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Me |
29.07.2009 15:36
| Technology
I am getting spammed by IMCUK texts from 864 44. Anyone know whose doing this, why and how it can be stopped - there seems no way to stop it.
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No, sorry
30.07.2009 00:11
Shall I swim to the islands shore,
To the islands shore?
Oh, our tears crossed an ocean wide,
Landed with the tide, and fell
In her arms, saw the light come down
And the world around trembled
I cried out but there was answer none
All revealed as one I knew
Lord, I swam to the island where
June had burst it there, forlorn
Two gray stones cast the darkness down
From Columbas crown to the shore
Used dark branches spread up high
Cast the shadows by, waking eyes
Raw flesh torn from the wildest love
From the purest love ever owned
We will watch as they war
Trace our hearts as shelter
All we've known will fall in rain
And our morning will come
Dance on all things undone
In the furious naked way
And the sand on your back
Long I've waited for that
Take it with you when you go
Lord, I swam to the islands shore
To the islands shore
Our eyes fall through the sea and more
We the honest floor so well
Two gray stones sang the island song
Was revealed as one we knew
Raw flesh torn from the wildest love
From the purest love ever owned
It is nice to feed the IMCistas pleasant posts to hide once in a while, but I guess this qualifies as spam. When I was a teenager I lived off spam and tatties, it was the cheapest available meal at the time, cheaper than a can of ginger, not that spam and tatties ever really constituted a meal.
its not from me
30.07.2009 05:07
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