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Upcoming demo in Luton

Bedford Animal Action activist | 30.07.2009 20:49 | Animal Liberation | Repression

Bedford Animal Action is planning a demo at the Luton offices of the drugs company AstraZeneca you try and make money out of doing this( The demo is also in retaliation to recent police oppression of previous protest at the offices.

On the 12 of August Bedford Animal Action is planning to protest agianst AstraZeneca(AZ). AstraZeneca are a coustomer of the notorious Huntingdon Life Sciences(HLS), Europes largest and most exspoded animal lab. Not only do they torture animals in HLS they also torture animals in privatly owned labs. AZ dont care that animal testing is putting human lives at risk all the care about is making a profit.

This demo is planned in to police abuse of previous protest at AstraZeneca Luton offices, during which the police could be seen laughing at images of dead puppys. The police also only allowed some protest to protest to protest for 45 minutes.

Please come and show AstraZeneca and the police that they cant get away with abusing animal and human rights.

The contact number for the day is 07956030124

August the 12 meet point outside Luton Parkway Station at 1:30 if you cant make it till later then that meet us outside the offices the address is at he bottom. The demo is planned to last until around 6:00.

AstraZeneca (UK) Ltd
Horizon Place
600 Capability Green

Until all are free

Bedford Animal Action activist