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Climate Change: a year from now

Manchester Climate Forum | 26.07.2009 11:15 | COP15 Climate Summit 2009 | Climate Chaos | Ecology | Education | Liverpool

On Tuesday August 4th, the people of Greater Manchester have an opportunity
to come together to share knowledge and ideas about Climate Change and what
to do about it.

A meeting at the Friends Meeting House will "look back" from August 2010 at
three vital events-

* the Copenhagen Climate Conference of December 2009
* a UK national election, to be held no later than June 2010
* the Manchester City Council Action Plan, produced in the second half
of 2009, and "rolled out" during 2010.

On each theme, experts will speak briefly of the likely outcomes at each of
these levels and their consequences.
There will be ample time for questions, comments and suggestions.

Confirmed speakers include-
Dina Baird, the city mobiliser for Manchester of the Stop Climate Chaos
Cllr Richard Cowell, Manchester City Council Executive Member for the
A speaker from the grass-roots "Call to Real Action" group
A Conservative Party representative (invited)

The meeting has three purposes- info-sharing, networking and brainstorming.

See for more

Manchester Climate Forum
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Stop Climate Chaos.

26.07.2009 17:13

What climate chaos?

Just in case you haven't noticed global warming stopped in 1998 despite CO2 being poured into the atmosphere at ever greater rates since then, something no eco-nutters or their beloved computer models predicted would happen.

I don't expect the loony climate hysteria brigade to give up on their hobby just yet but unless reality starts to fit their ludicrous, unfounded, cash driven, selfish predictions sooner rather than later even fewer people will take notice of what they say than do now.
