Corrupt Racist Hypocrites: Hallmarks of White Australia and High Court Australia
jusme | 29.07.2009 12:43 | Anti-racism | Repression | Social Struggles | World
Labor Lawyer Tony Fitzgerald calls mates CORRUPT, Hon Justice Michael Kirby J calls his mates RACIST, the Australian calls them Hypocrites and Racist.
Are there any Doubting Thomases regarding the White Australian Policy being implemented by Australia in 2009
Are there any Doubting Thomases regarding the White Australian Policy being implemented by Australia in 2009
[quote]Labor Lawyer Tony Fitzgerald calls mates CORRUPT, Hon Justice Michael Kirby J calls his mates RACIST, the Australian calls them Hypocrites and Racist.
Are there any Doubting Thomases regarding the White Australian Policy being implemented by Australia in 2009.[/quote]
[quote] Labor Lawyer Tony Fitzgerald criticized his ALP mates Peter Beattie and Anna
Bligh as being corrupt, in a speech at ALP Griffith University on 28/7/2009.
Finally, The Racist Australian Senate rears its ugly:
[quote] Dear Mr Pham
I refer to your e-mail of Friday 17 July 2009 in which you register a
concern about the manner of Mr Hallahan, the Committee Secretary’s
communication with you.
Mr Hallahan was communicating with you at the direction of the Legal
and Constitutional Affairs Committee and was conveying to you the
decision of the Committee in relation to the handling of your
correspondence to the Committee.
The Committee has decided not to release your submission for
publication as it is of marginal relevance to the committee’s inquiry
and contains irrelevant adverse reflections on other people.
It is not the task of this Committee to resolve personal grievances,
nor to allow parliamentary privilege to be given to the airing of
those grievances.
It appears you may have criticised the Committee Secretary for acting
no more than in accordance with the directions of this Committee. The
Committee has full confidence in its Secretary.
For the avoidance of doubt, I make it clear that this Committee is
unable to assist you with your personal grievances which you have
expressed in your correspondence to this Committee.
Senator Guy Barnett
Senator Trish Crossin
Deputy Chair[/quote]
Was it unexpected that they would whitewash their Enquiries on [b]Access to Law and Roles of Judges[/b]? Our reply will be posted tomorrow:
But a quick sendout to interested parties
[quote] Dear ALL,
The racist Australia senate finally brave enough to show their racist faces.
Guess how we are gonna reply to this? You betcha, we will test out the
new president of Human Rights [sic] and Equal Opportunity [sic] Commission
And then we file a Writ against these racists.
Just to avoid confusion
These are the clowns in India reassuring India that their student nationals will be safe in this redneck land,
They give u direct reason why more blacks in custody, why Nazi Germany descended into savages.
No wonder Justice Michael Kirby called their new French J High Court Racist; and then the Australian Newspaper Michael Pelley called them hypocritical racists.
Just to avoid confusion
admin [/quote]
Our original brief (secondary submission):
[quote] Legal and Constitutional Affairs—Standing Committee (Legislation and References)
Senator Barnett (Chair), Senator Crossin (Deputy Chair), Senators Farrell, Feeney, Fisher, Hanson-Young, Marshall and Trood
Dear Chair, Deputy Chair and Members of Standing Committee,
1. This will be the final submission, with this paragraph being the major modification: if it’s the will of the Australian people to re-implement the White Australia Policy, then the Senate Committee should notify the United nations and secede from International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination(ICERD), and any other international human rights treaties ratified and implemented in the Human Rights [sic] and Equal Opportunity [sic] Commission Act (HREOCA) 1986; the High Court Australia (Wurridjal) has already been labelled racist by the Honorable Michael Kirby (High Court, recently retired), and they have been dog-whistling to their racist mates and racist elements in the community at the cost to lives and liberty to ordinary Australians; They left an 70 year old grandmother dying in pain without dignity due to unprofessional conduct of doctors who violated their Hippocratic oaths, and endangering public safety, by protecting their mates in the judiciary and health professions; dog-whistling and direct incitement racial hatred and physical violence and attacks;
2. I submit that all my correspondences, email or otherwise form part of my submission; you have permission to remove parts of my submission (with my prior consent), prior to publication;
3. I submit a complaint of racial discrimination against Mr Peter Hallahan, as an example of lack of access to the legal system, and clear dogwhistling to racists by the Australian Judiciary and the Australian Parliament. It’s quite clear that there are some criminally clever people in the Australian Parliament and Judiciary, therefore calling someone a "Nigger" is an old form of racism, but I submit Mr Peter Hallahan's criminally clever way to discriminate.
4. I rang up the senate committee in order to find out where my submission had gone. Mr Peter Hallahan then verbally abused me, demanding if I thought that the Senate Committee was going to help me! I was lost for words at the Peter Hallahan verbal abuse and patronising tone. I didn't realise Mr Peter Hallahan could speak for the Senate in that tone, or make a decision for the Senate as a non-elected official.
5. The Australian Constitution makes it clear it’s the duty the parliament to make laws for "better governance" of Australia, contrary to Mr Peter Hallahan's contentions, and therefore I do expect the Senate to help ALL Australians. A legal edict is that IGNORANCE IS NO EXCUSE.
6. If I had made a complaint to the Human Rights[sic] and Equal Opportunity [sic] Commission under HREOCA1986 (Cth) or Racial Discrimination Act RDA1975 (Cth), the former President John von Doussa would have swept it under a carpet, refusing to investigate and then refusing to terminate the complaint so that it could be heard in the Federal Courts? My question to the Senate committee, is whether I can make a complaint against Mr Peter Hallahan and have my case heard in the Federal Courts?
7. I would like to know what’s happening with my submission and why the submissions of Ms Hilda Zhang (deprived of her employment by Federal Court for reporting financial corruption by her employers) and Mr Peter Gargan (legal educator) will not be published? Is it the intention of the Senate Committee to whitewash these two Enquiries?
8. Is it the intention of the Senate to continue to make political prisoners out of ordinary Australians like Lex Wotton and the Australian Aborigines, John Wilson, John Bauksis, by allowing judicial officers to violate Australian laws and international laws ultra vires, including ICCPR and ICERD which are enacted under HREOCA 1986, In addition to encouraging and inciting more Black Deaths in Custody including the recent death of Mr Ward? Ignorance is NOT an excuse !
9. Theft of possession by the corrupt Judges, government officials, and MPs; it's our right to retrieve them through the courts. Is it the intention of the Senate Committee to continue to allow blockage to the legal system and means, by prothonotaries and registrars and other officials ultra vires? Lex Wotton and the Aborigines have the right to defend their possessions and families, we would like submit an Habeus Corpeus for Mr Lex Wotton and others; will we be able to do so without interference from corrupt officials?
10. Is it the intention of the Senate Committee and the High Court Australia to allow judicial corruption, perverting justice, perjury? Ignorance is NO excuse;
11. I shouldn’t need to tell the senate committee these edicts:
12. Australian Constitution section 71 states High Court must consist of 3 judges; Hayne, Gummow and Crennan JJ have violated this clause in M142/2007 PHAM vs French & ors, what’s the Committee’s intention to correct this?
13. The University of Wollongong v Metwally (1984) High Court decision ruled that the Constitution has self-executing status, that does not require judicial order;
14. Coco v The Queen (1994) demands that Judicial officers back up their decisions with legislation; Hayne, Gummow and Crennan JJ have violated this clause in M142/2007 PHAM vs French & ors, what’s the Committee’s intention to correct this?
15. Is it the intention of the Senate committee to deprive ordinary Australians of access to the legal system, Australian laws and justice by
a. allowing the Governor Generals (Michael Jeffries) to increase High Court fees, targeting myself in particular, and ethnics and my ethnic group;
b. allowing High Court Judges, French J to fabricate documents; Hayne for modifying my Application without my authorisation; Gummow and Crennan JJ for denying access to the High Court, and to have Questions of law answered in violation of the above 3 edicts, inter alia;
c. allowing deputy Registrars Rosemary Musolino and Denise Weybury (High Court) and Chris Weymouth (counter staff), to threaten us physically such that we had to call court security;
d. allowing Byrne J (Judge, Supreme Court Victoria), Joe Saltalamacchia and Mary Louise Brien (Prothonotary, Supreme Court Victoria) in refusing to seal my Applications in the High Court and the Supreme Court Victoria without legal cause or instruments;
e. Complaints to the state and federal Attorneys General and Chief Registrar have met with silence and yet these individuals are still in employment of the Commonwealth and state;
f. Maxwell, Buchanan and Whelan JJ in case (728/2005) Court of Appeals Victoria have authorised the theft of our possession and sanctioned perjury by Simon Riddle, Robert Spillane and Rebecca Barrett;
g. Is it the intention of the Senate Committee to allow the registrars and Prothonotaries to violate laws and deprive us of filing our Application/Writs to these courts from the lower courts;
h. These thieves have stolen our filing fees in the least, but also our Australian Citizenship, our employment and our livelihood, our dignity and justice, is it the intention of the Senate Committee to protect these criminals?
16. Mr John Wilson's email is an indication of the failure of the Australian parliament and the High Court Australia to clearly signal to the Australian public what their rights and obligations are: (enclosed)
17. Mr Peter McGregor's courageous efforts to arrest several Australian government ministers and be tried as war criminals by taking out a Citizen's Arrest Warrant against them (enclosed); we will follow in Mr Peter McGregor's courageous and honourable footsteps and issues Citizen's Arrest Warrants against those violating the Australian and International laws, inter alia the Australian Constitution, Crimes Act 1914 (Cth), Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth), including among others, John Handley (Senior member, AAT), Tim De Uray, and Paul Mentor (Sparke Helmore), Rosemary Musolino and (High Court) and Chris Weymouth (counter staff), Joe Saltalamacchia and Mary Louise Brien (Prothonotary, Supreme Court Victoria), judges and members of parliament who try to pervert justice, violating Australian and International laws;
iWitness: Judicial Corruption
Tuesday, 21 July 2009
judicial corruption, perverting justice, institutional racism, police corruption, parliamentary and government corruption, Kirby, French, Hayne, Gummow, Crennan, whitewash senate inquiry
Are there any Doubting Thomases regarding the White Australian Policy being implemented by Australia in 2009.[/quote]
[quote] Labor Lawyer Tony Fitzgerald criticized his ALP mates Peter Beattie and Anna
Bligh as being corrupt, in a speech at ALP Griffith University on 28/7/2009.

Finally, The Racist Australian Senate rears its ugly:
[quote] Dear Mr Pham
I refer to your e-mail of Friday 17 July 2009 in which you register a
concern about the manner of Mr Hallahan, the Committee Secretary’s
communication with you.
Mr Hallahan was communicating with you at the direction of the Legal
and Constitutional Affairs Committee and was conveying to you the
decision of the Committee in relation to the handling of your
correspondence to the Committee.
The Committee has decided not to release your submission for
publication as it is of marginal relevance to the committee’s inquiry
and contains irrelevant adverse reflections on other people.
It is not the task of this Committee to resolve personal grievances,
nor to allow parliamentary privilege to be given to the airing of
those grievances.
It appears you may have criticised the Committee Secretary for acting
no more than in accordance with the directions of this Committee. The
Committee has full confidence in its Secretary.
For the avoidance of doubt, I make it clear that this Committee is
unable to assist you with your personal grievances which you have
expressed in your correspondence to this Committee.
Senator Guy Barnett
Senator Trish Crossin
Deputy Chair[/quote]
Was it unexpected that they would whitewash their Enquiries on [b]Access to Law and Roles of Judges[/b]? Our reply will be posted tomorrow:
But a quick sendout to interested parties
[quote] Dear ALL,
The racist Australia senate finally brave enough to show their racist faces.
Guess how we are gonna reply to this? You betcha, we will test out the
new president of Human Rights [sic] and Equal Opportunity [sic] Commission
And then we file a Writ against these racists.
Just to avoid confusion
These are the clowns in India reassuring India that their student nationals will be safe in this redneck land,
They give u direct reason why more blacks in custody, why Nazi Germany descended into savages.
No wonder Justice Michael Kirby called their new French J High Court Racist; and then the Australian Newspaper Michael Pelley called them hypocritical racists.
Just to avoid confusion

Our original brief (secondary submission):
[quote] Legal and Constitutional Affairs—Standing Committee (Legislation and References)
Senator Barnett (Chair), Senator Crossin (Deputy Chair), Senators Farrell, Feeney, Fisher, Hanson-Young, Marshall and Trood
Dear Chair, Deputy Chair and Members of Standing Committee,
1. This will be the final submission, with this paragraph being the major modification: if it’s the will of the Australian people to re-implement the White Australia Policy, then the Senate Committee should notify the United nations and secede from International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination(ICERD), and any other international human rights treaties ratified and implemented in the Human Rights [sic] and Equal Opportunity [sic] Commission Act (HREOCA) 1986; the High Court Australia (Wurridjal) has already been labelled racist by the Honorable Michael Kirby (High Court, recently retired), and they have been dog-whistling to their racist mates and racist elements in the community at the cost to lives and liberty to ordinary Australians; They left an 70 year old grandmother dying in pain without dignity due to unprofessional conduct of doctors who violated their Hippocratic oaths, and endangering public safety, by protecting their mates in the judiciary and health professions; dog-whistling and direct incitement racial hatred and physical violence and attacks;
2. I submit that all my correspondences, email or otherwise form part of my submission; you have permission to remove parts of my submission (with my prior consent), prior to publication;
3. I submit a complaint of racial discrimination against Mr Peter Hallahan, as an example of lack of access to the legal system, and clear dogwhistling to racists by the Australian Judiciary and the Australian Parliament. It’s quite clear that there are some criminally clever people in the Australian Parliament and Judiciary, therefore calling someone a "Nigger" is an old form of racism, but I submit Mr Peter Hallahan's criminally clever way to discriminate.
4. I rang up the senate committee in order to find out where my submission had gone. Mr Peter Hallahan then verbally abused me, demanding if I thought that the Senate Committee was going to help me! I was lost for words at the Peter Hallahan verbal abuse and patronising tone. I didn't realise Mr Peter Hallahan could speak for the Senate in that tone, or make a decision for the Senate as a non-elected official.
5. The Australian Constitution makes it clear it’s the duty the parliament to make laws for "better governance" of Australia, contrary to Mr Peter Hallahan's contentions, and therefore I do expect the Senate to help ALL Australians. A legal edict is that IGNORANCE IS NO EXCUSE.
6. If I had made a complaint to the Human Rights[sic] and Equal Opportunity [sic] Commission under HREOCA1986 (Cth) or Racial Discrimination Act RDA1975 (Cth), the former President John von Doussa would have swept it under a carpet, refusing to investigate and then refusing to terminate the complaint so that it could be heard in the Federal Courts? My question to the Senate committee, is whether I can make a complaint against Mr Peter Hallahan and have my case heard in the Federal Courts?
7. I would like to know what’s happening with my submission and why the submissions of Ms Hilda Zhang (deprived of her employment by Federal Court for reporting financial corruption by her employers) and Mr Peter Gargan (legal educator) will not be published? Is it the intention of the Senate Committee to whitewash these two Enquiries?
8. Is it the intention of the Senate to continue to make political prisoners out of ordinary Australians like Lex Wotton and the Australian Aborigines, John Wilson, John Bauksis, by allowing judicial officers to violate Australian laws and international laws ultra vires, including ICCPR and ICERD which are enacted under HREOCA 1986, In addition to encouraging and inciting more Black Deaths in Custody including the recent death of Mr Ward? Ignorance is NOT an excuse !
9. Theft of possession by the corrupt Judges, government officials, and MPs; it's our right to retrieve them through the courts. Is it the intention of the Senate Committee to continue to allow blockage to the legal system and means, by prothonotaries and registrars and other officials ultra vires? Lex Wotton and the Aborigines have the right to defend their possessions and families, we would like submit an Habeus Corpeus for Mr Lex Wotton and others; will we be able to do so without interference from corrupt officials?
10. Is it the intention of the Senate Committee and the High Court Australia to allow judicial corruption, perverting justice, perjury? Ignorance is NO excuse;
11. I shouldn’t need to tell the senate committee these edicts:
12. Australian Constitution section 71 states High Court must consist of 3 judges; Hayne, Gummow and Crennan JJ have violated this clause in M142/2007 PHAM vs French & ors, what’s the Committee’s intention to correct this?
13. The University of Wollongong v Metwally (1984) High Court decision ruled that the Constitution has self-executing status, that does not require judicial order;
14. Coco v The Queen (1994) demands that Judicial officers back up their decisions with legislation; Hayne, Gummow and Crennan JJ have violated this clause in M142/2007 PHAM vs French & ors, what’s the Committee’s intention to correct this?
15. Is it the intention of the Senate committee to deprive ordinary Australians of access to the legal system, Australian laws and justice by
a. allowing the Governor Generals (Michael Jeffries) to increase High Court fees, targeting myself in particular, and ethnics and my ethnic group;
b. allowing High Court Judges, French J to fabricate documents; Hayne for modifying my Application without my authorisation; Gummow and Crennan JJ for denying access to the High Court, and to have Questions of law answered in violation of the above 3 edicts, inter alia;
c. allowing deputy Registrars Rosemary Musolino and Denise Weybury (High Court) and Chris Weymouth (counter staff), to threaten us physically such that we had to call court security;
d. allowing Byrne J (Judge, Supreme Court Victoria), Joe Saltalamacchia and Mary Louise Brien (Prothonotary, Supreme Court Victoria) in refusing to seal my Applications in the High Court and the Supreme Court Victoria without legal cause or instruments;
e. Complaints to the state and federal Attorneys General and Chief Registrar have met with silence and yet these individuals are still in employment of the Commonwealth and state;
f. Maxwell, Buchanan and Whelan JJ in case (728/2005) Court of Appeals Victoria have authorised the theft of our possession and sanctioned perjury by Simon Riddle, Robert Spillane and Rebecca Barrett;
g. Is it the intention of the Senate Committee to allow the registrars and Prothonotaries to violate laws and deprive us of filing our Application/Writs to these courts from the lower courts;
h. These thieves have stolen our filing fees in the least, but also our Australian Citizenship, our employment and our livelihood, our dignity and justice, is it the intention of the Senate Committee to protect these criminals?
16. Mr John Wilson's email is an indication of the failure of the Australian parliament and the High Court Australia to clearly signal to the Australian public what their rights and obligations are: (enclosed)
17. Mr Peter McGregor's courageous efforts to arrest several Australian government ministers and be tried as war criminals by taking out a Citizen's Arrest Warrant against them (enclosed); we will follow in Mr Peter McGregor's courageous and honourable footsteps and issues Citizen's Arrest Warrants against those violating the Australian and International laws, inter alia the Australian Constitution, Crimes Act 1914 (Cth), Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth), including among others, John Handley (Senior member, AAT), Tim De Uray, and Paul Mentor (Sparke Helmore), Rosemary Musolino and (High Court) and Chris Weymouth (counter staff), Joe Saltalamacchia and Mary Louise Brien (Prothonotary, Supreme Court Victoria), judges and members of parliament who try to pervert justice, violating Australian and International laws;

iWitness: Judicial Corruption
Tuesday, 21 July 2009

judicial corruption, perverting justice, institutional racism, police corruption, parliamentary and government corruption, Kirby, French, Hayne, Gummow, Crennan, whitewash senate inquiry
fightingkangaroocourtsaustralia @
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I support you
30.07.2009 05:10
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