AstraZeneca Day of Action Part 1; Cambridge, Luton & Santiago
SHAC | 29.07.2009 23:42 | SHAC | Animal Liberation | Repression | Social Struggles | Cambridge | World
Cambridge: First visit to AstraZeneca's subsidiary, MadImmune
Luton: Police try to violate SHACtivists' human rights
Chile: Santiago activists protest despite 'nasty' cop
Astrazeneca Day of Action in Cambridge - Being Stalked
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Cambridge: First visit to AstraZeneca's subsidiary, MadImmune
Monday, 27th July
First visit to AstraZeneca's subsidiary, MadImmune
Medlmmune, Milstein Building, Granta Park, Great Abington, Cambridge, CB21 6GH, who are wholly owned by Astrazeneca, got a quick visit from Cambridge activists today for the Astrazeneca Day of Action.
Security were soon on the scene, the only problem was we couldn't hear them because of the noise from the megaphone! The security were aggressive pushing into a female activist and pushing the megaphone. Eventually we managed to hear they were saying something about wanting us to go, so we left - cos' were nice like that!
The security followed us around the village in there car so we dutifully gave them the run around and gave them the slip. We soon had another car with the same design on it heading towards us, we were concerned about being stalked by persons unknown along the public highway and asked to see ID but they refused to identify themselves.
All in all a short, but sweet demo to let AstraZeneca (and all subsidiaries) know that we are aware of you too! Time to dump HLS, AstraZeneca!

SHAC Cambridge
Monday, 27th July
As part of the SHAC Day of Action against AstraZeneca, Bedford Animal Action set out to protest against the HLS customer.
The demo started just before 12 noon and the blinds where quickly closed, you cant escape that easily AZ that's why we bought the megaphone. The police arrived soon after the demo began. They made it clear that they where on AZ's side and started acting as their private security. It was while the police where abusing the protesters that the second wave of protesters arrived taking the police by surprise who after making it clear that we weren't welcome retreated to their car.
When the police returned and sectioned the protesters present with section 14 of the Public Order Act saying we had until 2:30 to protest and leave. This was completely unreasonable considering that the second wave of protesters had only been protesting since 1:15. The third wave of protesters arrived at 1:45 the third wave was immediately issued with sec 14 under the same grounds and conditions as the 1st and 2nd wave, this is a complete violation of their human right to protest.
The protest continued with even more fury then before, the police could be seen laughing at the placards. After this a police woman started taking a video of the protest. We politely requested she send the footage to SHAC but we doubt she will. We retaliated by filming her back.
At 2:30 we did as unlawfully requested and left for home despite the fact that many of the activist had only been allowed to protest for 45 minutes. We made it clear to AZ that we would return in our goodbye speech on the megaphone. On our way back some activists stopped to have a late lunch in a shaded area. The police decided they would get petty and said we could not have a picnic there because we were on private property they even bought the security guard over to tell us to leave.
In retaliation to the illegal police oppression Bedford Animal Action is planning a future demo against the puppy killers at Astrazeneca. The demo is planned for Wednesday, 12th August. Meet point outside Luton Parkway station at 1:30pm, then a walk to AstraZeneca's offices. For more info please contact us:

Show your support, until all are free.
Bedford Animal Action
Monday, 27th July
As part of the AstraZeneca Day of Action, in Santiago we met in front of their office to protest and inform people about the cruel business they keep with HLS. We had the chance to talk to many people and hand out leaflets with more information about HLS and their customers.
Unlike other protests, one rude policeman did not allow us to use the megaphone and young protesters from college were told they had to leave after 10 minutes, or he was going to arrest them!
Also curious, was that the cop wasn’t showing his identification badge, just an institutional symbol and refused to give his number when requested, both actions are illegal.
They are just part of the expected reactions of corrupt police who defend abusers, trying to stop our campaign, but the campaign will not stop. For them drinking on duty while sitting down is more important than stopping the suffering of animals, but that is why it is so important that each one of us makes the best effort to close down HLS and any torture centres like this.
Until every cage is empty!
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