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Adrian Mutu ordered to pay £14.5 Million to Chelski

Anon | 01.08.2009 12:18

CSKA Chelsea football club yet again prove beyond all doubt that they are heartless money grubbing bastards by ordering seeking such an extortionate amount of money.

The Court of Arbitration for Sport has rejected an appeal made by Fiorentina striker Adrian Mutu against an order to pay Chelsea £14.5m in damages.

The Blues sacked the Romania international in 2005 after he tested positive for cocaine.

FIFA instructed Mutu to pay the sum last summer, but he decided to take his case to sport's highest court.

“The Court of Arbitration for Sport has today dismissed the appeal filed by the Romanian football player, Adrian Mutu, against the decision rendered by the FIFA Dispute Resolution Chamber on May 7, 2008 in which he was order to pay €17,173,990 in compensation… for breach of contract,” a statement read.

Last year, Mutu said he was disgusted by the decision, which he called 'inhumane'.

He feels his offence does not warrant such a stiff sentence.

Channel Four Football Italia

Sport is a great reflection of the society we live in . Do Dinamo Chelsea really need another 17 million euros? I really dont think so, maybe if they turned the money over to the fans and save them on the massively expensive season tickets some good will come of this. However, I really dont think that that is likely and only Roman Abramovich will benefit from this dirty deal deal while Adrian Mutu, a top quality player as well as a seemingly reformed character, has been abused by a ambivalent sporting authority. This also calls into question the Lokomotiv Chelsea attitude towards its players, would this happen to Fat Frank or Englands John Terry? I think not.



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01.08.2009 12:29

My heart bleeds for Mr Mutu. No really it must be hard having the millionaire playboy lifestyle pulled from under you so suddenly. Its a shame that he doesn't still play football for a top side as well as his national team earning him millions in wages and sponsorship deals.....oh wait.

John Fashanu

No sympathy

01.08.2009 12:42

The multi-millionaire footballer took coke and fucked up his career.

I can't really feel any sympathy for him at all...


Kangaroo court

01.08.2009 13:45

Why aren't people focussing on the fact that a pretentious kangaroo court thinks it has the right to hand out fines?

Regardless of how much he earns people are looking at the wrong thing here. Civil courts are a bunch of tosh as it is, without these unaccountable numpties thinking they have a right to fine people.


Nothing to see, please move along

01.08.2009 17:31

Chelsea paid a big transfer fee for Mutu, who broke his contract by snorting coke. The club were out of pocket - no so Mutu as he just signed on for another club and continued earning as if nothing had happened. Sounds like justice was done to me.

If this had been a more 'worthy' club would you still be moaning about this?

No story here


01.08.2009 17:44

Could this be the world's most expensive ever line of cheeky answers on a postcard please.


are fiorentina a worthy club...?

01.08.2009 20:13

yes they fucking are! mutu is a footballer for a club with history and who graft it in a tough league. mutu made one mistake five years ago its fucking extortionate that chelsea want all that money when it was they who abandoned him. they fucked him then and now they come back for another round. i knew there would be a bunch of fucking trolls when i wrote this article and guess what i was right! i thought this website was about publishing your news and if you dont think this is relevant then shut the fuck up and stop being such a wasteman


Your quite right of course....

01.08.2009 23:53

Yes it is terrible the way that civil courts operate putting the corporations earnings before anything else. However you probably should have chosen a better case to highlight your point, such as when the courts force people onto the streets because they can't pay off there debts.

Mutu recieved wages from Chelsea after they sacked him for taking cocaine. Seems fairly straight forward that the money involved is CFC's and Mutu had no real claim to it as taking class A's is surely a breach of contract.

But really who cares? The money involved is massive to anyone except an international footballer. Mutu is upset because money is the way footballers rate themselves, they don't need an extra £30k a week in wages but if it puts them above players they consider to be equals then it boosts their ego. Mutu has had his ego knocked thats all.

John Fashanu

Please remove this trash!

02.08.2009 11:14

This is not fucking news that should be posted here. Who gives a shit about over priced over rated dick heads. Lets stick to real issues that affect real people and keep this crap off the news wire and those who poated it fuck off to a football chat line!
