VESTAS Meeting Derby Town Hall, Weds 29th July 7:30pm
Concerned of Sherwood | 27.07.2009 17:41
The Fight to Save Vestas
Wednesday 29 July 7.30pm
Derby City Council House
The Council Chamber
Corporation St. Derby DE1 2FS
Wednesday 29 July 7.30pm
Derby City Council House
The Council Chamber
Corporation St. Derby DE1 2FS
Chaired by Moz Greenshields (Unison)
Speakers to include
local trade union activists and
representatives from the Vestas Factory.
Workers at Vestas, the UK’s only wind turbine manufacturer have occupied their factory in Newport, the Isle of Wight, which faces closure. Vestas is a highly profitable company which, with 38000 wind turbines installed, is the world’s leading supplier of wind power solutions.
The failure of the Government to act to save Vestas shows all too clearly the hollowness of its talk about creating ‘green’ jobs and of its plans to greatly increase the supplies of renewable energy. As one of the workers says, “We’re not just fighting for ourselves. This is a fight for everyone. The environment should be everyone’s concern. We need the Government to start investing in wind farms and keep us open.”
Organised by the Campaign Against Climate Change, supported by Derby Unison
Chaired by Moz Greenshields (Unison)
Speakers to include
local trade union activists and
representatives from the Vestas Factory.
Workers at Vestas, the UK’s only wind turbine manufacturer have occupied their factory in Newport, the Isle of Wight, which faces closure. Vestas is a highly profitable company which, with 38000 wind turbines installed, is the world’s leading supplier of wind power solutions.
The failure of the Government to act to save Vestas shows all too clearly the hollowness of its talk about creating ‘green’ jobs and of its plans to greatly increase the supplies of renewable energy. As one of the workers says, “We’re not just fighting for ourselves. This is a fight for everyone. The environment should be everyone’s concern. We need the Government to start investing in wind farms and keep us open.”
Organised by the Campaign Against Climate Change, supported by Derby Unison
Concerned of Sherwood