Homeless of San Mateo, California.
Denise Merriweather. | 02.08.2009 03:14
Eric W. Bragg of San Mateo, Ca.
Eric W.Bragg and his cardboard home.
Another place of Eric W.Bragg of San Mateo, Ca.
The main home of Eric W.Bragg former famous surrealist and writer.
Denise Merriweather.
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This is fake, Delete.
02.08.2009 11:27
Someone from Hawaii Indymedia has a problem with this surrealist writer, see here: http://hawaii.indymedia.org/news/2004/08/4657.php
This is most probably an attempt to discredit him.
You're point is ?
02.08.2009 21:09
What make's San Mateo special compaired to any other place homeless people reside ?
If you live in a box, you live in a box and it doesn't matter where it is it is still a box.
What a pointless artical to post.