Wight since the 20th July.

The protesters were glued from 8.30am to 10.30am
The protesters were glued from 8.30am to 10.30am

The occupation in Newport (Isle of Wight) is protesting against the Vestas management's decision to shut down the factory, cutting 600 jobs and representing a severe blow to the local community and to a green economy. The workers are currently entering their fifteenth day of occupation, calling for nationalisation and workers' control of the factory.

The activists in Whitehall, holding placards saying "take back the wind power" and wearing red, green and black as a symbol of their diverse political viewpoints, glued themselves in a chain across the entrance of the Department for Energy and Climate Change, demanding that the factory be kept open.

The action marks the development of a new alliance between socialist and autonomist environmental campaigners which has been cemented by the Vestas solidarity campaign under Workers Climate Action. (

Sophie Lewis, co-coordinator of the support network, said: "this is not the first time the world has seen an alliance between politically distinct groups under the banner of fighting climate activism. But Save Vestas is a narrative so potent that thousands nationally and internationally are rallying around it."

This action comes a day before the Vestas management attempts to obtain an injunction to evict the workers.

Molly Grayson, one of the activists glued on, said:
"Closing down the UK's only wind turbine factory is an act of madness at a time like this. Climate change has to be tackled and in a recession green jobs should be the last to go. This is an issue which is so pressing that ordinary people of all political leanings are prepared to get arrested for it. I'm here today to show up Ed Miliband's hypocrisy in promising a green revolution but falling flat at the first hurdle."

Latest news: The protesters were removed at 10.30am and arrested. The paramedics did NOT follow the correct safety procudure and use warm soapy water to remove them, they just yanked their hands apart and told them it was their own fault.

The protesters are expected to be released on bail later today

For the latest news, see also:

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Make a formal complaint

03.08.2009 15:57

...about having your hands yanked apart. Get any injuries checked out, photographed and documented by casualty / your doctor (and yourselves) ASAP.

You can make your complaint here:
Independent Police Complaints Commission

You might want to speak to a solicitor first - they may advise taking legal action and / or be able to help you with your complaint.

Paul Hussey


03.08.2009 16:06

if you don't want your complaint dealt with by local resolution, you need to explicitly state this, otherwise it probably will be.

Paul Hussey

Support & Complaints

03.08.2009 17:05

Nice one, good action.

In terms of making a complaint, I don't think IPCC are the right people. The 'investigate' police, but if it was a paramedic they'll come under the London Ambulance Service. Here's their complaints page (with links to ombudsman etc.):,_feedback_and_compla.aspx

If you do want to make a complaint, it might be good to take photos of your hands and keep a log of any pain or discomfort you suffer now and in the future.


Police Medic

03.08.2009 19:52

Perhaps the "police medic" was the same one, YR 394, involved in the brutality here:

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