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Art of War : Re: Henry Louis Gates

Larmee | 28.07.2009 04:19

Being Black in America

Being Black in America
Being Black in America

Being Black in America



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Being Black in America

28.07.2009 18:52

At a Chicago gas station recently, I saw a very distinguished looking older Black gentleman being spread-eagled by the police on the hood of his car. The man was well dressed, with gray hair, and clearly not a danger to anyone, particularly the police.

I talked to a Black colleague about the incident, who said that if you're Black in America, it doesn't matter who you are, what you drive, or how you dress: this kind of stuff happens all the time.



29.07.2009 09:15

you didn't see what happened before this, and what have clothes got to do with anything? Maddof stole millions and he wore a suit and was over 50.

So your argument must be that no one who is black can do wrong, which is a racist view.

A full picture of events gives us the right to question, not the response to it.



29.07.2009 15:54

Blacks endured hundreds of years of slavery and jim crow laws in America.. Blacks, who to this day, continue to suffer both economic and social segregation (because they are Black). Blacks are constantly being harassed and arrested by the police, (because they are Black).

....and now, on top of it all, adding insult to injury, we accuse the Blacks of being the Racists ?

I don't think so !



30.07.2009 06:31

Some facts about Police & racial profiling in America:

“The latest state traffic study on who gets pulled over by police shows once again that minorities are more likely to be the subject of so-called consent searches although police are more likely to find contraband in the vehicles of white drivers.”


“ In Chicago, minority drivers were four times more likely to get searched, down from five times more likely in the last study”


“According to the 2008 study, released earlier this month, when a vehicle of a white driver was "consent-searched," officers statewide found contraband 24.7 percent of the time. When a vehicle driven by a minority was searched, officers found contraband 15.4 percent of the time.”

